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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16286594 No.16286594 [Reply] [Original]

The best buy signal is a project having a pajeet fudder on here that trys to copy paste fud relentlessly. Currently that's the VIDT acronis cuck. Remember it was the DAG was broke pajeet.... When dag was 40 sats. Feels good to have a high iq and know this.

>> No.16286631

Never been more bullish on VIDT

>> No.16286645
File: 118 KB, 863x545, shills-manipulating-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's one regular anon who is tired of our shit
>He keeps calling us out, while browsing /biz/ every day to procrastinate
>We're so afraid of him, we have to now mention him in our initial shill post (see pic related)
>We made at least five threads, day in and day out, for nearly 6 months as it bled from 55 cents to 10 and lower
>We're promoting this investment opportunity out of the kindness of our hearts (not because we became bagholders due to our own greed)
>We told you VIDT will be on Binance in Q3, V-ID is a first-mover, and that V-ID owns the majority of the market share with 32 clients
>But p-p-pp-please sirs, believe us about this fudder...
This isn't going to work.

Telegram trannies now working 24/7, around the clock, collectively concocting counter-fud. Still failing. Bagholders that tried verbally sparring with me have been verifably proven wrong and BTFO. See Warosu archives. If they have no arguments, they'll switch to ad hominem attacks until the thread resembles a soap opera. Ignore shills, hide their threads, don't respond.

#copypastacuck #rentfree #badinvestments #lmao

>> No.16286672

Lol more like people just realize you sound like every other schizopho fudder.
#buycopypastacucksfud #getrich #10%uptoday #howdoesacroniscocktaste

>> No.16286718

Warosu archives have every single V-ID thread that ever were made. Everyone can see the shitshow you all pulled between June up to this point. You even even search by date and keywords! Sorry frens.


#4chantips #search-keyword-schizo

>> No.16286737

Don't buy yourself into the project then if you don't believe in it. I take every opportunity I get to accumulate more however..

>> No.16286780

You have to consider what type of sane person spends hours daily every single day fudding a project he isn't vested in. So either you are vested in this, or you're a schizo. Both discredit any autistic copypasta you found and reposted. I actually bought VIDT after i saw your posts.

>> No.16286789

Why do you care so much about saving other people from bad investments? I dont even hold this shitcoin, but you have to admit, this relentless FUD is kinda counterproductive. Why should anyone believe that you spend all this time just looking out for the financial best interests of anonymous strangers?

>> No.16286793

Go ahead. I don't care if people want to take a gamble that a pump and dump group will use VIDT again (however unlikely). But I do care about people pushing blatant lies to scam others into a ponzi scheme, like spreading the misinformation that V-ID has partnered with IBM.

>> No.16286797

Buy vid bloody bastard bhenchode if you want to leave caste system behind and reach toilet nirvana

>> No.16286805

>You have to consider what type of sane person spends hours daily every single day fudding a project he isn't vested in. So either you are vested in this, or you're a schizo. Both discredit any autistic copypasta you found and reposted. I actually bought VIDT after i saw your posts.
So you made an investment decision based on the behavior of an autistic schizo. You're either retarded or you're lying AND retarded, thinking anyone would believe this.

>> No.16286807

Streisand effect.

>> No.16286825

Cope. Have you heard of the Streisand effect? Your pajeet fud just made me interested in the project and made me go out and research. Just like you have probably made a lot of anons here. Thanks for making me some cash i guess.

>> No.16286866
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, vidt-is-a-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh streisand effect
Did you learn this in one of your college courses earlier this week? This de-motivational "anything you do has the opposite effect you're intended and no one is reading your posts" tactic has been used against me since June. It hasn't worked then, it's not going to work now. No bagholder has done any research, they did not even see the FAQ page of V-ID that clearly states it's an illegal security token and token not needed. Team admits everything could have been achieved with a stable coin (pic related).

>> No.16286890
File: 274 KB, 2200x2383, 1573478107146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when all else fails revert to token not needed cope
VIDT has one of the best tokenomics in the game making the tokens actually useful unlike thousands of other projects.

>> No.16286925

No, they don't. Let's see how many companies will renew with V-ID in January, considering they all pre-paid for the year.

>> No.16286930

Buddy, just answer my question. Im not trying to argue that VIDT isnt a cash fire. I am just wondering what would compel someone to spend this much time helping anonymous strangers on the internet make wise investment decisions. Why do you do this?

>> No.16286935

See you in January when each viddie is 1$

>> No.16286947

You can start doing your first research by going to Warosu archives where you will see I have already answered this pointless question every other week.

>> No.16286965

Its funny how you squirm into the
>just check xyz corner
Burden of proof is on you schizo.

>> No.16286967

I would rather not waste the effort, I just thought it was strange that someone would devote this much time to passionately FUDing a project.

>> No.16287003
File: 66 KB, 1185x589, vidt-stole-this-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't care if you call me a schizo. My emotional state has zero correlation with V-ID or any of the arguments I have presented. It's an obvious logical fallacy.

It's funny that the only way bagholders can promote their project now is by discrediting the personality of fudder. Evidently, there is nothing else going for it, other than ponzi buyback burns, at which point you might as well buy NUKE or any of the hundreds of deflationary cryptocurrencies that are out there.

>> No.16287031

Actually it does. That's why every business tries to hire competent employees. Being unstable is bad for business.
>nuke bomb etc
Except the token is actually used and not a novelty item like the ones listed.

>> No.16287046

I dont even hold any VIDT. But come on, if you dont have some sort of emotional hang up on the project you wouldnt devote this much effort to FUDing it. Unless... you profit from this in some way. Just tell me why you do this. I genuinely don’t understand the motivation.

>> No.16287118

You have more posts talking about me than V-ID. You even made a thread to call me out. You're mentally ill, seek help.

Sorry, but I will have to keep you up all night.

>> No.16287174

Nah. I really dont give that much of a fuck. Besides, I am pretty sure I know why. I just wanted you to say it.

>> No.16287247


>> No.16287281

No shit.

>No arguments, BTFO once again

>> No.16287299

>If they have no arguments, they'll switch to ad hominem attacks until the thread resembles a soap opera. Ignore shills, hide their threads, don't respond.

>> No.16287359

>projection, Again.
No i can't really refute what you say because you pulled it out of your ass then place the burden of proof on others. No one really can find anything you post for a reason. You're Rly irrelevant and so is your argument because acronis doesn't even do what you claim. Oh let me guess you posted it somewhere and won't link it because it doesn't exist lmfao. Copypasta cuck.

>> No.16287400

You've been debunked - point by point - countless times, yet after every thread you came back using the same old copy pastas like nothing happened. This can be verified by a quick warosu search. Everyone is tired of repeating themselves and refuting you, which is why no bothers anymore. Please keep fudding vidt because that other Anon is right about the Streisand effect, you're piquing people's interest by acting like such a delusional lunatic. Vidt is pumping as we speak, so thanks for your hard work anon :)/

>> No.16287458

>You're Rly irrelevant and so is your argument because acronis doesn't even do what you claim.
That's why you made a thread about me. And another lie, Acronis does what V-ID does but better and more efficiently, both in terms of scale and cost: https://notary.acronis.com/

If you think making shitty arguments counts as debunked because bagholders in your chatroom agree with it, you're mistaken. Coin dumped 80% for a reason.