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File: 78 KB, 500x618, th-this-is-confessional-confess-your-sins-and-regrets-and-58282482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16258667 No.16258667 [Reply] [Original]

confess your crypto sins, anon.

no judgement, no luls, no told-ya-sos.

get it off your chest and feel the bliss.

>> No.16258676

I held xrp for 2017

>> No.16258682

I actually unironically hate the stinkers and their top tier delusions but not the project itself

>> No.16258730

I sold a link suicide stack at $3

>> No.16258747

still holding neo and lsk

>> No.16258767

knew about link in 2018 from twitter. first buy: june 28, 2019. Still in profit from dca down

>> No.16258783

I don't sell crypto for fiat I only buy it.
Since 2014

>> No.16258813

I had doubts about chainlink

>> No.16258837

i almost bought xrp lmao

>> No.16258854
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>dramatically in pious confession thread

>> No.16258877

I believed the fake news about Universa, and if it weren't for slow network transfers I would have bought $1000 worth at its peak

>> No.16258881

I'm not up very much anymore in fiat. I just like supporting the field and ideals.
I would probably be a nano maximalist if starting fresh.

>> No.16258894

That was a close one for me, if it had been on binance I would have bought

So it turned out the news was entirely fake? Did they pay cointelegraph to lie for a pnd?

>> No.16258908
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I haven't started trading crypto.

>> No.16258930

My portfolio is 100% feetcoin

>> No.16258937

You should get in if you are interested. You don't have to go all in (I am but Im crazy)
Start with buying some nano and buying something with it, IMO.
Simplest use case for the simplest currency.
Then explore.
Worst feeling is to be here and not do the effort to join before it explodes. I was a BTC user in 2011 but didn't cold store until 2014, so I know.

>> No.16258947

Swing-traded link until I had 12,5K
Fucked up, now have 6,5K

>> No.16258981

No idea if they paid or not but yes, the real news was Tunisia was exploring the option of a digital currency, made no real plans and nothing to do with Universa. The Tunisia gov put out a statement explaining that. I think cointelegraph just thought it was a juicy story and bought the fake news themselves

>> No.16258984
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>> No.16258988

not investing in crypto today is like taking a pass on recording labels after the invention of radio

literally just shotgun at shitcoins and there's a solid chance one of your measily investments will buy you a new car in a few years

>> No.16258999

Anon no one here is 100 years old we don't get the reference lmao

>> No.16259006
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Where do I go? Who's the broker?

>> No.16259026

IMO go to local.bitcoin.com, get BCH and trade on coinex for anything you want.
That way it's completely peer to peer.
Or just sign up for coinbase.
Cold store. Be safe.

>> No.16259030
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I lost 70% of my profits from 2017 to Kucoin scam coins in 2018

>> No.16259046

I buy $50 of bean cash once a week all month and have been for the last 7 months

>> No.16259056

Didn't it get delisted?

>> No.16259065

I bought alot of BTCP back in the day and held and I've lost all that money.
My soul hurts so much

>> No.16259092

Accumulate and build your wealth. Start storing coins for people you care about that aren't doing it themselves as well as your future self. Children & newborns are ideal candidates.
It would only take 1333 people having 100k nano each to completely soak up the supply.
Right now anyone crazy enough to hold $100k in a single crypto gets that role.
A software engineer at google makes ~$500k per year.
Other cryptos are similar, using nano because it's supply is constant.

>> No.16259100

You are gonna make it unironically

>> No.16259438
File: 84 KB, 720x755, exchangesforbeancash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope its' on multiple exchanges right now.
Ignore the bottom one it was removed just 3 days ago from that list.

>> No.16259662
File: 98 KB, 640x490, R72898679203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be willing to pick up some, but are these exchanges legit? I've never heard of any of them and they're not on Coinmarketcap

>> No.16259728

Not crypto but I've spent several hundred dollars on smokeless tobacco when I could have put it into literally any coin or the stock market

>> No.16259755

altmarkets is really new and im not 100% sure of the rest myself but ive had zero problems with them at all in the 7months ive throw money on them and got bean cash. My experiences means nothing tho since you could be the unlucky one that gets fucked over. Personally the offical discord suggest altmarkets (newest) and unnamed exchange out of them all so start on those.
As for them not being on cmc I know that's concerning but not every exchange gets on there. Its a gamble so start cheap and get 10$ in bean cash initially. At it's current price of 0.00025855 10$ gets you around 36k worth of beancash. Word of warning tho the wallet takes about 4days to sync but its blockchain is only about 2gigs total. The mobile is in beta and I havent tested it personally. And an upgrade to the wallet is coming out in a month or 3 according to the devs in the discord.
Its a gamble but it hasn't steered me wrong or fucked me once so I keep at it. Best of luck if you do anon I hope you dont get screwed hence why I suggest a small starting amount to get your feet wet.

>> No.16259780

Alright thanks fren, I'll risk a small amount of money at first so it wouldn't be the biggest deal in the world if I get scammed

>> No.16259781

i bought jibrel and didnt sell it until this year

>> No.16259802

I went from a 60k portfolio, to 1.5k I also have no job and have depleted my savings waiting for my shitcoin to bounce back to at leas 25% of what I paid for it...

>> No.16259885

Awesome glad to read that anon. Enjoy your small but hopefully growing stack. Oh you'll want to check their offical page since the wallet needs to have nodes added and there's a website that walks you thru all the steps. i'll link you quick just in case you cant find it (sites not the best layout)
the 3rd one tells you how to get the wallet syncing and the other stuff covers basic stuff. I also suggest browsing the blockchain a bit and getting a feel for how much its moving and whatnot. https://chainz.cryptoid.info/bean/

anyways ive done far more shilling then I honestly like to since I prefer keeping it hush hush for the coins im stacking.

>> No.16260019

I'm legit buying bean cash, not a lot, because of this.
Reminds me of 2017 hope

>> No.16260037

people like you make people like me rich wide eye guess that just destiny for you

>> No.16260052

i was here in 2017 talking about chainlink and have bought in and out since .30 cents and never held. today i am realizing i will hold

>> No.16260120

It was shilled a fairly good amount in 2017/18 and once the crash hit it just died off. I didnt invest in it then but alot of people made damn decent money off it back then. I'm hoping for a repeat and I just like the coin and its heroic logo. Welcome to the bean cash club anon. Hop in the offical discord if you're into that. They also have a second discord where they do airdrops and have faucets you can get bean cash on. Pretty damn active for a coin that almost died off in 2018 and came back from the dead

>> No.16260138

>le humble brag
This place is so dead. It's almost worth sticking around just to see how normalfags cope when the site won't even be able to properly hold a raid.
>b-but im a part of le epic club
>someone is going to hack you im sure

>> No.16260146

I sold 5k of Tellor at .20 three days ago...today it hit .80

>> No.16260156

Meh I got to 60k twice from $500, I can do it again

>> No.16260284
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I don't have any stocks, any crypto currency, or any savings of really any kind.
I'm just all in on wagecucking, and paying off all my loans before I even think of a credit card.
That said, I come from a financially sound family, and was gifted a condo in a decent part of town with only the HOA and utilities to pay. And I worked my ass off to pay off my college loans and now only have a 2.7k car loan left before I'm debt free. I think after that's taken care of, and after I've saved a few months of reserve funds, I'll look into trading and passive income streams.

How much am I fucking up right now?

>> No.16260441

Carrying some debt for opportunity is not always a bad thing.
Well done, though.