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1630059 No.1630059 [Reply] [Original]

>25 Billion

When is the social media bubble going to burst and how badly will it effect the overall market?

>> No.1630183

What's going to make it burst? What's going to make all these narcissists turn away from social media?

>> No.1630187


>> No.1630194

Nobody is censoring popular opinion.

>> No.1630225

wikileaks was not allowed to be submitted for a day on facebook because of a "technical" error

with the "fake news" bullshit being pushed, people are gonna get sick of these platforms promoting this

>> No.1630292

The "fake news" meme

>> No.1631021
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It is already bursting desu

Vine is shutting down, beme is a multi-million dollar failure, this is going to be worse then the Great Depression senpai desu

>> No.1631039




>> No.1631044

When people realize these things dont generate any kind of return and that its just a money sink

>> No.1631062

>social media has no returns

So, why don't you check facebook quarterly earnings report?

>> No.1631084

It's not because some shitty copy cat failed that it's going to burst. It's just some app taking a bigger part of the market. The entertainment business will keep going up don't worry.

>> No.1631090

>implying it's actually worth 25 billion

enron and liz holmes say hi. snapchat is going to tank especially since they only make 250 mil a year in revenue

>> No.1631133

Social media bubble will never burst because it is a military asset. Asking if Facebook or Twitter can fail is like asking of CNN or Google can fail -- they cannot fail because they will always be bailed out by military. It is much more likely that the big internet companies will fully merge with the government, ushering in an era of True Fascism.

>> No.1632389
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>> No.1632434

> social media
> a bubble

This is like calling the telephone a bubble in 1900.

Social media is a reflection of humanity and only puts us closer to singularity.

Might as well short humanity son.

>> No.1632464
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I hope it explodes soon, the ammount of cancer surrounding it is insane. Our generation and all below it are getting fucked by it without even knowing. Getting shaped into these self centered media seeking basic whores/cucks without any real value or ambition other than showing ass on ig to get money. Disgusting how far we've come from the ideals we had in the past.

>> No.1632466

How do I short humanity? Through which mechanisms? I want to short humanity.

>> No.1632472

I don't even give a shit about bubble or no bubble

But what's up with that fucking valuation? 25 billion for cat faces and shit?

I'll draw cat faces on myself every single day for half that.

>> No.1632494
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Thankfully there exists a manual just for that purpose.

>> No.1632499

Basically, its Twitter tier. It will have a initial boom from about X (maybe 30) to lets say 72. Then crash back to 35. If it has bad management then its going to 18 and if good, settles at 36 until acquired by Microsoft. Then 120.

>> No.1632503

>Not knowing about Twitter being owned by a Saudi prince who actively censors "Islamaphobia"
>Not knowing that Zuckerberg wants to censor "Fake news" which basically just includes news sites that aren't liberal

>> No.1632507

Isn't this Casey Neistats shit?

Can't believe with all those subscribers to shill to he couldn't get this off the ground.
What a faggot.

>> No.1632579
File: 91 KB, 871x652, (((Casey Neistat))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it even? Public snapchat with only the video function? A fool could have told him this wont work but it just shows how retarded he is. He's blessed with some talent in film making and creativity but I always had the feeling his whole youtube success just happenend mostly by accident and luck because every other aspect of his life seems fucked up.

>> No.1632586

it's a shitty version of Snapchat where you can't see what you're recording, or edit it.

That's literally it. He somehow got a $2 million investment from people who would be really pissed right now.

>> No.1632619


They're gonna make $366 million this year and might hit $1 billion next year which is why they're going ipo: sec filing requirements.

>> No.1632634


It will stop when the money printing stops.

>> No.1632644

It probably won't be bad for the market desu. These aren't generally publicly listed companies, they're quite low capital affairs. It'll change the type of product being produced tho.

>> No.1632654

Over saturation

>> No.1632683


errr QE stopped ages ago

>> No.1632687

Never. Just wait for the next idea, social media is used mainly for young people. And they migrate between like crazy once something gets popular.

>> No.1632717
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>When is the social media bubble going to burst
>how badly will it effect the overall market?

>> No.1632880

I hope he dies.

>> No.1633161



>> No.1633166

>young people
they don't have money. i have no idea how/why advertisers give money to these companies.

just like youtube main audience is 12 year olds watching pewdiepie and shit. they are farming views, but no returns

>> No.1633174

Wew. Dark future being sold with colorful baubles and trinkets. I thought of investing in global fascism somehow because it looks unstoppable.

>> No.1633392


10/10 post

>> No.1633412

>When is the social media bubble going to burst?
As soon as decentralized social networks appear.
They will become competitive when the innovation curve in the social media sphere flattens.

>> No.1633424


>> No.1633429
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Big Social Media (FB+co, Snapchat) will never die, it's cemented into culture and changes with it.

Twitter, however, is an exception because its not monetized. Social media as a whole, and those established will never end.

Regarding decentralization, the establish social media companies can easily (funds are a non issue for FB) shift their infrastructure into one that's 'pseudo-decentralized' while maintaining 80-90% of their userbase.

>> No.1633652

are you like 15?

>> No.1633684

Never have I seen such a chain of beautiful posts.

>> No.1633833

why? He worked hard to get where he is. he might have got lucky, but he's dedicated and passionate.

>> No.1633912 [DELETED] 

Never. You'll rot in your boring ass job while Chad uploads a picture and gets 2k per instagram post while wearing sunglasses.

Just LOL at working in 2016 as a subchad/millionaire youtuber. Internet revenue or NEET/leech.

>> No.1633916
File: 68 KB, 634x784, rich genetic elite instagrammers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. You'll rot in your boring ass job commuting and making peanuts while Chad uploads a picture and gets 2k per instagram post while wearing sunglasses, 100% freedom 0% stress lifestyle.

Just LOL at working in 2016 as a subchad/millionaire youtuber/trustfundbaby that uses social media to show off and get more money throught it.

Internet revenue or NEET/leech. No working bee for me.

>> No.1633918

>his whole youtube success just happenend mostly by accident and luck
This is how every famous social media person gets there you dumb coping aspie.

>> No.1633921

I laugh at people that call it a bubble, similarly, the idiots that call bitcoin a bubble are dodging their only realistic chance at getting rich without being a lucky neurotypical/chad.

>> No.1634156

Some produce good content and their fame is just a logical consequense of it because people watch good content, or at least content with high production value.

>> No.1634924

When people realize it is not substantial in any way, shape, or form.

The only reason is remains popular is because of advertising. Without ads or people looking at the ads, there is no way those companies could support their infrastructures. It would die out in ~1 month leaving only niche social media platforms.

I would highly recommend to anyone that uses social media: delete your accounts, delete the apps, and do not support the circle jerking that provides no real value whatsoever.

>> No.1634950

The problem are not the social media platforms but the business surounding them.

> Buzzfeed and Vox Media have collected hundreds of millions of dollars in vc
> FB changed the newsfeed algo
> Traffic decreased in more than 70 percent in the last year
> 70 percent of people consume their news from FB


>> No.1635442

yeah and this is like 0.0000001%

look at the top youtubers, they are all dumb neurotypicals uploading daily effortless garbage.

i mean playing minecraft and other aspie games and literal niggers reacting to stolen content are the millionaries while you commute. Just lol at our collective lives. This is why I refuse to be a working incel bee. Might as well lay down and rot.