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File: 46 KB, 750x669, ff36c2e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16284384 No.16284384 [Reply] [Original]

>smart enough to question yourself
>too dumb to find the answer

>> No.16284506


good picture

>> No.16284514
File: 9 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.1409620337_1nea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all IQlets

>> No.16284522

lruk moar fag

>> No.16284529

Stupid image which make you think you are smart.

The guy with 145+ in the image is pretty much every 120+iq person. Just a few humans reach that high iq scores.

Anyways high iq doesnt garantee you success with low iq retards.

>> No.16284550


t. 130 iq big boy

>> No.16284566

reminding you that iq and happiness, wealth and life satisfaction correlates lineally.

>> No.16284690

Binance doesn't sell IQ.
Any idea where I can buy it in the US?
Thanks a lot.

>> No.16284693

IQ means nothing if you do not also develop other areas of intelligence i.e emotional intelligence. IN FACT EQ accounts for 67% of the abilities needed to be a successful leader and is twice as important as technical proficiency or IQ

>> No.16284735

The answer is Jesus.

>> No.16284752

fun fact: over 50% of the people posting here are <100iq
this includes you, the reader

>> No.16284764

Unironically LINK holders are <95 subhumans, but that’s probably enough to make it.

Btw IQ alone is not enough, if you’re not a natural born problem solver in the real world (INTJ, preferably ) you’re not gonna make it just getting high results on a quiz with circles, triangles and squares

>> No.16285420

EQ was made up by triggered retards to help make those of their ilk not feel so bad about their subhuman IQ scores.

>> No.16285437

145+ : jews
<95 : goyim NPC
110 : reddit
120 : 4chan