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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 715x711, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16275288 No.16275288 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be treated like a whore by social media platforms, selling your data, and manipulating you into buying random shit you don't even need?

>> No.16275291

I don't know I don't have social networks and I use fake names on my emails

>> No.16275295

Use burner emails to increase privacy

>> No.16275308

Using fake names doesn't solve the problem. You should check out protonmail and Brave browser, they're amazing. Also allow me to introduce Howdoo, a social media platform who puts your in charge of your data (you own it). It's still in beta, but it's already starting campaigns in Asia to attract users.

>> No.16275329

Howdoo’s concept is cool, but I can’t see this platform becoming mainstream. They have less than 10k users at the moment, people use SM to show their stuff, but there are no people to show their stuff to on Howdoo.

>> No.16275344

I don't know Anon, but there is a great solution to that for free. Actually, you can chose to sell your data or to be completely untraceable [with its built in tor] to watch you CP in peace, while the FBI keeps clueless of your location. That solution is one of the great marvelous our time, its called Brave browser. And by downloading with my link you get 20BAT https://brave.com/art014

>> No.16275357

Fuck off Rakesh

>> No.16275424


Users will surely increase with time. The platform is still in beta, and is getting ready to launch in China (altered version). They also have the funds to hire multiple influencers. User increase is just a matter of time

>> No.16275458

Thx anon.
No one is gonna use a platform if their friends aren’t on the platform. Hiring influencers might work, but they need to do lots of marketing too

>> No.16275471

As I've said previously. Howdoo is still in beta with its platform. They're working closely with Huawei to make a Chinese version of the app, and will probably start big marketing campaigns after the official launch.

>> No.16275478
File: 194 KB, 1210x553, 1573252223310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Howdoo shills are back? Finally

>> No.16275485
File: 78 KB, 340x314, 1545690356011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also allow me to introduce Howdoo

Oh wow, thanks for introducing this "How doo platform", I have never hear of this before ! It has definitely not been shilled here endlessly for months ! I thinking I will read the whitepaper now and buy some UDOO tokens now.

>> No.16275509

Gigantic retard or ignorant on protonmail. They are a good free service but the opposite of data privacy when they're owned by one of the largest data miners in the world.

>> No.16275591

I am not using any of that socialmedia shit out there.
I just see the damn dollar signs in the eyes of fuckerberg.
Do it right damn Howdoo team and you will get a good amount of user.

>> No.16275699
File: 385 KB, 711x395, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a cumdumpster to cuckburg, the stinking curry nigger infested companies over at Google and Microsoft and the FBI. No thank you

>> No.16275778

>How does it feel to be treated like a whore by social media platforms, selling your data, and manipulating you into buying random shit you don't even need?

feels better than being a pajeet shilling howdoo upoo.

>> No.16276514

it makes me feel good that companies are bankrupting themselves to find out shit about me

>> No.16277185

Only a few with dumb management go bankrupt. 80% of those companies are making crazy profit of your data points. Data privacy is being hold back by those exact companies, that’s why we have to take measurements ourself.

>> No.16277289

Hey Rakeesh is back! You guys are really good at timings, last time you came it pumped 40% again. What now? 100% up or down?