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File: 31 KB, 464x456, AEAC7985-920B-4A62-8AD9-739DA465CE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16244283 No.16244283 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon now that your computer moon coins are worth 3 dollars can we go get coffee??

>> No.16244330

brehs why live when a girl will never look at you like this

>> No.16244343

She's looking at a pizza.

>> No.16244346
File: 25 KB, 480x360, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you shitposter, you cant even get a coffee for $3

>> No.16244349

why live when ywn be a pizza

>> No.16244365

who cares. ive had girls look at me like that since i was in high school. they're all annoying after a while. i will leave my current gf even though i get to have sex whenever i want just because her stubborn and angry personality is more of a burden than it would be to just jerk off. girls are irritating. almost all of them

>> No.16244367

Only if you suck my balls for the next 4 hours.

>> No.16244384

and just because im good looking doesnt mean i cant be autistic. ive been here for years and the autism runs strong.

>> No.16244386

>i'm so popular but i hate it and am totally not trying to humble-brag to all the losers on 4chan

>> No.16244411

this is anythign but a brag. im just saying girls are more trouble than they're worth most of the time. especially ones that look like this girl. unironically church style girls that dont only live to get drunk are the only kind of girls you should want. not a slut that will have sex with you anytime of the day. the girl im with now gets mad at me if i dont bone her at least twice a day. that's some weird shit. girls are weird and we should not worry about them

>> No.16244419

>seething uggo that has never had a girl but his mom acknowledge him

>> No.16244422

also im not popular i dont have any friends. girls just think i look good.

>> No.16244426

>tfw no wholesome gf who would be proud and happy of our gains but at the same time just wanting simple things like coffee because she knows that when shit hits the fan, you'll be there and there's nothing to worry about

>> No.16244511
File: 155 KB, 1044x1182, E1E5623B-95CA-4CB2-92AA-D148857E1DF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thot. Ima get me an ugly girl. At least they great full.


>> No.16244521

You can tell this bitch has a yeast infection look at her inflamed face

>> No.16244534


>> No.16244552

how tall are you

>> No.16244595

5'11", 6'1'' with boots. i always wear boots.

>> No.16244656

shes average and will be a whale by 30

>> No.16244697

You know you're old when you think of punching instead of fucking when you see a pic like this

Running at full sprint, arm fully pulled back, arm locked at the exact moment of impact

>> No.16244735

post body

>> No.16244771

i'm old and i'd hit that. you might just be gay

>> No.16244782

I'd hit it too, with my fucking fist

>> No.16244860

I’m old, I’d hit it. Mostly because young bitches never offer puss to me anymore.

>> No.16245382

fuk off this isn't fit

>> No.16245403

>post body
It's post portfolio here, buddy.

>> No.16245489

you're maybe thinking of candida?

>> No.16245723

Bitches ain't shit, failed normie fuck

Money over hoes

>> No.16246400


>> No.16247630
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>needing flavored syrup and milk in coffee

>> No.16247644
File: 13 KB, 220x200, C7043637-4E23-45BA-AFCB-80857605141D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addicted to caffeine

>> No.16247655

it's no wonder she left you

news flash: the other bronze chips only tolerate you because everybody left them too

>> No.16247658

I wish I was redpilled and knew about mgtow before I got tied down.

>> No.16247661

Running at it would decrease the punching power retard

>> No.16247665

shes looking at herself in the mirror. Imagine how the actual good looking ones feel about themselves

>> No.16247666

>mfw i see all my biz friends every morning

>> No.16247759

so muxh ass

>> No.16247799


Satan please go

>> No.16247806

based and redpilled

>> No.16247900
File: 179 KB, 233x432, Screen Shot 2019-11-09 at 11.18.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16247922

take ur meds schizo

>> No.16247995

>now gets mad at me if i dont bone her at least twice a day
This shit is so annoying. They literally can't comprehend doing anything that isn't a base instinct.

>> No.16248026

>Paying 3 dollars for bitter bean water