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16272718 No.16272718 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>making a video game
>partially because I want to make one regardless of its financial success
>partially because I experienced wagecuckery and have no desire to wagecuck (newer reason)
>unemployed after working for about 2 years
>haven't worked in a few months
>since becoming unemployed I've had more time to work on it but obviously not 8 hours, 5 days a week
>make the mistake of mentioning it to my dad and mom a few too many times
>dad seems to think it'll succeed financially and seems to be completely focused on that aspect
>probably thinks I can finish it completely in 1 year's time since he did ask how much time it'd take and guessed anywhere from 6 months to a year...
>time passes
>get asked about it again
>regret ever mentioning it
>uncomfortable pressure to complete it and also it being successful to the point of never needing a job again...

It's nowhere near completion. All that's been "completed" on it are partial rough drafts of artwork and code that makes it playable. Now the added pressure of doing it fast and it having to be successful!?

What am I supposed to do fren's?

>> No.16273042

Fren's what should I do?

>> No.16273057

Tell your parents to fuck off and quit asking. Tell them it isn't being made for any financial or commercial success but whi knows where it will go. After you tell them that, start dedicating more time and resources to finishing if your serious about it but dont cut corners.

>> No.16273062

There's no pressure, all in your head. You can make any bullshit excuse for your dad, or tell him to fuck off, or pretend you never gave a shit about the money or anything else. Relax, find joy in what you're doing, and quit and change directions if it doesn't look like it's going to succeed. Don't worry about what your parents think, it's just one uncomfortable bandaid at the end of the day

>> No.16273065

Be truthful to your father and bust your ass off to finish the game. He’d be more proud to have seen you succeed at something than the financial gain.

>> No.16273069
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They obviously believe in you. Stop being a fucking autist and allow yourself to be helped. Learn to draw healthy boundaries between you and other people if you feel pressured.

Most importantly, things will never be perfect. They will either be "good enough" or "not good enough". Stop self-sabotaging. You remind me of a younger me. God how I want to punch you in the face.

How old are you?

>> No.16273078

Also, dont take the neet meme too seriously. It's nice to spend a few months not working or having any responsibilities but men are not ment to live in such a manner. None of the faggots who proudly proclaim that they are neets are happy with their lives. Find something to do that doesn't make you want to kill yourself and pays you a decent wage and start building a life so that you dont have to answer to your parents when you're in your 30s.

>> No.16273079
File: 20 KB, 501x380, IMG_20191111_020850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad's trying to bond with you you dumb fuck
Finish it or not
Don't be a bitch respect your parents don't listen to these other twats above
Being unemployed sucks but a break can and is a chance for a break from the wage cuck life

>> No.16273083
File: 261 KB, 900x900, 1567290952910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have friends that can help you? Let me guess... you're afraid they will steal your idea? You don't want to share the concept with someone else because it's "your baby"?

>> No.16273104

As long as he takes creative lead and control to shut down ideas he doesn't like. I have an idea that I mentioned to a friend once, he said he had a very similar idea but his version of the aesthetic was so gay to me that I never brought it up again.

>> No.16273123


>> No.16273136
File: 73 KB, 1503x1046, 1571795456821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely right. Many never realize that healthy delegation while taking the executive role and driving the vision is key. So many great ideas are never brought to fruition and shared with the world because of this.

>> No.16273157
File: 80 KB, 1387x702, 1571598356844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck did you go OP? I want to help you damn it.

>> No.16273191

Do what I did. After college I moved down to Palo Alto - a group of guys I knew from Stanford were creating an app and wanted my help. We were reaching a crunch point and were getting critical on time to meet a beta deadline for the angel investor. We needed 3-4 more developers ASAP. Instead of doing job postings I went to Stanford's campus and put up flyers/ads in the CS labs/building for 'internship opportunities'. Apparently, most universities have egree requirements for the CS students requiring a certain amount of hours in coding work outside of school/class. Chances are lots of them procrastinate and are scrambling to finish these hours at the last minute before graduation. We ended up getting 15 responses within a week and contacted the 3-4 that were the most impressive. They interns got the shit done 1.5 months ahead of schedule.

It's worth it for you to make a similar effort at a local college or university by you. If you're not close to one, go the the university's website and see if you can post on their 'student job board'. It's worth a shot.

>> No.16273206
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Absolutely based. What happened next? What became of the project?

>> No.16273274

Also, assuming that you aren't LARPing, is being in Silicon Valley still "worth it"? I project that it's in a bubble and that it's going to pop soon. I fall into the Peter Thiel school of thought through and through (the autism and lack of care for PC culture)

I ask because I am moving to the east coast next year (currently in LA) and plan on recruiting from schools along the eastern seaboard. Let's just say that my ideas and the idea I am working on don't mesh well with the multicolored hermetically sealed happy towns up north because it's aimed at a military/defense market and I want to take over the world like Jeff Bezos.

Still open to being in the Bay Area if it's worth it.

>> No.16273357
File: 81 KB, 1000x800, 1566622686625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried OP. I hope that you take heed of the advice given to you in this thread and that you succeed on this project and in life. I wish you the best. You're going to make it.

>> No.16273365

Go to utah. Tech companies are all flocking there en mass and the culture is still conservative.

>> No.16273391

>flocking en mass
That's what I am trying to avoid. I am trying to have a first mover advantage. I give the hubs where these companies and people are going to in Utah another 5 years before they turn into a SF Bay Area tumor. I've considered it.

It's funny how liberalism spreads like cancer. Really makes you think

>> No.16273424

I'm not going to say that just not sure how to get my dad to realize it's not purely finacially motivated and to understand that even if people like it, it doesn't mean it'll be finacially successful.

Have already reached a point where I need more content as the basics are done.

Mid 20's. Not self sabotaging just don't want high expectations like "it'll be very financially successful." Making the game myself as I already have the overall idea for it, implementation is just the slower aspect.

Intend to find a job just need to think of something I can do that isn't very demoralizing.

>trying to bond with you
Just realized thats likely what his attempt was, I'm an idiot.

I've put on hold ambitious ideas for my game where if it's too much I won't bother implementing, can easily be patched in after release should I desire to implement afterwards.

I'm working on the game solo. It's coming along nicely albeit the player character classes will need better artwork. My arrwork used to suck, looks better now.

>> No.16273438

Show a screen of your game

Just interested

>> No.16273449

just say itll take longer than you thought and get a part timer

>> No.16273452

Im no where near that programming savvy to get one of thosejobs anon. I started learning programming via a book about a year or so ago, watched some video's, etc, and now I've been working on it. A few months ago the game was literally just pretty artwork and a rigid character that would move back and forth. Now?
>character classes
>player ui
>ability system
>item collection and tracking
>environmental effects
>destructable environment objects
>randomization of levels
>main menu

>> No.16273478
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It sounds like a hobby then. If you have no intentions of getting it out to the world and capturing its value, then don't.

However, if you DO want to be paid for your creation, learn how to market it. There's a lot of information out on the internet on entrepreneurship that's only a simple search away. It's an awesome time to be a creator. I'll leave this video here as a starting place for the rabbit hole.

Take a leap of faith. I hope to hear about you one day.


>> No.16273481

So how are you planning to make money out of this?

Assuming it's done 100% how you wanted it. How will people buy it? What will make them buy it? How many people do you think will buy it?

>> No.16273528

Ehh the artwork is kinda crummy at the moment.

I do intend to sell it, just don't want high expectations.
>sell game
>make $10,000 in profit after a year
>reveal it to my parents
The shame.

My dad already gets upset when I take a low paying job but I don't think he realizes that a college degree doesnt mean I'll get a high paying job. I do know about marketing though but no need at this time. The artwork is better than before but still crummy, some more than others as I needed placeholders to make sure certain things worked as intended.

Steam, GOG, and maybe Epic. Pretty much the gameplayer as Im trying to make it fun, something based off a few different games Ive played in the past that were fun and ended up being popular to various degrees. Cant say how many will buy at this time as artwork is still leaps away from being where I need it at, mechanically though it already does the basics. Id be pretty happy if it sold 20,000 copies though, enough to stay a neet and work on other game ideas Ive had.

>> No.16273548
File: 279 KB, 1392x1051, Screenshot_20191115-231715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious, have you made any video games yourself that were eventually sold?

Gotta go to bed.

>> No.16273638

My video game idea will only take 4 weeks to make, sweet

>> No.16273657

read the Millionaire Fastlane to get some ideas
good luck to you anon and never give up