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16255589 No.16255589 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on btc whales moving to link

>> No.16255623


Big dick whale chads riding the muh oracle narrative.

>> No.16255640


Protip: they aren’t and link is a scam

>> No.16255648

Yeah that's the claim. But any proof?

>> No.16255657

to dump it on stinkers just wait

>> No.16255675

look up bigdogg on twitter, only dude whos had 100% right calls. hes the one saying they are moving in. aside from that it makes total sense. mining is useless so the new protocol, chainlink nodes "mining" data is the next thing to move onto

>> No.16255693

The utter delusion. Not a single major btc whale views anything other than btc as valuable

>> No.16255766


This. Linkies have brain damage

>> No.16256226

WTF is this true?

>> No.16256234
File: 89 KB, 313x325, 1500599607352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC: does nothing
LINK: does everything

any questions

>> No.16256241
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Maybe other than those who actually had a hand in btcs creation?

>> No.16256264


Yup you said that at $0.2, $1, $2 now $3... you have only yourself and projecting your insecurities onto opportunities to blame for staying poor

>> No.16256273

They arent stupid. Also: link is literally a PnD scam ran by the gravel industry

>> No.16256293
File: 165 KB, 680x1066, 1572272782602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they say @ $5 when LINK devs dumped their bags on holders and it tanked to $2?