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File: 1.19 MB, 1125x2436, B95BBCE6-F7D8-46BD-B559-EE1A6F0BC810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16271034 No.16271034 [Reply] [Original]

What do I buy next?

>> No.16271040


>> No.16271102 [DELETED] 

>asks what he should buy next on chainlink board
doesn't hold any link

>> No.16271118

>asks what he should buy next on chainlink board
>doesn't hold any link

>> No.16271125


>> No.16271138

buy 1 Tether

>> No.16271179

Tether because this market is going to hell and not coming back

>> No.16271201


>> No.16271318


>> No.16271351
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1573672759921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some people on this board actually not hold any LINK or is this some elaborate troll?

>> No.16271396
File: 999 KB, 500x267, 1573020404112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people are legit retarded anon


>> No.16271414

Buy some dignity you poor motherfucker

>> No.16271834

This and BSV

>> No.16271851

No link

>> No.16271902
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 1545442558484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people are legit retarded anon
Agreed. Linkies are top tier retards holding their shitstack, enjoy getting dumped on with your scamcoin.

>> No.16271968
File: 204 KB, 800x974, 1568516774551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you buy so many coins that move together, anon? Please fucking tell me

>> No.16272107

Trade all that shit for Vechain

>> No.16272111


>> No.16272127

real securities

>> No.16272137


>> No.16272538

What coins move differently?

>> No.16272547

Nothing stay being a pleb

>> No.16272579
File: 322 KB, 400x600, saint bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOIA on Kucoin. It is primed for a 2x or better soon.

>> No.16272617

Whatever you buy, don’t buy LINK, stay a pleb

>> No.16272621

poor fag please rope

>> No.16272650

Go all in on doge, its preparing for another moon mission, also bad portfolio kek

>> No.16273335

Honestly holo hot token will be the only coin EOY that will perform well.

>> No.16273574

>bare feet

>> No.16273592

>Best ROI
>One of only 2 coins outperforming BTC
>Doesn't seem to give a shit about BTC movement.
>Steadily climbing in a bear market.

Such a shitcoin. Should have gone all in on tron.

>> No.16273636

Good picks bad allocation anon

>> No.16273648


>> No.16273772

My recommendation is consolidate BTC, XMR and MKR into whatever you like best. Keep the ETH and try put more money in NEX don't let these faggots here tell you it's shit you know what you've found. Especially at these prices chance for a huge return.

>> No.16273779


>> No.16273780
File: 142 KB, 725x527, 1568239951716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>how much link for a gf like this?
>>It keeps going up! (is at the same price)
>>bullshit meme photo, no context, no discussion, just a random dumbass nigger post
>>guys i have 700 tokens of shitty scam, please how do i make it thread
>>another link general, we need one every ten minutes!
>>guys my ex/gf/wife found me out, we're broke but have 50k link thread
>>all in, never selling, always HODL thread
>>just risked my entire financial stability on this token, y-you guys should b-buy too right?
>>LINK will reach 1000 END OF YEAR
>>Insider here, just keep buying!
>>Some vague company has increased profits, all thanks to chinklink!
>>some bullshit random thread to keep the link psychosis going
>>just non-stop chainlink posting
>>getting kicked out, have xbox and link, what do thread?

what other paid promotions am I missing?

This thread is solid proof of chainlink shilling from the chainlink team by Sirgay. Hurry up anons, report to the SEC, let's get Sirgay in cuffs already.

>> No.16273785
File: 84 KB, 1200x675, 1568249686339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Some faggots on a mongolian horse fishing competitive forum are tired of chainlink. Clearly they are bag holders and not just tired of the constant paid promotion that I was caught doing with literal indians to get this thing up. And it's not like I saw airdrops took off on 4chan and quietly plotted to create my own with my coworkers and came up with the first idea that popped into my head... I am a genius... arghhhhh"

"Another 700k master! Thank you, I will await September $10, October $10, November $10 and on and on. September$10 is right, 42 is right, every other namefag is right, I just have to keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting, just keep waiting..."

"Yeah and the fucking SEC is on my ass but they can kiss my ass"

"no master I will kiss your ass and make dumb founded accusations at all the partnerships that are possible because you came up with some vague notion of data inter-weaving with smart contracts despite the fact that real time blockchain data aggregation is either impossible, will leave room for error or a reputation based system will endorse corruption thus rendering the entire idea of decentralized oracles entirely moot."

"No you idiot! No company will ever conceive their own oracle for their real-time needs, they're going to use our massively inflated shittoken linked to a bloated ethereum blockchain protocol to try and float open public transactional volume that will allow for data corruption or worse yet, middlemen attacks because I said so. You're the dumbass NEET and your money belongs to me... meee..meee!!! arghhhh!"

"Another 700k Master!" By now, the dumps are covering your chest and slipping onto the cellophane beneath your back. The gassy farts have made you delirious with joy. "Name me one other token that has it's marketing done for it by NEETs"

"Arghhhhh! Another 700k!"

>> No.16273795


>owns crypto


>> No.16273796
File: 412 KB, 830x668, 1568353807411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>all fud is magically the team fudding or link whales fudding
>>he spends so much time fudding
>>muh please seek help
>>i enjoy being gaslit into a vaporware bullshit scam cult and you should too!
>>false dichotomy, you're either with us or with us when you fud
>>somehow you must have an angle and must genuinely care about chainlink
>>all these memes are entirely organic, gooo chainlink!
>>we all love and worship some fatass mongoloid russian scammer, y-you should too
>>there's no way anyone can hate chainlink despite the fact we've spammed it non-stop
>>there's no way it's all paid posting
>>you can't possibly hate us
>>dr;ns triggers you so hard bro and not the chronic posting and obvious paid promotions
>>all partnerships are real and not imagined

schizophrenia the post

>> No.16273797


>> No.16273816
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1F5BC6EE-A8EA-46E1-8263-7F857FBFE3DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>bullshit meme photo, no context, no discussion, just a random dumbass nigger post


>> No.16273822

Anon it's gone to far, there's no point in trying to rationalise with them.