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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 415 KB, 1016x660, D3C51D23-2F8A-48D8-920A-887247E3E8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16303121 No.16303121 [Reply] [Original]


>$2 quadrillion USD FIAT in world broad money supply (m3), stock markets, private and public debt, real estate, derivatives
>to account for all of that Gold needs to be $364,000 USD per ounce
>to account for all of that Silver needs to be $50,000 USD per ounce
>doubling the supply of gold and silver 10 times will still make gold $36,400 an ounce and silver $5,000 an ounce
>realistically silver supplies are not being replinshed and and total amount of silver to have ever been mined by 2035 will be 2.7 million tones and gold by 2035 will be 270,000 tones. NOT ENOUGH

>> No.16303331

What matters is m1 money for the reset

>> No.16303382
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>> No.16303393

where do I buy decently priced silver and gold coins in Mexico?
It seems Casa de Moneda has been out of stock the whole fucking year, and prices seem to be inflated everywhere due to this
Buying coins from other countries gets way too expensive thanks to shipping

>> No.16303473
File: 116 KB, 1062x455, xrpmxn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy as much XRP as you do silver. They're ramping up use and the big banks will eventually be doing their transfer using it too.

>> No.16303475

Libertads are effectively collector Bullion because of the sub 500k annual mintage.

>> No.16303482

I'm looking to hedge my crypto, but don't want fiat

>> No.16303564
File: 114 KB, 675x1200, rippleworldreserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Governments and banks aren't going anywhere. XRP will still serve the same role whether sovereign nations use fiat or gold. Central banks are either working with Ripple already or are openly customers like the Bank of England. Ripple is intentionally holding down the price right now until all of their partners are ready to let their On Demand Liquidity system sent the price to the moon. They need the price to be at least $10,000 for things to work.

>> No.16303581

Could you stop shilling your ripple scam? It literally can be inflated to death whenever the ripple faglords want
If I wanted something that could lose 90% of it's value I would just buy some S&P500 ETF

>> No.16303591

such a shame she went barren

>> No.16303610

>too many gold reserves
>Almost no silver reserves. Any sign that the government DOES have one hidden would harm the fiat therefore there is no point for them to claim them, yet
>Too many industries use silver as it's the best metal conductor demand will continue to increase as new technology emerges
>Most of silver is already dug up only about 1/10th is left on the ground

>> No.16303647
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>can be inflated to death
no, it can't. It has a burn rate too. It's why even coinmarketcap lists total supply as less than one hundred billion. Bitcoin fags won't make it because they're still repeating uniformed talking points from 2012.

>> No.16303648

600,000 tones left to be extracted and new exploration isn’t increasing the below ground reserves. At this point there will be no new silver within two decades and people will have to resort to intense recycling and digging up lost silver in garbage dumps.

>> No.16303656

Any centralized currency can be easily inflated

>> No.16303669

How is it centralized?

>> No.16303673
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>> No.16303678

Where's your ripple node imfcuck?

>> No.16303739
File: 52 KB, 696x449, bradlagarde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your definition of being centralized is that I don't personally run one myself even though the network is more decentralized than Bitcoin's?

>> No.16304150
File: 66 KB, 1165x620, Screenshot_2019-11-19 XRP (XRP) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's more descentralized because there's more nodes in hands of a few big banks and Ripple labs
not buying your bags btw, keep losing money
>posting lagarde
lmao she literally just destroyed Argentina, literally the worst and largest bailout program in history, quite the feat to completely obliterate a country within a year

>> No.16304198
File: 65 KB, 600x593, bitcoinben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. This is what I get for losing faith in the gospel of Satoshi.

>> No.16304212

Is there any precious metal faggots that doesn't believe in conspiracy bullshit?

your magic rocks are never going to be worth shit

>> No.16304303
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gtfo my board normie
you will never be worth shit

>> No.16304322

Why do you need silver or gold?

>> No.16304335

Ok boomer

>> No.16304346

Here's reality for you metalniggers

all these dumbass theories you guys believe in were created by gold and silver salesmen

every 5 years or so they come up with a new bullshit reason why your nigger rocks are going to moon and trick a new generation into buying their worthless coins

>> No.16304371
File: 146 KB, 640x640, happy boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy gold or you will die in your sleep tonight

t. rock salesman

>> No.16304700

>t. shlomo shekelstein

>> No.16305220
File: 1.18 MB, 1103x720, Screenshot_2019-08-28_21-22-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because gold is money and money is gold
(silver too partially)

>> No.16305266

money is debt and gold is a speculative asset.

>> No.16305288

Life must be wonderful with an IQ of 2 digits.

>> No.16305295

Please go krugman

>> No.16305297

Gold coins aren't real money you stupid fuck

the fact that gold was money for thousands of years doesn't mean shit. We also rode horses for travel and lived in caves for thousands of years.

>> No.16305364

>people shilling buying silver
>people shilling not buying silver
So should I fucking buy silver or not? I can't afford any serious amount of gold. Only serious replies pls.

>> No.16305412

it's true m8. money is not made of nothing it represents liability. basically a promise of future performance. money always has been just that and nothing more.
nobody creates money. money is just a specific form of debt. you transform and trade various forms of obligations though your life. and money represents some of it.

>> No.16305428

money deep down is a generalized iou, a promise of future goods and services. with as little counterparty risk as possible with any debt. and only as good as you can trust that promise. when gold was money it was also debt. but gold is not money anymore. paper gold is still debt tho.

>> No.16305435
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It's a fucking industrial metal, stacking silver is like stacking copper or iron.

It's retarded.

>> No.16305448

exactly the times of dumb metal money are long gone. we are going towards programmable smart money.

>> No.16305495

gold is money because the resource itself has value
paper is not money because it's only value is that you say it has value.

in 1000 years, that gold will still have value to it, probably more then it has attached to it now, but the paper we have will be worthless at worst and a collectors item at best.

>> No.16305525

The 1 year chart on silver is greater than 5% return, it should outpace or match inflation so it's probably a pretty good store of value. It's scarcity is increasing along with industrial use too.

>> No.16305541

no it wont
they are shiny rocks that are no longer used as currency

in the same way that 2 cavemen trading wooden sticks no longer has value as currency

>> No.16305546

Its a shame that you are not able to buy silver for cheap locally when you live in a silver producing nation.

>> No.16305567

wooden sticks do have value still... Especially intricately carved ones.

Comparing silver to wood sticks is a bit silly too.

>> No.16305597

>The 1 year chart on silver is greater than 5% return
given the premium and cost involved in buying physical that's the saddest thing ever. and it's multi year performance is absolutely abysmal.

>> No.16305605

im on /biz/ right?
Do I really have to explain finite resources to you?

If we are talking about gems, yes, they are not a currency, and we can synthetically make them at the very least for industrial purposes. but gold? a conductive metal that doesn't corrode? silver, and copper, metals that are VERY good at conduction and have anti microbial/purification properties

I mean sure, I guess in 1000 years we MAY have a way to cost effective way to synthesize gold, silver, or copper which would negate a lot of their value as a finite resource, but even then, its a resource with value, while paper is we tell you it has value.

>> No.16305609

not to mention have you seen bitcoins performance this year? 120%! or the past 3 years? it's in the 1000% range for the multiyear. silver is crap.

>> No.16305615


>> No.16305617

even then, wood sticks, well a 2x4 is a wood stick, wood is a fairly valuable resource, to the point that single trees can cost several million dollars for their wood due to rarity or exceptional quality. but even if we just talk about commodity woods there is still more value in it as a resource then paper currency.

>> No.16305618

>in 1000 years we MAY have a way to cost effective way to synthesize gold, silver, or copper
lol nope with the technology if available we will make the most scarce and valuable material: anti-matter which can be used in catalytic fusion drives to conquer the universe.
silly dumb rocks like gold and silver will be absolutely worthless in comparison.

>> No.16305625

jesus christ how horrifying
literally the worst investment i have seen ever.

>> No.16305635

I can't tell if you are fucking with me or you are really this retarded.

>> No.16305643

what you doubt anti-matter is worth more per gram than all the gold ever mined?

>> No.16305645

those are inflation adjusted dollars you idiot and it's not supposed to be an investment it's supposed to be a store of value.

>> No.16305662

Peak silver will be just like peak oil wont it

>> No.16305670

Price of antimatter is like price of bitcoin .. It is cost of eletricity to produce it.
And antimatter is almost useles .. it can only make explosions and we dont need bigger explosions than we already can do with atom bomb

>> No.16305679
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>> No.16305681

official inflation sure... if you believe in fairy tales look at shadow stats cpi adjusted!
so have you looked at bitcoin charts? you don't have to bother with adjusting to inflation because it outpaces inflation by magnitudes... now that's a store of value!

>> No.16305684

Exactly, except that the wooden sticks that enforced the value of yesterday are now nuclear weapons that back up the banking system of nations. When those nations or their weapons fail then something else will be money, which people always seem to agree are shiny metals

>> No.16305690

>antimatter is almost useles
>it can only make explosions and we dont need bigger explosions than we already can do with atom bomb
lol we do need bigger mass-energy ratio if we want to move around in the galaxy. don't be stupid. antimatter is the singular most valuable resource in human history.

>> No.16305692

lol bitcoin drops to 0 as soon as some chink hacks an exchange, and silver takes off like a fucking rocket ship.

>> No.16305711

>we do need bigger mass-energy ratio if we want to move around in the galaxy
fair enough but not in our lifetime so it is not relevant to us

>> No.16305716

>bitcoin drops to 0
of course...
>and silver takes off like a fucking rocket ship
aahahahaha silvercucks are almost as bad as sv cucks in their delusions.

>> No.16305723

>but not in our lifetime
i hope you are fucking wrong m8
making a catalytic fusion drive should be a billion times easier smaller and simpler than making one without it.

>> No.16305736
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My body is ready. What is the timeline for a currency crash and PMs to skyrocket? Are Trump, Xi, Putin going to crash the world financial system with no survivors? Gold and silver backed cryptocurrency? Wife and I are house shopping I'd love to buy a McMansion for a measly few oz of silver from my stack.

>> No.16305740

a few nanograms made so far and its cost prohibitive with no real world use to drive trying for it.

meanwhile a finite resources used in manufacturing, communications, medical, electronics, ect ect.

we will be mining asteroids for those 'shiney rocks' FAR BEFORE antimatter is a relevant resource, and honestly, due to how much energy it has and potential, it will never be a resource used outside of government

>> No.16305744

not to mention fuel efficiency... a magnetic sail ramjet catalytic fusion drive ship could have the fuel economy with today's technology level to reach and round-trip near stars in a decade.

the physics works out without any mumbo jumbo. it's just without cryo and q-coms (which is hard to imossible with a moving point) the crew might go insane in a decade of isolation...

>> No.16306628

The earth doesn’t renew silver.

>> No.16307361

There's no reason the exchange rate has to be at any particular level. The price of food is more important and can cause real unrest unlike the price of bullion and would force government intervention if prices went to out of bounds.

Every commodity has value but not everything that has value is money. Money is just whatever is accepted to settle transactions and debt. Value in the extreme long run is totally irrelevant to anyone today. Why would anyone care about the price in 1000 years and not 10-50 years at most?