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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16275821 No.16275821 [Reply] [Original]

Hey finance student here,
just wanna let you know:
-day trading is glorified gambling
-crypto is glorified gambling
-fundmental analysis is a meme
-technical analysis is a meme
-if you react to news youre an idiot

>> No.16275932

they teach you none of those things in a finance degree

>> No.16275946

You are a stupid nigger

>> No.16276041

>going to cheap and unknown schools

>> No.16276276

>financial student
>ZERO experience in trading and investing

>> No.16276318

day trading =/= trading =/= investing

>> No.16276332

Hey Coomer here,
- everyone with two brain cells knows this
- you can still make money if you're not a retard

>> No.16276359

>you can make money with slot machines if youre not retarded

>> No.16276378

op sounds mad he's flunking out of finance school, so he's taking it out on us:(

>> No.16276385

sadly top 10% of class

>> No.16276394

this whole board is cringe and needs a rename, it triggers my autism pretty hard

>> No.16276399

If day trading is gambling then how can tim sykes do it consistently over several years and always make profit

>> No.16276403

You sell that at interviews? That's a shit sell OP. You're gonna need a better sell OP.

>> No.16276409
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>he doesn't know these particular slot machines have a negative house edge over the long run

>> No.16276415

>one person
surviver bias, if tons of people try one person while have a have eventually a positive outcome. nothing special. good for him but nothing more than a glorified gambler

>> No.16276423

usually giving them my grades when applying obv

>> No.16276432

Literally by the fundamental definition of gambling he would not be able to make consistent gains if it were chance.

>surviver bias

there is no bias
at least one person has figured this shit out which means it's skill based and not luck based. How can you not comprehend this

>> No.16276435

>finishes first semester of uni
>not living with parents any more
>suddenly know EVERYTHING!

>> No.16276442
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Did your Masonic "degree" teach you that this is a slave planet and the Rothschilds work for aliens, nigger brain?

>> No.16276457

expected gains*
statistical outliners are possible
you could technically make millions of 50/50 gambles but it would be highly unlike but if you increase the sample size you will have those outliers eventually

>> No.16276460

this post reeks of Freshman

Probably like 95% of /biz/ has more experience trading than you, Zoomer. Stick to your books lel. Maybe you’ll learn something useful in your next summer internship you fucking faggot nigger.

>> No.16276466

You don't understand survivor bias

>> No.16276468
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>crypto is gambling


>> No.16276479

>Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility.

So how does it not relate to what i said?

>> No.16276489

no skill envolved, pseudo "traders" thinking they do smart things when in reality they are just gambling

>> No.16276495
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gtfo normie

>> No.16276642

Didn’t read
Not selling