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File: 43 KB, 1520x710, Linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16286210 No.16286210 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here comfy getting paid every two weeks?
You can be part of this, anon. You too can get passive income paid in Chainlink, for just holding 0.04 LP shares.
Linkpool is the first and most trusted staking pool for Chainlink. The founder, Johnny Huxtable is part of the official Chainlink dev team, so LP is as legit as it gets.
>What's the point of a pool?
Glad you ask. Running a Chainlink node is hard, as you need to 1) provide hardware, 2) run both a full ETH node and the CL node and 3) also provide the API data that gets requested by the market.
The alternative is to stake with Linkpool, which takes a 25% cut of the node earnings and gives you 75%.
The 25% cut is then distributed to all Linkpool shareholders. So by holding LP and staking Chainlink you have two income sources: 75% from your staked tokens and then a part of the whole pool's earnings.

>> No.16286215
File: 9 KB, 1458x94, LP passive income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my Link reward, that I the pool paid to me today.

>> No.16286224

Forgot to post some links:
Read more into Linkpool: https://www.linkpool.io/
Here you can buy/sell LP shares: https://staking.linkpool.io/dex

>> No.16286227

>trusting juxtable

>> No.16286246
File: 31 KB, 287x295, 1573837596549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a horse in the Linkpool, anon

>> No.16286262

Brainlet here. I bought 1 lp but how do I into steaking? Do I need to find a steak pool within linkpool?

>> No.16286321
File: 39 KB, 167x383, 1572990337614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's horse steak, anon

>> No.16286327

You trying to sell some LP anon? What's up?

>> No.16286356

So u get 6,5 LINK (about 16€) every two week and how much of your money is in?

Can you cash out the payments instantly? Can you remove your investment from Linkpool instantly?

>> No.16286363

Why do you care so much about my money? Why are you pushing this? Are you a Chainlink Community Advocate ™?

>> No.16286382

How much LP do i need to hold per LINK to stake?

>> No.16286411

Is there a way to calculate the cut you get?

>> No.16286415

0.04 gives you 6,5 links every 2 weeks?

>> No.16286423

Daily reminder that the amount of people owning LP shares is tiny and consist of some biz fags
and the price is so ridiculously high you would be a retard to buy in
the only reason this threads exist is because there is no one buying LP

>> No.16286466

Shut up. Comments like these provide ZERO information. You are just some retarded boomer who sees opportunities nowhere.

>> No.16286474

They've market sold the orderbook down from 45 ETH/LP to 25 ETH/LP. In the past week. Fags are trying to scoop as much Link as they can.

>> No.16286485

Are burgers allowed now?

>> No.16286487

You belong in an oven you wretched heeb.

>> No.16286495

Linkpool's market cap at current prices is about 0.7% of Chainlink's total market cap.
That is not ridiculously high for the first, largest and most trusted staking pool, that also offers other services such as NaaS (node as a service) or their Marketplace.

>> No.16286497

>Believing that some garage venture can compete with Binance, coinbase and companies inside the financial industry
Assuming LINK succeeds, Linkpool will be the running joke

>> No.16286504

it's fuckin game theory

any time you see a thread someone is trying to dump LP bags on you

>> No.16286537

Only money matters

>> No.16286556

Sure, or it could work and you could make a nice profit or learn something new. Stay away if you dont have the nerves for weird schemes like these

In my experiwnce these types of things have worked nicely for me

>> No.16286576

How much fucking LP do you have!?
I get .016 or something biweekly

>> No.16286582

Bet they have Jonny

>> No.16286584

Yeah. It's just deposited to the wallet that holds the LP

>> No.16286588

How much LP do u got? You get 0,016 LINK with that?

>> No.16286597

That's the .04 bags

>> No.16286600

Okay so how much LP you have to own to get 6,5 LINKS every two weeks?

>> No.16286605

But it’s the truth I was around for the io
One is revolutionary idea with a big team working on it nonstop and they are not even close to finish after 2 years
While the other took Johnny like 6 month to program and is merely a front end with some adapters
Also nobody is really running a pool yet because it doesn’t make sense look at

>> No.16286607

>Comments like these

Rebbitoid detected. It’s called a post, not a comment. This is proof that LINK is a filthy rebbit coin. As I always knew. Off you go.

>> No.16286620


Imagine falling for a perpetual income scam shilled by anonymous posters on a online fidget spinner discussion board

>> No.16286621

My math sucks, but I'd say 16.xx

>> No.16286635

Eternal Hellfire awaits you.

>> No.16286638

You are saying you have to put 90 000€ in to get 8€ a week (needless to say VERY poor)

>> No.16286647

Ok boomer

>> No.16286958

>closes linkpool dex tab

>> No.16286993
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>> No.16286994 [DELETED] 

lmao the absolute state of nulinkers. polluting my board with low sentiments and lower iq questions. if you didn't have the foresight or the stones to buy cheap during the crowdsale just give up my man.

>> No.16287007

Hey but it's free money

>> No.16287016

Lucky there is no such thing as opportunity cost anon

>> No.16287234

how much was 1 LP when ICO'ed?

>> No.16287364

1 eth
However they gave bonus since the cap wasn’t reached

>> No.16287397


>> No.16287432

If you put $90k into Chainlink tokens you get $0 passive income bi-weekly.

>> No.16287437

I have 1.4 shares and only get .5 link every 2 weeks.

>> No.16287527

Linkpool rewards / 4000 * LP shares you have

I'm going to explain why LinkPool's competitors don't matter as much as you think they do. Staking with Chainlink is to lend your LINK to a node operator so that he can use it as collateral for those jobs that require it. The payment for that work is then distributed to all lenders.

Once that has been clarified, if a staking pool has too much LINK as collateral (or too many lenders or stakers) and the volume of job requests is not much higher than average, it would mean that the more stakers, the lower the percentage reward for each individual. In the long term one of the essential components that will shape the reputation of the staking pools will be the percentage of rewards in a certain period of time (basically their ROI).

This will create a highly competitive scenario between staking pools so that stakers do not go to other pools. There are two fundamental steps staking pools can take to remain competitive:
- Lowering the fee they get from staking rewards (desu 25% is alright since Chainlink rewards system is way more active than the average "delegate system").
- Impose a staking limit to make their percentage ROI attractive enough to potential stakers. That's exactly what LinkPool did and eventually everyone else will do. Even CoinBase.

>> No.16287536

jonny rims horses

>> No.16287540

do you have a timestamp?
1 ETH was a lot of $ at some point.

>> No.16287798

How much do you THINK someone will need to have a decent PI over the very first year of Linkpool?

>> No.16287863
File: 1.25 MB, 1377x5000, 4477C7D5-4A6C-4E36-A43E-19EE01418BB1-28032-0000226E385F1622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16288009

"jonny rims horses"
Your mom rims horses...
[posts vid]

>> No.16288031

why not?

>> No.16288092
File: 38 KB, 400x400, jonnyhuxstable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls post vid

>> No.16288228

"Pls post vid"
I did. It is in the 'MILF Blacked' thread...

>> No.16288272

320k ? Isn't linkpool like 5 guys ? They must be broke by now. Still better than CLCG though.

>> No.16288327

Linkpool gets paid 0.33 Link every 5 min out of the 650 million Link that Sergey is sitting on.
0.33*12*24*30*$2.88= $8200 of which Johnny and Matt get 75% = $6150.
Also both had a big stack of Link which went 10x this year. Not broke at all.

>> No.16288343

Numbers are for the monthly payments (duh)

>> No.16288369

You forgot to do minus the cost of running the node. How much would that be?

>> No.16288562

It is expected to eventually be 1LP for 10k LINK

>> No.16288725

I got 1.4 when eth was $400

>> No.16289001

Now. Since the LP cartel was established. Somebody bought out the order book a couple months ago and then jacked the prices up.
Wasnt always this expensive, but then again neither was link

>> No.16289031

It's alot. linkpool is running that free ethereum service for nodes etc which probably costs quite a bit to host

>> No.16289577

Hard to buy LP when im still accumulating link. I've got 0.10LP for every 1K LINK.