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File: 323 KB, 1589x2560, feeling good burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16275916 No.16275916 [Reply] [Original]

If you're suffering from depression, the book 'Feeling Good' by MD David Burns can help.
It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression, dealing with negative thinking patterns.
Link to PDF:
(if you don't want to use Mediafire, look for it on libgen.is - it's a good site for PDFs in general - browse/download at your own discretion).

Also listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmDwl2-IZEk
It's an audiobook of 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers, a self-help book on overcoming anxiety.

You can also try some St. John's Wort (it's a plant) tea for immediate relief (I mix mine with Melissa for the calming effect).

It might also be nice to learn to meditate, as it can relieve your mind of negative thoughts. nperov.com for learning materials.

Or maybe you just have a vitamin D defficiency, see >>/sci/thread/S10221251 Go get some sun.

>> No.16276042

>It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression, dealing with negative thinking patterns.

CBT is shit. NLP is better.

>> No.16276055

nice of you to take your time for this anon

>> No.16276213

I'm incredible exceptic to shit like that.
But damn last year I did a medidative class or whatever it was and everything flew across my mind so smoothly.. dunno it was beautiful.
And again I hate hippie bullshit, guess I was really stressed.

>> No.16276570
File: 20 KB, 403x392, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know what this 'PDF' shit coin your shilling but I don't want it

>> No.16277052

Good stuff putting this together.

>> No.16277060

Also, "The Happiness Trap" is worth reading

>> No.16277100

your body works by feedback loops. if you start smiling for example eventually your body will start producing endorphins and make you happy to match the smile.

if you are depressed just pretend you're a method actor who is playing a happy character. rewrite your thoughts to be happy thoughts. your worldview to be wholesome and uplifting, etc.

>> No.16277108

When you have a chronic illness that positive thinking bullshit doesn't take you far. This shit's for normgroids

>> No.16277134

CBT is shit, managing to fuck the crazy chick in my group was much better for my psyche then any of the therapy

>> No.16277449

Swallowing a pill is easier.

>> No.16277466

This unironically