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16282326 No.16282326 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Your 401k will make you a millionaire, in 50 fucking years. What's the point of a measly million fucking dollars, not even enough to buy a nice car, when you're 70 and about to die.


Why the FUCK do these absolute NIGGERS drink the Kool Aid?! What the fuck?

>> No.16282388

At least 401K aint mandatory. In straya 9% of my wage goes into the 401K by law and (((they))) want to raise it to 12%

>> No.16282458
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Finally someone says it! I've been saying this shit is a scam for a long time same with fucking IRA accounts. I'm not going to wait till i'm 60 to touch my fucking money. If i see a good deal on real estate I'm not going to get penalized to take it out of some investment account to buy it.

Social security= soon to be exposed scam

control your own money. You might not even make it to fucking 60 to use it.

Invest wisely and enjoy your life.

>> No.16282529
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Straya cunt fuckin oath

>> No.16282533

So what's your plan then OP?

>> No.16282550

sure in 50 years I'll probably be glad I saved up the money. On the flip side I'm 99% sure I'll have killed myself by then

>> No.16282613

Preach. Peach some more

>> No.16282617

all these fuckin millenials that are putting all their spare income into this shit are going to get justed so fucking bad. they're just liquidity for kikes and boomers to sell into.

I cashed mine into link in 2018. Didn't even realize my employer had (((vesting))) after 3 years so I ended up not getting the 6% match lol.