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1624670 No.1624670 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/,

I have bachelor's degree in international management (graduated less than a year ago), and I speak fluent French & English decent Portuguese and some Spanish (which I could learn very rapidly).

I was thinking of moving to Mexico recently... because well the girl I love is Mexican and moved back there. It's a long story.. but we've been trying to find solutions so we can live in the same place and she won't come here.

So, would a guy like me have a shot at finding decent work in Mexico? I'm good for living in other countries and I've lived in worse shitholes than Mexico (albeit it was tough, not sure if Mexico would burn me out in the long run).

So far the only avenues I can think of is teaching English, Web design from abroad, coding from abroad, joining a large multinational bank, the embassy of my country or paid international interships.

All of these options either pay too little, I have no backround in, or seem inaccessible for a recent graduate like me. I've found an international internship.. this seems to be the only real chance I have. I won't move if I will basically become poor in the process.

What do I do? Is there something I'm missing here? Some other way I could get in or any bits of advice from you guys that could point me in a better direction? Thanks.

>> No.1624678

Try the internship or the banking/embassy jobs. Also the pay is dogshit here so you better get used to it

Also fuck off we're full

>> No.1624684

what about mining & tourism?

Do you ever see professional immigrants from 1st world countries working in Mexico?

>> No.1624689

GOAT sectors. Tourism having an upper hand. Though it depends on which job you might want to look for. I'd say avoid teaching at all costs unless it's a prestige school you're talking about. Especially with a management degree which might be a meme in the West but in Tacoland here is still worthy.

Yeah. Since we were vanquished, we've had an adulation for 1st world foreigners

>> No.1624699

Interesting. Although I'd feel really bad with all the poverty and MUH PRIVILEDGE. But I mean fuck. I want to be with her so whatever.

Any concrete things I should be looking at? FYI I want to live in Guadalajara

>> No.1624773

Only crazy bitches complain about privilege here. And it's funny how most of them come from the Mexican 'Ivy League' (tec de mty, IBERO, anahuac you name it) but the rest do not give two shits and work hard. As for poor people you might find my position very cynical but they're poor because they want to, something you'll probably hear a lot in the future. Unfortunately you'll encounter plenty of liberals who will disagree with that sentiment clinging onto welfare programs and initiatives. The programs are there, they just don't work. Sure, maybe a kid will get good and graduate in STEM, but most of these people are lazy and will eventually see the easy way and will try to bring down their equivalents among them. Natives should have been taken out of their misery centuries ago for the sake of our economy. But the spaniards were horny as fuck so be it.

Guadalajara's economy isn't bad afaik but you should actively pursue onto the mining or energy sector if you're staying at the city, or the tourism sector if you head onto Puero Vallarta. Oh and keep it close with your gf, GDL has some of the best pussy in the country

>> No.1624861

>teaching English, Web design from abroad, coding from abroad
Problem with trying to start these kinds of businesses is that they are so low barrier to entry and they have basically been commoditizes to race to the bottom. And also you'd have to overcome the remote distance factor of why should they contract your business when you are just some no name small business run by an anon with a laptop?

>> No.1624862


In all seriousness I think things are gonna get ugly in Mexico with this trump presidency. Like a depression for them.

Mexico is a cool place and working there would be fun, but you wanna do it for a year or two and then return home. Long term life in Mexico is not a great life. Life in USA is 10x better.

>> No.1624874

Not if you're wealthy or climb up to the top of the corporate's ladder

Especially in such an absurd place like this, where journalists can make more dent than engineers

>> No.1625369

What do you mean (I mean I'm pretty sure I get the general picture)

But what specifically is tough about living in Mexico

Exactly. I wouldn't touch it if I wasn't making a comfy wage unfortunately.

Are engineers seriously not paid well? That's funny. Last night I was wondering if I should have been an engineer.

>> No.1625371

I used to be super SJW but I'm seeing the light nowadays. Thanks for the advice.

>Oh and keep it close with your gf, GDL has some of the best pussy in the country

This factors into it as well. If it doesn't work out at all with her I'd probably be in a good position anyway.

I know a girl who worked tourism but apparently she said the pay was shit then again I'm pretty sure she's just a wagie so whatever.

Another barrier is I'm kind of autist. But people in 3rd world countries never seem to notice or care about mental differences anyway.

>> No.1625372

yeah, especially because I have no background int this. I just don't think it would work out in the long run for me.

>> No.1625480


Hey /op

IS Security dude looking for international work here.

I know a guy from Belgium that knows, French, English and Spanish and he's making a small fortune in Central America in telco sales. He has a Masters in Economics. Based on this, I think you've got a shot.

If girlfriend's family has connections, there would likely be a better shot for you. If she comes from a long line of street vendors, it'll probably be tougher.

My advice would be to try it out for 6 months and see how it works. If you can find some IT Security Contracts, let me know. I'll happily pay you a sales commission.

You can email me at mqexuptw@sharklasers.com if you have any ideas for security leads.

Good luck with your girlfriend and in Mexico!

>> No.1625616

Cool, thanks for the info! I've honestly never even heard of these industries, I'll look it up. I'll keep the e-mail around too just in case! Thanks!

>> No.1625631


>moving to Mexico with gf
>"if it doesn't work I got poosy to fall back on"

You are a fucking idiot. Mexico is a third world country and your foreign ass will be treated like a piece of shit.

>> No.1625648
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>I speak fluent French & English decent Portuguese and some Spanish
Dude, with these you can wherever you want with a wide variety of jobs.

>> No.1625657

please explain...

I have no idea how to get a good job with the skills I have. I have barely been on the job market for 6 months and I don't even know where to begin.

>t. I have never lived outside of my anglo paradise

>> No.1625658

Speaking as a Mexican DESPERATELY trying to avoid going back to Mexico after finishing university in the UK - DON'T GO TO MEXICO TO LIVE. Holidays are fine, but Europe is a far better choice overall. Pussy is not worth uprooting your whole life for.

>> No.1625661

Not true, in most of the EU you're not that special for speaking several languages.

>> No.1625666

Well, why not?

Canada is fucking boring and the people are shit, and if I land a good job in Mexico my quality of life would probably go up. My gf is in the top 1% of society, it's not like she's super poor or something.

Please unsell me on Mexico, because I've heard of 2 of my close friends moving to live there and they liked it.

>> No.1625682

It's a massively mixed bag:

- If you're white, socializing is much easier. Mexico is a very stratified/racist society, so it can work in your favour.

- This is offset by the fact that you get targeted for crime far more. I've been stabbed and threatened with a gun in a good neighborhood a block away from my house. Pretty much every Mexican I know has an acquaintance that has experienced something similar.

- People are easy going and friendly but are horribly uneducated, almost regardless of social class. If you say that you like reading, for example, the most common question to that won't be "what?" but "why?". You'll tend to feel isolated if you don't quite fit with the Mexican philosophy.

- Mexican society is very close minded and traditional, thus having certain opinions can get you ostracized.

- Pay is shit when compared to similar roles elsewhere.

>> No.1625687

Oh and the society is becoming much more violent in recent years. It's likely to get worse with certain possible political developments. All in all you'd be hitching your wagon to a very unstable situation. I WISH I had the chance of living in Canada man, I'd genuinely consider that a miracle. Do not waste it for tail...

>> No.1625691

I'm white but not super gringo white, I could easily pass for white mexican at least. I'm pretty traditional, I've had guns pointed at me in Canada too (but yeah, this is more of a fluke, I'll admit)

>People are easy going and friendly but are horribly uneducated, almost regardless of social class. If you say that you like reading, for example, the most common question to that won't be "what?" but "why?". You'll tend to feel isolated if you don't quite fit with the Mexican philosophy.

This sounds exactly like where I live now, maybe you just had shitty family and friends or were in a dumb place. Iunno.

The security and the pay is bad, but whatever, I'll still be a foreign citizen and can leave whenever I want.

>> No.1625697
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You just sound like anyone who's really bitter about their home country. Sounds like some of that could be true but would any of it really come into play and put me in any more danger that I would be already? Probably not.

>> No.1625698

My family is very well educated, kinda the problem as I was brought up in a bubble. In Europe I never felt weird when I mentioned that I liked reading and the like, in Mexico I've always felt mild culture shock.

Also, you'll always be a gringo to people. You will never truly fit in. Don't get me wrong, they'll tolerate you and be friendly to you, but you'll never quite be 100% in the inner circle.

>> No.1625699

I know people who speaks 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Italian, French) and get nice paid random jobs in UK & US.

>> No.1625705

Eh, try it. Go and live in Mexico and learn what it is to be paranoid about your security. The people you'll be hanging out with have bodyguards and bulletproof glass for a reason...

Don't get me wrong, it'll help you but it's not THE solution

>> No.1625707

Again, these are just normal components of human culture. Most people are dumb cunts. Euros like to pretend they're not but they are too.

>Don't get me wrong, they'll tolerate you and be friendly to you, but you'll never quite be 100% in the inner circle.

This is already my life situation in Canada minus the "they'll be friendly to you" because I'm an autist and a mix of two cultures that hate each other. I've always been treated better as a foreigner than as a citizen of my own country.

Don't get me wrong, I am disagreeing with you but I still appreciate your insight.

Like what kind of jobs? Is it a living wage/gainful employment?

>> No.1625709

I say this as someone who speaks Spanish, English and German fluently but can't get hired in Europe due to visa reasons, even if I pretty much offer to work for free...

>> No.1625713

It's not really an intrinsic component of human culture. It might have to do with your social awkwardness but people from essentially all cultures are friendly to you. Some just don't let you join the inner circle if you're not their particular ethnicity, others couldn't care less about it.

>> No.1625714

>The people you'll be hanging out with have bodyguards

Is this hyperbole? Do the mexican rich really employ around the clock body guards?

>> No.1625715

Not hyperbole. I mean, I personally didn't use bodyguards, as my family likes to move under the radar. Nevertheless, it wasn't uncommon in the schools I went to for people to have them. If you're above middle class (which for international standards isn't that much) people start hiring them.

>> No.1625719

Again, try it out. Don't listen to me, a random stranger on the web. Actually try your luck. There's some foreigners who LOVE it. But I'm not exaggerating in regards to security concerns and culture either.

>> No.1625725

Ok, well it's nice to hear the other side of the coin. I'm sure we would keep disagreeing if we kept debating but I still considered it and acknowledge the security risks in Mexico. Thanks for your input and I hope you find opportunity in Europe.

>> No.1625727

Actually, let's back up for a second. Have you actually been to Mexico?

>> No.1625731

No but I've spent 3 months living in an african shithole worse than mexico if that counts for anything. And in my life I've almost been killed (maybe) /robbed already.

>> No.1625738

I am not asking because I'd doubt you'd survive. I'm asking because I don't think you've thought this through. A girl will not ultimately determine whether you're happy in Mexico. So it's more about everything else being in order outside of the girl. Take a trip there for a month, but to live. Don't see the tourist sights, live like a local, and see if it truly suits you.

>> No.1625753

That's a good idea except I don't have a month to throw around without making money. I'm not rich and that would require spending my savings. I might have a paid opportunity there which I'm not talking much about but what difference does it make if I could leave after a month if I didn't like it anyway?

And no, I certainly haven't thought all of it through, I'm not leaving soon or anything. But sometimes you can't have all the details or a crystal ball and you just gotta make a move and try something out.