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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16308094 No.16308094 [Reply] [Original]

Reddit is making 100x in a month while linkies are bragging their 10x gain

>> No.16308116

Not pictured: the 999 redditors who lost $10,000 or more on 2 option trades

>> No.16308125

how to do it then faggot?

>> No.16308166

>like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal
Why does reddit try so hard

>> No.16309247

they think we are so cool

>> No.16309256


>> No.16309455

So, can he do it consistently?

>> No.16309470

Doesn’t matter anymore. He’s got $100k now. Can just go for 1 5% trade per month and make 60k per gear

>> No.16310316


But we are cool anon.

>> No.16310373
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>just 5% a month consistently bro

idk, I might be dumb, but point a gun to my head and tell me to 5% my net worth I don't think I can.
rather spend my last month alive playing video games than gambling

>> No.16310400


>> No.16310425

>what is compounding

>> No.16310446

>what is gambling with your entire stack and not expecting to lose everything

>> No.16310602

Also not pictured: The faggot turning around and buying $100K of reddit gold.

>> No.16310665

I love wallstreetbets. They're the reason I trade options, and why I made 2k in the last 2 days. Without their influence I never would have been comfortable buying 25 of a depreciating asset for 700$.

>> No.16310710
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>one turboautist spends months researching advanced option trading strategies, then gets lucky break
>every NEET on /biz/ shitposts all year while making 10x by following the advice of shizoposters obsessed with numbers

hmmmm..... really makes u think huh........

>> No.16310734

Based, this is why 4chan/nel is better than 123!)!)17. Redpilled on markets and women.

>> No.16310772

This is what brainlets actually think

>> No.16310792

WSB is unironically one of the few based subreddits

>> No.16310811

You should go over to WSB and see how many people get destroyed. Nice on that guy though, he can trade safely on MM and live rather comfortably. Though I doubt he will. I bet he gambles it all away hoping to make 1-10M. It's impressive.

The tough thing is, you need roughly 500-1k$ to do this(1 trade) but then be extremely lucky you get it on that single trade. You're more likely to spend 10x that amount and not even come close. So you're just financially hanging yourself this way.

>> No.16310826

Why only one 5% trade? Just make 3 and live like a king. Or do one 15% trade instead, or three 10% trades, the world is your oyster, I mean why would you limit yourself, just do 20 10% trades and be a millionaire in no time.

>> No.16310839

Fuck if MSM is shilling options trading to normies maybe the top really is in...

>> No.16310918

Can you post link to article. I understand the guh guy bought stocks on margin, then used those stocks to sell Covered Calls, then used the money he got from selling Calls to buy more stocks on margin, then sell Covered Calls...etc to build a large short position. Was this something similar.

The thing with options are that they give the veneer because the vocabulary used but, at the end of the day, they just allow you to do fucking retarded trades in intelligent ways.

>> No.16310926

*veneer of intelligence

>> No.16310943

Some idiot is bound 2 do that mane. Craig Wright for example is claiming he's satoshi because he bought BTC early. Crazier shit has happened

>> No.16311039

>60k per gear
that seems a tad bit overpriced, where are you buying them at?

>> No.16311129

Word. I turned $5000 into $82 over like 6 months using options. AMA

>> No.16311321

What would your next option play be so I can inverse you

>> No.16311330

>spending $10k on options premiums if you don't know what you are doing
Why do people do this?

>> No.16311356

How did you learn? I wanna be able to do that too.

>> No.16311381

Why do you think $5000 is enough money to mention losing?

>> No.16311383

pretty normal to lose a good amount of money while you're figuring things out

>> No.16311394

But they knew what they were doing, someone on reddit told them so!

>> No.16311395


>> No.16311396

The same reason people play slot machines and buy lottery tickets.

>> No.16311412

I lose only $82 the suicidal thought starts to come..
imagine $4922

>> No.16311425
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Yes Goynon just invest your hard earning money in some weird trading whatever

Become a chad based GUH

>> No.16311467

you mean $60k after a 30% short-term cap gains tax and other taxes

not bad for lottery winnings, even though he allowed the media to publish his name

that chink better park his $60k in an index fund and forget about it for a decade or two

>> No.16311470

literally just all in short/long ez pz money

>> No.16311512

do you pajeet's even know who Michael Burry is? LMAO....clueless.

>> No.16311559

You really think he makes more than 40k a year? 12% is all the gubberment is gonna steal from him

>> No.16311609

Trading is not gambling, this is why I fucking hate wallstreetbets, because assholes like that perpetuate that idiotic view that retards have of this stuff.

Lazy people and gamblers, that's what trading attracts, and that's who you have edge over, if you're willing to put in the work.

>> No.16311616

Where can one learn to trade options profitably?
TA seems like a meme

>> No.16311626
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>> No.16311643

I don't trade options, I wouldn't spoon feed you anyway. Now fuck off and dump your money into that 401k.

>> No.16311655

he could easily be some chingchong code monkey who makes $100k at some virtual widget factory

definitely filing taxes single

so the 24% cap gains bracket is $25,678 in federal taxes alone, let's not forget state

the 22% bracket is still $23,538 fed + variable state

if he lives somewhere like california, new york, or massachusetts as most chinks do, he's getting raped

>> No.16311661

This. The robin hood commercial shilling to a wagie working at the grocery store was a big signal for me.

>> No.16311771

Oh I see.
You larp instead

>> No.16311800

Its just like trading regular stocks profitably. But with options, you can also make money if it goes down. So you just have to be able to guess if a stock will go up or down, and in what time frame. Guess those 2 correctly and you'll make money on options.

>> No.16311862

You do realize options aren't the only derivative out there, right? Even if you don't trade derivatives, the reality is what goes on in things like the futures and options markets may have impacts on the underlying because of arbitrage and delta-hedging, and positioning can also be useful (when it reaches extremes). And besides that, every time any sort of attempt is made to discuss aspects of trading on /biz/, those threads are constantly disrupted, it gets to the point where you realize, not only are most people not worth the bother, it's actually not good to spoon-feed lazy people, for the sake of their own development, because they just come in and lose.

If people want to talk mindlessly over their shitcoin '''''fundamentals''''', and make constant offtopic threads, then fine, let /biz/ be that.

>> No.16312109

I didn’t want spoon feeding. I wanted reliable resources and a little help in beginning considering the fact that there is SO much mis info floating around the trading community. Both futures and crypto.

>> No.16312118

I’ve tried so many things to get out of waging and while they’ve all been moderately successful nothing has been seemingly sustainable long term. That’s why I wanted to look into trading.

>> No.16312148

>I’ve tried so many things to get out of waging
this is the classic nonsense I see happening, you are typical person who loses, be aware of that. Just because trading is no longer done on the floor, it now has the bullshit online business ''''side gig'''' vibe being put out about. It's not something you resort to because you can't handle doing anything else

>> No.16312192 [DELETED] 
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I put in 50 bucks and have started buying penny stocks. Hopefully by friday PLUG goes back up, otherwise I just blew $2 on an option. It looked like it was gonna keep going up. Ah well.

>> No.16312291

topkek i have 400k in crypto and that's not how it works otherwise i'd be a billionaire in a few years

>> No.16312301

Of course I’m going to lose in the beginning. I truly believe trading is a skill that can be cultivated through practice and effort. The only problem is when you’re a beginner you have very little clue as to who is full of shit and who isn’t. I take things very seriously and have had success in other endeavors (language learning and translation) but want to branch out.
Again If you have any advice on learning TA, if TA is even worth learning (which there is debate about even on trading-centered forums) I am all ears.

>> No.16312314

Hit up the best starting point for any medium, investepedia. In terms of a bare bone starting place, that's the one I'd recommend.

>> No.16312324

Yeah it should be more like, 100 redditors lost 1000$

>> No.16312335

Yes I’ve read pretty much all the articles about trading on there. I’ve actually done trading myself but I usually break even or slightly win after commissions. A lot of it feels like gambling even though it isn’t which is how I know I’m going about it wrong.
To go more in depth I visit futures.io but opinions there about how to trade and what is important vary wildly

>> No.16313457

It absolutely is gambling. Gambling encompasses more than just fixed odds casino games.

>> No.16313936

I really don't really don't give a shit about having a philosophical discussion on "what is gambling". When you plan out on how to buy or sell something, there's always risks involved, aka not getting the price/outcome you might expect. This is seen most clearly in the auction or bartering processes. In directional trading, if you don't get what you intend, that can have pretty bad consequences.

If you don't see a clear difference between someone who has a plan and risk management what they do, vs some guy who buys a bunch of Puts on Apple, going into earnings, using money he had sourced from continuously selling Covered Calls on stocks he had purchased on margin, you're deliberately trying to misinterpret something.

People gamble in trading because they're either already gamblers, looking for an outlet, or they're starting with basically nothing (because "I don't want to wage anymore :(") and need to take large/over-leveraged positions to build themselves up quickly.

>> No.16314107

Nope. He wen't for three 100x margin trades in a row and got liquidated on the third one.