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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16267334 No.16267334 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone think there's not enough currency coins and they will gain $ over the competition?

You bought crypto to spend on stuff? I bought crypto so I could be rich. I focus on price and factors that affect it most. Cheap TX are cool when I send this stuff but I'm hoarding mine for now.

Stop buying on metrics that don't matter. Stop buying tokens with tons of competition splitting their market share. If you want to use crypto to buy things, get a crypto credit card. TX times doesn't even matter in the long run anymore. You idiots didn't see this coming?

Buy something with scarcity in the market. Buy WAU coin on Waves because it won't lose you money for long. Volume is now picking up but it's still got room to grow.

1 million coins and rising buys that eat every sell order. Buy a little and set your profit levels. I promise it will get there faster than any other crypto

>> No.16267475

That chick prob cost about 5mil PNK damnit need more

>> No.16267527

Hedge with WAU and use it's profits to buy more PNK, it's how I earn XMR

>> No.16267568

When I make it the first thing I'm going to do is track this thot down and pay $1000 to fuck her in the ass. The rest I will sensibly invest in real estate, index funds, and dividend stocks.

>> No.16267587

All women are whores.

>> No.16267594

I keep hearing wau coin get shilles these past few days. I'll bite. Where do u even buy this coin

>> No.16267599

So what? Only men with small dicks and egos can't handle sluts

>> No.16267603

So your daddy has a big dick?

>> No.16267612
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Waves hybrid DEX, volume is low so you might want to set your orders at a few steps a long the way. The coin always rises though. Went 2x in the last month

>> No.16267617
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He used too, that's where I got my dick genes from

>> No.16267712

This thing is up over 300x in $ since May 2018.

Buy just a little if you absolutely need gains

>> No.16267870
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I want buyers to buy and set sell orders to slow this behemoth down. This type of growth might attract negative attention, let's slow WAU down by stacking the order book with sells. It can't keep going up if we load the books with sell orders.

Just slowing down gains and providing volume, That's all I do with WAU on Waves.

Under $100 in OCT at $150 now

>> No.16268353
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Do you remember when I shilled this here in August? Price was under 40 waves per WAU.

You could have bought 3 WAU coins for 160 WAVES on Aug 30th.
1 WAU sell order at 80 WAVES would have filled on Oct 14th
1 WAU sell order at 160 WAVES would have filled on Nov 13th
After less than 3 months you would have 50% profit in hand with 1 WAU that can be sold where and when you want.

The risk in a trade with WAU isn't like other coins. The coin never goes down for longer than dips

>> No.16268669

I bought around $80, so im almost double my initial I was thinking of taking profit soon but it hasn’t been that long

>> No.16268743
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There you go, I let mine climb higher than I can cash-out at once but I'm in no rush to shed big chunks when it goes up so fast, allowing me to take small profit all the way up

Cryptotrader has faketoshi on

This dude gets support for a fork of a fork? No one will ever use BSV as real world money, except by selling their forks from BTC.

It's the silly promise of future riches that make you guys chase loser coins. It's going to be the worlds defi platform or it's fast and free to send.

All of you guys split your own markets into smaller chunks. WAU coin is the easiest shill because $100-$250 always pumps it. I get a few more to buy every time I post it here too.

>> No.16268894

I post these threads on crypto YouTubers channels to bring new eyes in here

>> No.16268961

Fuck yeah
Any other places that are crypto friendly to new projects?

>> No.16269004
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>Any other places that are crypto friendly to new projects?
Just a couple new buyers a week is all it takes to send this coin higher by 10%

It's so easy to shill and see results

>> No.16269084

WAU is now available for 33% of the WAU/waves price on the BTC pair

>> No.16269132

what no way optimus prime and th auto bots would auto snag that in a few minutes... hoinh to buy right now if true

>> No.16269180

You make fun but the scalp is there to make a couple hundred. More if you use limit sell orders

>> No.16269396

why don't i ever see women like this literally anywhere

>> No.16269400

busty women with cute faces just don't exist in real life, they only exist on the internet

>> No.16269438

Vegas and LA

>> No.16269463
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everything is filtered and photoshopped now

>> No.16269506

wau coin is the coin everyone called shit until they realized it beats everything and is decentralized for real. My big ask is at 12m waves for 1 about 10m US. I buy lttile bits but I get pissed when I sell a little cause the price goes up and i get cucked. I have learned my lesson and will not sell anymore

>> No.16269545

Some of us learn faster than others, This one knows the way

>> No.16269547
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