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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16305329 No.16305329 [Reply] [Original]

Only biz/productivity/tech pls

For starters I can recommend Tony Robbins, Future thinkers, Joe Rogan and have a few on my list such that I want to check out such as Tim Ferris and others.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.16305340

WSJ podcast. Real boomer shit

>> No.16305353

Peter Schiff.
Nick Fuentes.
V the Guerilla Economist
Max Keiser.

>> No.16305396

Peter Schiff is trying to sell you his gold, wouldn't he be hoarding if he actually believed that it is the future?

>> No.16305414

>listening to unimportant opinion
go read an ad blog boomer

>> No.16305424

> Peter Schiff is trying to sell you his gold

Peter Schiff is all right. He is right about a few things, but wrong about many.

I don't like the facts that the jews keep printing money, but Schiff for me shills gold too hard to the point I'm slightly annoyed by him.

I mean sure, I believe every portfolio should have some allocation in gold, but not 100% because DOOMSDAY IS COMING

>> No.16305429


lol why do you listen to this shit then?

>> No.16305432


>> No.16305442
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Krowns Crypto cave is pretty baste he has daily livestreams.

>> No.16305451

The Cocktail Hour with john q publius

>> No.16305467

ITT shills shilling their own shit who should archive all because they might get their channels banned

>> No.16305519

I like it, boring but good conservative approach to news reporting

>> No.16305791

> boring but good conservative approach to news reporting

ok, maybe I will give it a try then.

>Krowns Crypto cave

oh yep indeed. I watch him regularly and he is indeed rly good. I didn't think of him because he is more of a trader but yes, good contribution fren.

ok I just remembered one:

entrepreneur in cars. he is rly redpilled and gives some nice/good advice about life, girls as well. not amazing but definitely worth listening to

>> No.16305803

Well their aren't really much investments in crypto. Basically just bitcoin, ETH and Chainlink

>> No.16305821
File: 84 KB, 500x276, My Thing Lagerfeld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you're listening to a productivity podcast, the first fucking thing you can do to improve your productivity is stop wasting your precious time listening to fucking podcasts and do something with tangible effects towards your goal.

time = money
podcasts = pissing money out the window

>> No.16305843

I think we're moving to a new monetary order since the collapse of fiat seems more and more likely. Probably why ..

>> No.16305870


yep pretty much.

You should check out Bob Loukas channel. He is not that popular but he is rly based. Him and peter Brandt are the only ones that I consider around the same level/possibly better than Krown. You should check out Bob loukas' yt channel fren

>> No.16305880
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>> No.16305887


I agree. It's unsustainable but I don't think it will happen tomorrow or even in the next 5 years. You might be underestimating how much power central banks and governments hold and the cattle simply doesn't care.

>> No.16305911

>do something with tangible effects towards your goal.

you are correct. and being productive for me now means finding good podcasts.

I would say I'm ok with my productivity now, so listening to some new podcasts every now and then while I'm out for a walk/just procrastinating might be a good idea

>> No.16305916
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>listening to an audio file

>> No.16305918

He had some BTC and crypto shill videos, he understands why crypto is good, but I think it's his age and whole career that will always keep him shilling for gold.
Gotta give respect for the guy as he actually looked into bitcoin and sees value in it, being 60 or something years old.

>> No.16305929

>you are correct. and being productive for me now means finding good podcasts.
No it doesn't you fucking deluded idiot. It means either earning money, reducing the amount of paperwork you need to do, deconstructing your competitor's successes, or looking for ways you can leverage tasks you already do to achieve secondary goals without harming the first.

Listening to a podcast is an even bigger time hole than me arguing with your deluded ass right now.

Achieve something anon, I want to believe in you, but you're making it fucking difficult.

>> No.16305939

Speaking of
Maybe someone knows any place for discussion, kinda like biz but not /r/cc?
Bitcointalk is one

But somethingawful or facepunch or some gaming communities, are any of these involved in crypto as this place is?

>> No.16305997

>Listening to a podcast is an even bigger time hole than me arguing with your deluded ass right now.

IF you assume I won't do any good with the knowledge I acquire, then yes, but it's a pretty big assumption to make based on no evidence wouldn't you think so?

The first productivity course I ever completed changed my life for the best. Since then I started listening to tony robbins and others who helped me achieve even more. Anyway, in case you don't know, podcasts are getting a really popular way of getting quality content if you follow the right people. In addition to all that, I plan to start my own podcast really soon and start distributing content so getting a few ideas from good podcasts will only help me implementing good stuff on my own channel, therefore earning me more money, capicce?

>> No.16306017
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Yeah I've watched his videos as well.

Basically loukas for investment and krown for trading is my bread and butter when it comes to youtubers.

>> No.16306027

a16z podcast

>> No.16306029

I mostly just listen to the screaming voices in my head

>> No.16306047
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> Maybe someone knows any place for discussion, kinda like biz but not /r/cc?

it's hard to find a place to have a genuine discussion because either

1)people are putting themselves on a pedestal (youtubers) which is ok because they want to build an audience/make money but not necessarily have the best information

or 2) brainlets blindly believing all cryptos are going to the moon, etc

TG: @bizsecretchat discord: nrMx8BM

the solution I found for that is creating my own group and try to give some value. I believe if I do that I might attract and connect with some quality people. The group is still small but I'm already quite happy with it so far. Feel free to check it

>> No.16306080
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exactly. he produces content to a private website which I'm a member of. If you want access to those I can share them with you, just hit me up on tg or discord I just posted above

>> No.16306095

TFTC is good

>> No.16306140
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bump for interesting

>> No.16306147
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I'm good on the videos but I joined the discord.

>> No.16306312

Cum town is /biz/
>buy high
>sell low


>> No.16306378
File: 457 KB, 1125x1294, 97DE449F-9F4E-44FE-BE6A-ACD39D9A91B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve got a long way to go before you figure out what that industry is all about. Don’t beat yourself up for falling for it after you work out the game. Cya

>> No.16306557

>You’ve got a long way to go before you figure out what that industry is all about

fair enough. From what I've studied I have mostly 2 options:

1) PLF
2) Perpetuals.

My plan is to start producing some content and put it available everywhere I can and then bump it with ads. I know I don't necessarily need a product/channel or whatever to start with the ads, I don't even need to have a product before creating ads, if that's what you are implying I might not be aware.

I'm definitely aware it isn't necessarily the optimal strategy but for now it's a strategy I'm comfortable using.

If you have other suggestions of courses/websites I should read please share them here, I'm all ears. Thank you for your feedback though

>> No.16306571

ah yes, also forgot two nice ones:

1) off the chain newsletter/podcast

2) thehustle.co newsletter / biz and tech news.

>> No.16306576


>> No.16306875

Cum Town is for retards and literal faggots

>> No.16306935

no die plox

>> No.16307685

the daily shoah
fash the nation
cum town

Fuck I miss the war room on trs

>> No.16307734

Tim Ferriss (especially the older ones)

>> No.16308559


thank you fren.


this art of manliness seems to be decent. has anybody heard of them?

>> No.16308646