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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 401x374, piiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16286070 No.16286070 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like we gonna wear the astronaut suit soon boyz. Lets do it.


>> No.16286267
File: 472 KB, 648x412, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use code
bonus 25% to mining
og mining circle from the early days

>> No.16286282

Use code thehawk and your penis will grow 3 inches eoy.

>> No.16286307

What are we thinking the max supply of this will be and price predictions? The amount of people mining it is impressive.

>> No.16286398

It's still too early to say about the price. For the time being it's gathering followers and when it hit 10 mil it's over then, coin becomes stable and valuable.

30% bonus warrax

>> No.16286405

Your fake crypto pyramid scheme is not going to “moon”. It’s going to get shut down and ultimately sued into oblivion because it’s a fraudulent MLM shitshow of incompetence and fraud.

>> No.16286465

Is 260 Pi enough to make it?

>> No.16287001

try 5k

>> No.16287006

App doesn't work I'm getting white screen help

>> No.16287010

Who else here is going to buy everyone's bags on withdrawl day? aka the day of the dump

>> No.16287045

Guys, How do add people to mine with me if I already downloaded the app? Do I need to call other people?
I am lonely, I have no friends how do I do it?

>> No.16287136

Not a bad strat cuz it will dump

>> No.16287534
File: 952 KB, 1080x2131, Screenshot_20191104-214436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pi, with nothing but an app and not even a usable testnet, has $0.12 futures being traded to a tune loud enough to be called out by the devs.

If you don't understand what that means, you deserve to stay poor.

Still comfy af

use code Aldousfurlong

>> No.16287561

Dump those mufkas right into my node wallet!

>> No.16287631

proof? sources of proof and links to them also or you're just another shitter mad he didnt get in early and are trying to fud the project out of bitter didnt get in early gay rage. so next reply will be sources with links to said sources or you can fuck outta the thread nancy boy

>> No.16288101

i remember when they where giving away raiblocks now known as nano for free. that shit went from sub dollar to 30 dollars. i have little doubt this shit coin does the same. the lack of exchange liquidity can propell this fucker to 30 bucks too. biz hates free money.

>> No.16288124

Tfw. Nearly 11k pi.

>> No.16288191

Try 50k nigger

>> No.16288950

Clarifying some disinformation that is often being spread in threads like this:
>Pi is not mined by app users, it is a pre-mined token
>The App does consume miniscule amounts of power, approx 1-5 cents a year, depending on local prices
>though often implied, the size of the group whose member's code you use is irrelevant to your bonus (inviter gets +0,25 per invitee; invitee becomes a new inviter; repeat ad infinitum), "join the X number of us" is a misleading phrase since you will ever only be connected to one person in the group, the inviter.
That being said: Pi is an interesting project, it is "free" money since token value can not be 0.00 $ and power consumption is negligible. Halving steps for artificial scarcity are being executed faithfully so far. Thus, the sooner you get in the more you can gain. Nobody knows where Pi will go once it hits exchanges but it's as good a shot as any obscure shitcoin.
If you are interested and appreciate transparency use invite code:


>> No.16288997
File: 554 KB, 1080x2340, 1573771361164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy Pi derivatives right now for 15 cents per Pi, so ~10 cents seems doable, although it's my subjective estimation that actual price will be much lower, around the 1 cent mark.
Anyways, at 10 cents, since 500k is plenty to have made it if you're not an absolute retard who blows it all on coke and hookers, you'd need 5 000.000 Pi to make it which is impossible to reach unless you have a large farm of phones and fake accounts which exposes you to a high risk of being disqualified eventually.

>> No.16289020

You need to use one of the referral codes ITT. After that you can start inviting people yourself and even create chats for your earning team.

>> No.16289037

use code Boykamos...always mining

>> No.16289088
File: 225 KB, 739x1291, B765DAB0-BF77-4B42-935F-9BF1D916C4AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m socially inept so is just my mom and I so I hope we both make it.

>> No.16289211

Use code underprime for needful duty

>> No.16290284

Use code Sumumfachunk.

>> No.16290346

Interesting find anon.

>> No.16290361

>>16286405Pretty lousy FUD brah

>> No.16290390

wonder how good a node will be...