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16281180 No.16281180 [Reply] [Original]


>it feels the same as Bitcoin late 2017 when normies started shilling
>it's gonna be another 2007-2009 crash but much worse with all the phonefags on apps putting in a couple hundred/thousand

>> No.16281195
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>> No.16281204
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It's a blowoff top but even my fellow Bobros dont want to listen

>> No.16281209
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Why would you go into the shower with your shirt on? No wonder nobody listens to you.

>> No.16281217


>> No.16281227
File: 215 KB, 897x1005, 1573580276794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a stock market crash happened, what effect would that have on crypto?

>> No.16281241

relax, I just searched "dividend investing" on youtube
>fucking normies shilling investing apps
>passive income meme
>fags showing off portfolios
>idiots sharing their "strategy" on patreon
this was the same shit that happened with crypto in late 2017 right before the big crash

>> No.16281295

just buy more cheap BTC/ETH/LINK and retire in late 2020s

>> No.16281368

this is so fucking cringe

>> No.16281403

anyone with half a brain is deep and long on cryptos because they know the market is crashing

the biggest meme is that silver/gold is actually a good investment right now. funnily enough /biz/ is giving good advise. a broken clock, etc. etc.

>> No.16281411

Everything gets sold in a crash, even gold.

>> No.16281417

At least he’s not buying options like GUH

>> No.16281421

blowoff top isn't for another 2 years, fed can keep this ponzi propped up for a while
the printing press is endless

>> No.16281433
File: 378 KB, 1398x1403, Screenshot_20191116-190838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, fren

>> No.16281440

if the market crashes wont cryptos crash too?>

>> No.16281452

You’re about to get raped.

And you deserve it

>> No.16281520

People seem to forget the stock market can go down for years at a time. Most recently, it happened from 2000-2003 and from 2007-2009. In the long run this is good and healthy but imagine how salty people will get if we have another multi-year bear market in stocks.

>> No.16281581

all these normies gonna get rekt
>stocks crash while crypto does another bullrun
>crypto then crashed and stocks begin to recover
we're gonna make it frens

>> No.16281921
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Pic related.

And this one doesn't even include the end of 2018, when every shithead on Earth was calling "the beginning of the Big Crash", which turned out to just be a temporary dip, after which we just went right back to ATH.

Perhaps another 10-20% dip coming, after which we'll go back to ATH again.

This pattern could go on repeating for the next decade.

Either way though, a crash won't be allowed.

>> No.16282002


Final answer right here ladies and gentlemen:

>everything always just keeps going up !!
>when it goes down, it always goes back up even more !!

>> No.16282013

see, this dood agrees !
no (major) crashes allowed !
stongks always strongk, never weak !

>> No.16282035

The fed has just doubled down on supporting stock prices. Stocks will probably trend up until at least 2021.

>> No.16282070

These thumbnails are cringey, the people are cringey, and the comments made me close my youtube.

What the fuck, is this real life??

>> No.16282120

Retards like you missed the golden bull since 2016, lol. cya at spy 400

>> No.16282385

join @chadlounge on tg

>> No.16282390

>he says for the 5th year in a row

>> No.16283489

Videos such as this have always been a diamond dozen.

>> No.16283494

i cant wait until robinhood goes under and nobody gets paid out

>> No.16283875

>diamond dozen

>> No.16283902

Stock market moves slower than crypto tho

Might crash in a couple more years desu

>> No.16283921

for all intensive purposes I hole-hardedly agree

>> No.16283929

Shit won't crash without any serious kick in the groin.
dotcom bubble was just ridiciouls bullshit with people doing Tech shit without know much about it
2007 needed Lehman to die first and everyone panicked

So a crash will coming quick and painful. It won't announce it. Means right now it will get up more.

>> No.16284006

>diamond dozen
ok ranjeesh

>> No.16284178

i have about $15k in a Vanguard account that's in a "2050 target" retirement fund. been adding to it twice a month for the past few years. thinking about cashing it all out and putting it into BTC because fuck boomer stocks. thoughts?

>> No.16284202

Don't you dare feggit

>> No.16284217

BTC is not what bitcoin is meant to be.
Read the whitepaper, reconsider.
It's a trap.

>> No.16284218

I have survived 80% drops in crypto...the stock market doesn't scare me at all.

>> No.16284224


fuck off. i already have 3.5 BTC (abt ~4k avg purchase price) and this would put me over 5.

>> No.16284241

If you are in crypto at least fucking understand the original whitepaper, boomer

>> No.16284265

I avoided investing anything for years due to fears about the debt bubble collapse of western civilisation environmental catastrophe quantitative easing etc etc. All it meant was that I accumulated money which did nothing for me. I thought about starting a business, but I was too much of a coward. I bought a house 85% cash instead. My cost of living kept shrinking and my income kept growing and more money was piling up so I thought it was time to take a risk and a pay cut and changed careers. Three years later I'm earning three times what I was in my old job and the money is REALLY piling up now. During this time I've watched my boomer father turn 12k into 90k using newspapers and boomer stock methods. I realised that if I'd just invested my money over the last 10 years I'd be up a ridiculous amount compared to what it currently does in a savings account (1.95%).

So I bought 25k of vanguard trackers, 9k bonds, 16k assets and got an online broker account and put 3k into it to fuck around with. I intend to put about 5k a year in on a similar split every year.

I am however haunted by my original assessment of the world and feel that I'm going to take a 30% hit sometime in the next 18 months. But I'm just going to have to be a bag holder and 3+ years later I'm sure I'll have beaten the 2% I'd have gotten holding savings.

Still kinda wanna pull it all out every day though. I'm up about 1.5k in the last 6 months.

Also shitcoins. Surely if the world economy tanks they'll tank alongside it? At the end of the day they are spending power, determined by demand and supply and perceived value? Surely if the world economy shifts into a digital golden age where traditional currency is meaningless it is meaningless how much your coins are now worth in dollars? Great, 100k per coin, same as a loaf of fucking bread.

Like am I missing something here? The link cultists are the worst for this because literally who cares what they are worth in dollars if dollars become irrelevant?

>> No.16284267

look at him

>> No.16284279

They would, but only at the beggining, then quick recovery would occur because stocks have almost nothing in common with cryptos.
When crypto market crashes it only affects cryptofags.
When stock market crashes it affects everyone and ruins lives of people who never even invested in that jewish scam.

Fuck stock market, the day of the rope for boomers is coming.

>> No.16284304

Buy gold silver BTC and LINK faggot.

The next crash we get hyperinflation as the fed will dump on boomer bagholders first so the amount of cash in circulation will make fiat worthless

>> No.16284311

>A bsv shill in a recession thread.
Kill yourself.

>> No.16284313

False. Crypto has never existed in a big crash

>> No.16284314
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>normies shilling

>> No.16284323

join @chadlounge on tg


>> No.16284324

Then the value of things will go up when priced in fiat, but remain the same when priced in tangible things, like hours of work, skills, food etc. How is crypto going to be of use?

>> No.16284330


recession is delayed boys, we will pump for another 15 years

>> No.16284332

You know you right when you get those trannies seething