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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1627018 No.1627018 [Reply] [Original]

How many hours do you work in an average week, /biz/?

>> No.1627026

22 yo and average 50-60

>> No.1627030

>used to work for a boss
>paid from 9.00 to 17.00
>effectively work from 08.30 to 22.00
>5 days a week, unless I'm forced to work in the weekend

>started for myself
>work from 10.00 to 17.15
>6 days a week, unless I have better things to do

>> No.1627040

Nobody complains when I'm late because I had to buy some chicken sandwiches.
If it's a sunny day for example I leave early to go drink in the sun.

It beats having a nagging boss on your ass who delegates all his work on you.

>> No.1627048

35 a week.
$450 paychecks but its not enough. Need a monitor and then Saving up to invest in my cpa business. Mma classes are $100 a month. My jobs so easy it's like chilling with friends.

>> No.1627064
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>mma class

>> No.1627076


>> No.1627177

>Mma classes are $100 a month.


>> No.1627185


>> No.1627186

>> No.1627212

Actual hours paid or hours used in relation to employment?

40 hours paid

50 hours a week because of 0.5hr lunches and commuting both ways.

>> No.1627353
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>Mma classes are $100 a month

>> No.1627472

I get paid for 40 and that's all I'm saying

>> No.1627501

60 motherfucker

>> No.1627512
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24 year old full time student working 8 hours a week (every sunday, i'm at work right now!) current net is 36k

>> No.1629070

Not counting my study and side jobs.

Flat 50 unless is a holiday.

Like clockwork.

5-10's m-f until i'm die or earn my freedom.

>> No.1629074

Tell that to my buddy Frank Mir. He will skullfuck u.

Dont listen to faggot un/fits anon.

Mma the fuck out of it.

>> No.1629079

37 hours a week its a part time job but damn is it hard.
Good thing this is my last week

>> No.1629694

65h, sometimes feels more like 80

>> No.1629696

I don't work for a damn second.

>> No.1629698

~98 hours

>> No.1629708 [DELETED] 


>> No.1629710

Usually ~25ish recently with classes because the stocking job I have sucks to do constantly. Just got a new job as a contractor doing cabling resets at major retailers btw, getting $12 an hour and I've recently only been getting minimum wage. Pretty cool but still not enough money. Gonna be working 40+ hours a week now. 20 btw.

>> No.1629805

>Mma classes are $100 a month

>> No.1629833

88 hours a week
1 hour drive in, 178 hours for 2 weeks, 1 hour drive out.
12 hours a day for 7 days, dayshift, 12 hours for 7 days night shift
7 days off, rinse, repeat. $38/hr plus paid travel and accommodations.

live with my parents alone on my days off

zero expenses besides a car and rent, which I insisted on paying.

I want to die

>> No.1629838

25 hours on part-time jobs and like way too little time spent studying

Ill get raped in the winter exams

>> No.1629846

I usually pick up 16-24 hours of overtime per week, since it's basically unlimited at my job. Very rarely will I just work my 40 hours.

>> No.1631437

19yo working 40+ a week in IT and ~10 a week waiting tables at a higher end restaurant downtown. Also taking 14hrs of class.

>> No.1631502

>during wet season
>during dry season
t. contractor

>> No.1631514

Jesus Christ why do you do that to yourself?

>> No.1631517

work? lol no thanks

>> No.1631529

48 hours a week, 6 days a week, plus 30-45 minute drive each way. Making approximately 18/hr in healthcare.

>> No.1631605

Jesus, what do you do and how can I make that soul-crushing amount per hour

>> No.1631617

about 4 hours max a week

>> No.1631626

why don't you save up your money, quit, and get an easier job

>> No.1631627

about 50ish

>> No.1631635

45 day job

15-20 school to get promotions and shit

Exercise 5+

>> No.1631782
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>Pre-Med student here. Here is my hourly breakdown after my 6 hr a day sleep schedule

~40 hours a week for minimum wage as an Emergency room scribe
~35 hours a week doing VOLUNTEER work in the radiology department
~20 hours a week $10/hr to watch people sleep at a sleep clinic
~16 hours a week at school
~ 5 hours a week doing undergrad research with my professor.

leaves me roughly 10 hours which are used up in traveling from location to location during the week. Life in the fast lane motherfucker, getting cucked by society now so I can be cucked even more so in the future as a physician.
But that's alright because one day I'll be able to save one of you beautiful 4channing humans, or at least improve your quality of life.

Stay gold Ponyboys. Stay gold.
I love you all.

>> No.1631798
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>> No.1631806

God bless you. Still, do you seriously need to do 35 hours unpaid at a radiology department?

Those niggers seriously wouldn't give you a letter of recommendation for part time work or what?

>> No.1631831

Where do you find the time to study?

>> No.1631835

50-60 hours studying (applied physics) and another 20-30 working on my own business.

>> No.1632124

Way too tired to count but... 6-7 days 8h shift for 900 serbian dinars after the shift
>serbia is not that nice
>i live alone
>playin vidyagames all night
> maybe im too lazy for the job
> confused
> eating once a day
> sleeping from 8am til gf calls me to meet
> jeez

>> No.1632138

About 37.5 hrs a week, not including half hour lunches. 20 min bike commute each way. 65k$ salary. Can't complain.

>> No.1632159

About 45 hrs/week but on sunday, saturday night, holidays

>> No.1632160


Don't tell me that $100/month is too much for good mma class.

>> No.1632224

Got a comfy job in serbia
>1500rsd average
>recently there hasnt been much work
>so saturdays are non working
>life has a meaning again

It's a desk job so its mentally exhausting for 40-48h week

>> No.1632234

I work about 42 hours a week.

I'm a supervisor at a distribution center. 12 hour shifts 3 days a week but I usually come in a hour early and leave a hour late for meetings and what not. .

>> No.1632271

Around 38 hours per week, sometimes a little bit more if there's a lot of things to do

Can't complain really

>> No.1632285

around 20 hours, $400 a week

Sometimes I pull 30 hours a week and get $600

t. 21 year old dominos worker

>> No.1632335

40 at work and then I hustle my side businesses the rest of the day/week

>> No.1632919

I work 60-70hrs a week, commute 1hr/day on average. I usually hit 100-115hrs/wk 2-3 times a year.

I bring in $120k/yr prior to bonuses.

Can't do this forever. It burns me out bad. :(

>> No.1632997

48 unpaid internship hours with 12 volunteering hours per week

Living on loans right now.

Please let this fucking lead to something.

>> No.1633018

>Living on loans right now.
good luck

>> No.1633048

NEET, 168 hours/week.

>> No.1633067

Full time study and work like 20hr/week on the side.

Papa bless, $55/hr aint too shabby

>> No.1633071

people like you are the problem.

stop fucking up the market price with your desperation.

let me guess, you aren't learning any real skills and are just doing retarded menial tasks.

>> No.1633096

25 hours a week
I deliver pizza; such easy money.

>> No.1633104
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just die faggot, you are leveraging everybody else out

its not going to lead to anything, all it leads to is further expectations for others to work free like you..dumbass

>> No.1633227

dont get dropped pussys

>> No.1633270

I work around 20 hrs a week and earn $ 1500 a month. I manage to save around $800 a month to invest. Have lots of spare time for autist hobbies. Not having women to distract me sure helps. But then again im just an autist beta

>> No.1633421
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0h, i have never worked and turning 30

>> No.1633611

while I'm at the sleep clinic watching people sleep. during class. while i'm driving to and from places. any free second I have is study time.

>> No.1633624

This is at the other hospital in town. Which basically is a dump. To put it simply they just don't offer a position of some sort like that. They have a volunteer core that works in several parts of the hospital anywhere from stapling papers at the front desk, to the ER, to radiology, etc. etc.
The docs and other staff noticed me working my ass off so they got me into the only radiology position they had. I get to help out in surgeries and shit like that so it is pretty rewarding, plus I'm surrounded by gorgeous radiology technicians all day so its not too bad.
But to be very blunt, its another thing i can put on my application, its volunteer work which is also good too.
it would be nice to be paid for it though, but the niggers just don't want to if they don't have to i guess.

>> No.1633628
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and thanks for the God bless anon, i appreciate you.

>> No.1633794

45 hours

I enjoy having 5 hours of OT built into my schedule. I'm always able to finish things I want at a pace that ensures nothing gets fucked up

>> No.1633830
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You are me
Fucking blue collar bullshit. At least it pays well.
Pic related

>> No.1633838

>I want to die

Ofcourse you do, but you're too much of a coward to actually do it.

Enjoy wagecucking, wagie :^)

>> No.1633887

USPS carrier working 40-60 hours per week, will probably go up to 80+ during holiday season, unless all the airlines decide to fuck Amazon and strike right in the middle of Christmas.

>> No.1633893

Reading this makes me ill Doc

>> No.1633927

Livin the NEET dream anon. Livin the dream...

>> No.1634007

50, I'm 20 years old and I work two jobs. 25 hours at a restaurant, 25 hours at a sales/telemarketing job.

Make 186 dollars a week at the former job and 250 a week at the latter job. Get 3% commission on sales at telemarketing job and make like 1400 weekly at tips in the restaurant job. So overall I make about 2400 a week and I'm also taking 1 class a semester.

>> No.1634177

It's okay, I'll be fully licensed and ready to help you in roughly 9 more years? Assuming I decide on the shortest residency specialty of 3 years after medical school. Though neurosurgery would be badass, so maybe make that 14 years anon