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16274319 No.16274319 [Reply] [Original]

>applied to 300+ jobs over the span of 1 year
>50 interviews
>1 job offer
>HR lowballed me but I still accepted because I was desperate
Mfw I will have to do this again the next time I am unemployed

>> No.16274425

Just sell drugs, it's way more profitable.

>> No.16274455

I don't get it. Are these threads subtle memes or true? I'm 32 now and have worked 20 jobs since 16. Whenever looking for one, I've never had to do more than 2 interviews, it never takes more than a few months to find work, I never have to do more than 50 applications, usually around 25 in recent years. I do have a comp sci degree, but it is from a shitty state school, and my resume is full of holes and lack luster. Right now I'm at my first dev job: $87k + $7k bonus end of fiscal year.

That's why I'm not sure what is going on here.
What country do you live in, OP? City or rural area? How old are you? Have you worked in the past?

>> No.16274510

You're supposed to find a job while you still have a job moron.

>> No.16274595

Has it ever crossed your mind you’re just very lucky? Someone wins a lottery, that is guessing every number in a row of like 6 numbers, statistically someone will also just get every job they ever apply to, some people will get promoted every year. My brother made over a million bucks in the corporate world at age 33, meanwhile I went to the same college, got the same degree (engineering) with the same GPA (3.4) and I’m making 55k a year. To my brother it’s almost impossible to grasp. Meanwhile if my crypto stack does a 100x and I become a millionaire he’ll think that’s dumb luck. Welcome to life, the cosmological casino, don’t forget to tip.

>> No.16274615

lol if you re a chad of course you wont struggle as every emplyer wants you just like every woman wants you. you just have to sit and choose.

meanwhile incels cannot just stay involuntarily jobless, they have to grind all the time and just hope for a little bit of luck.

>> No.16274625

>Just lucky
bullshit. Same thing here. I switch jobs like others switch underwear. Usually work 6 to 18 months in a job, go on unemployment for 7 months and it never takes me more then 30 applications to get job offers. Usually being able to chose from between 3 and 6. Not even a science degree, just some shitty art degree.

>> No.16274637

how is wagecucking even real?
just daytrade crypto bro
I made 3000 dollars yesterday and didnt even get out of bed

>> No.16274641

post proof larper

>> No.16274642

>calls my statement bullshit, offers no counter argument but their own anecdotal experience.
You’re lucky m8, simple as

>> No.16274663

>Just luck
I know the employment market pretty well, and there has be not one company I worked for that wasn't desperately looking for employees and it has gotten worse for them to find workforce over the last 10 years. I saw companies hiring literal retards unqualified for positions because it was all they could get their hands on. Anybody telling me he is unable to find a job I call a bullshitter. Either an entitled little fuck who expects to get paid 100K in an entry position or a larper who claims is looking for work but effectively just sits on his ass and larps around to feel better about being a lazy fucktard

>> No.16274688
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here is the balance of one of my trading accounts
dont want to disclose what exactly I'm trading
too paranoid that shitters will figure out what I do

>> No.16274695

The data bear this out too, always articles about people moving up job wise and the unemployment numbers look better and better

>> No.16274697

Face is everything.

>> No.16274802
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How do you find the jobs? Cold contact or do you know someone?

>> No.16274861
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>aCID id
>Just sell drugs
nice try muhammed

>> No.16274894

This. I've gotten every job I've ever applied for & I'm quiet, shy, awkward, and introverted. I don't understand how faggots can't even fake it for a simple interview

>> No.16274948

or, you're all socially retarded.

>> No.16274960

Do you not know where you are?

>> No.16275089


>> No.16275096


UKfag here: I've literally got every job I've ever gone for.

5 interviews; 5 jobs. 36 years old.

>> No.16275127

it doesn't count if you're applying for shit jobs. I got every shit job I ever applied to as well, but professional gigs are going to require more hustle. you def won't get every job you apply for. sometimes the only reason you're invited to interview is because there is a minimum number of interviews they have to complete before they just hire the guy who already had an in with someone.

I had someone schedule an phone interview with me recently, was very persistent about scheduling it right away and seemed excited to talk to me. then they completely ghost me and did not call at the scheduled time. a few hours later I got the "thank you but we decided to go with someone else" email. kek.

>> No.16275161 [DELETED] 

>Mfw I will have to do this again the next time I am unemployed
You're supposed to do this again right now.

>> No.16275175

>He expects to start in the higher management just because he thinks he is "qualified" and applied
Perfect example of an entitled little shit

>> No.16275194

>its not me, its them
Whatever you gotta tell yourself

>> No.16275200

This. I have an Ivy League degree in a STEM field and 2 years of experience in the field I wanted to work in. Spent 6 months looking for a job and couldn't get one. Then I gave up and started applying for all kinds of shit, including teaching mathematics abroad, and wow suddenly I got tons of interviews and people offering every one. I worked one of them for a year and realized how shit it is so now I'm trying to get back to what I wanted but it's fuckign easy to get just any job. Getting a nice office job in a career you want to be in is harder.

>> No.16275241
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>> No.16275247

>Pointing out that well-paying professional gigs actually require time and effort to get and are subject to BS and HR politics is now entitlement
>Literally just pointing out that some things require effort and hustle.
Go fetch a pail of water you dumb old boomer.

>> No.16275274

>some people don't have a problem finding work
never change /biz/

>> No.16275294

You need a decent base money to do it.
Waging hardly covers my taxes.

>> No.16275296

what's the size of your positions anon? margin? I'm pretty much banking on Ferrum giving me 50% gains on my savings.

>> No.16275302

It is very easy. As an employer, if I need somebody for a position with responibility and have to chose between entitled ivy league snob mcsnobson, a bum and somebody who already worked for me in a lower position, the choice is easy. Snob mcsnobson can keep leeching off his daddy and the bum can go get welfare.

It is like you entitled little shitters forget that positions with responsibilities over departments or projects don't just require some shitty degree but fore and foremost trust to lower risk

>> No.16275315

You're like me brah.
It's just about showing up, and over time getting good at the interview game.

>> No.16275319

Quality over quantity. Fix your resume and apply only to positions that match your experience. (Doesn't mean you have to listen to "5+ years" bullshit but do go for the entry level shit)

>> No.16275336
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>better keep throwing berley in, surely somethings gotta bite!

>> No.16275347

>>applied to 300+ jobs over the span of 1 year
>>50 interviews
>>1 job offer
>>HR lowballed me but I still accepted because I was desperate
>Mfw I will have to do this again the next time I am unemployed

Being serious here: next time you apply for a job, put "African American" on your HR application, no matter what your race.

It will get you about 20% more interviews & a much better chance of being hired. Plus, HR literally never checks or asks for proof of race. They fear getting sued for verification errors.

Trust me, in today's racist affirmative action America, you need to fight for your own equality.

>> No.16275351 [DELETED] 
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>the irony that the guy posting bait pictures is trying to bait people

>> No.16275359

>Being serious here: next time you apply for a job, put "African American" on your HR application, no matter what your race.
>It will get you about 20% more interviews & a much better chance of being hired. Plus, HR literally never checks or asks for proof of race. They fear getting sued for verification errors.

I would also advise this for college admisions for all Asians & whites as well. You need to even your own playing field.

Hell, Elizabeth Warren got into fucking Harvard pretending to be native american. There is no right or wrong here anymore.

>> No.16275365

Nothing about this stupid rambling/larp is even relevant you geriatric retard. The dude literally just said "Getting a good job requires hustle, and sometimes people give you the runaround" and you're rambling about trust fund ivy league kids like a grumpy dumbass. Are you throwing a fit because your Depends are soiled and your home health aide hasn't helped you change it yet?

>> No.16275382

>Getting a good job requires hustle,


Also, being the right skin color helps. Almost every single tech company here in the Silicon Valley has skin color based "diversity" hiring programs.

>> No.16275393


>> No.16275408

2 applications, 2 offers both lowball

Replied with absurd counter offer.

Both accepted.

185k a year contract air traffic control.

>> No.16275425

>Also, being the right skin color helps.
Extremely accurate. Any """racialized""" person who can manage to keep their shit some modicum of together pretty much enjoys a free ride through life.

It's a supply and demand problem. Every company in the first world is desperate to hedge against discrimination lawsuits by having a solid corps of colored's to point to as proof they're not racists. But there just aren't enough blacks who stay in school, stay off drugs, and stay out of jail to go around.

>> No.16275435

guaranteed I'm in a better position than you and most of biz. I'm not unemployed or unemployable. If you aren't reaching for positions that would be considered a stretch given your current background/skillset/qualifications, then you aren't hustling hard enough. you should always be looking for a better job. there's no reason not to. if you are reaching like that, then you absolutely will get rejected way more than you get accepted. no shame in that at all.
I don't even know why I respond to these lame ass neet threads. some of you guys don't deserve good advice.

>> No.16275488

>Extremely accurate. Any """racialized""" person who can manage to keep their shit some modicum of together pretty much enjoys a free ride through life.

This is why as a non white, I can clearly see that American Blacks are by far the most Privileged and pampered people of any race.

>> No.16275495

>Being serious here: next time you apply for a job, put "African American" on your HR application, no matter what your race.

So when I show up for the interview & they can see I'm not black, wat do?

>> No.16275498


Except for Asians. Apparently, we don't count when racist white liberals talk about "diversity."

>> No.16275518

>see I'm not black, wat do?

Lots of mixed race Africans are so light that you can't tell. Also, there is no qualifier for what percentage "black" you are. You could be 1/100000000 like Elizabeth Warren and HR will not check or challenge you.

The lawsuits and bad PR against a corporation for denying a person's race would be swift and catastrophic.

>> No.16275543

It depends on where you live. Some places have atrocious job markets. I lived in St Louis a long time ago for a year and did the same as OP. 250+ applications and only got 3 interview and no job offers.

>> No.16275562
File: 15 KB, 386x290, B73D81B0-ED67-477C-9EEC-F11EEAB89D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start a business. Elon Musk said that no one would ever hire him. And now look at him.

>> No.16275569

Just because you got lucky a couple times does not make you a good trader cocksucker. You need to wrong just one time out of 100 trades to lost it all

>> No.16275594

I actually want to sell drugs. Well id rather run drugs, don't want to sell them. How would i get into this business without any contacts. Ive never been pulled over by the cops before in my life. Should i just go to Chicago and ask around with random strangers

>> No.16275682

You'd be running to Chicago. Go hang out in Humboldt area for a bit. Get to know people at bars, etc.

>> No.16275707

this the trick most people don't realize, both the people who never start one and a lot of people who dive in and fail hard, is that you can start a business with any level of commitment so long as you can flip the switch on and off aka suit up

i run a business providing copywriting services, i commit like an hour a week to this. but when i'm on, i pick up that phone and go hard as though i run a multinational marketing company. i don't make much, but in a pinch i could probably survive on it + passive income

you don't have to bankrupt yourself. choose something you're good at, or better yet, something other people think you're good at, wait for them to need something, and slowly but steadily introduce and increase the cost of information/service

they might reject you at first but if you have any perceived value, they'll circle back

>> No.16275712

You can sell drugs via crypto. Just package the goods, hide the package,get the gps coordinates and 2 photos of the spot. When the person interested sends you the btc or ltc you send them the info and your done

>> No.16275729


>> No.16275791

If HR is hiring as opposed to management, they prioritize relevant skills and education

>> No.16275954

80% of jobs only require a pulse and an iq greater than 90. Why do they care about your employment status

>> No.16276067

i have a bs and ms in cs with experience and i have a job right now but i dont even get an interview for 100s of jobs i apply for. the only times i have ever been hired outside of a head hunter was because i knew someone that worked there

>> No.16276073

How to get a job by Clique

If you're a Jock, interview with a Jock; if you're a Prep, interview with a Prep; if you're a Nerd, interview at any job that requires Engineering; and if you're a Scumbag, go to a workplace that requires manual labor and kick someone's ass. If you win the fight, you'll be hired.

If you're a High Prole (Scumbag, Ascended Form), go to a workplace that requires manual labor and kick the ass of the Scumbag who just won the fistfight on the shop floor. Then ask for a job as foreman.

If you're a Woman, go to any liberal arts firm and make $43,350/yr.

If you're a Loser, go on 300 job interviews until you catch lightning in a bottle and happen to walk into the interview room and identify the interviewer as a fellow Loser within .05 seconds. Accept the salary without negotiating, which will range between $19,000/yr and $43,350/yr. Make peace with the fact that you will never be promoted and that all your career moves will be "lateral." (Keithd, 9/10/13)

Scumbags, in earnest, just need to show up to the job site in their pickup or motorcycle (not a car) and ask if they're hiring. Same for the fast food place etc. Then, they have to call and follow up. Do this like 5 times and you'll have a Scumbag job. (theimmigrant, 9/11/13)
I talked to a roofer the other day. He was younger than me, had long hair, spoke really broken English, had forearms the size of hams, and had a hot girlfriend. A true High Scumbag. He probably makes about twice as much as me (in cash), but works his fucking balls off.

Still that's so much of a better fate than that of the Liberal Artist, who has been conditioned to fear Hard Work, and sucks at it anyhow. Plus the Scumbag can selectively ignore people by pretended to not speak English.


>> No.16276086

I studied CS in university and didnt even find a proper wagefree internship

>> No.16276120

same lol the only internships at my school were for defense and i'm a badboy so the govm'nt dont like my ass. ended up selling blow instead

>> No.16277208

you switch underwear every 6-18 months?

fucking disgusting anon

>> No.16277251


>> No.16277290

>Should i just go to Chicago and ask around with random strangers
dont do it, idiot. you are going to get robbed. dont do it if you have no idea what you are doing.

>> No.16277543

How dull and shitty of a person do you have to be for this to be the case?

>> No.16277554

start looking now