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16243794 No.16243794 [Reply] [Original]

why do you faggots literally FUD everything? no matter what I'm shilling, some pajeet will pour in from the shadows with a copypaste block of text to FUD it.

>> No.16243828

actually your opinion is shit. Who the fuck would want to buy that? A literal shit opinion from some loser on the internet who hasn't even had sex yet. Nobody wants to invest in that. No corporation or business or ANYTHING will want anything to do with an opinion this shit. I'm not touching this shitcoin (ANON) with a 100 foot pole. I guess if you wanna get rekt you can get a suicide stack for the lolz but have fun losing money.

>> No.16243884

They're traumatized and so present a knee jerk reaction to anything they view with the slightest of suspicion, same that they provide complete devotion towards the project they attach all their hope and dreams regardless of the actual information and turn of events for it.

/biz/ has been hurt and is so far deep into the JUST mindset they're acting irrationally and on emotion; it's all or nothing to do and when you think like that it's no wonder they become so neurotic. They want to escape and think this is their one shot, so denail and lashing out becomes rampant.

>> No.16243905

tribalism and ignorance

>> No.16243935

It wasnt like this in 2017/2018, I agree its because so many people got rekt and lost everything

>> No.16243940

Additionally, their is no longer any long term thinking. Almost everything revolves around "plz, plz just let me get into this one moonshot, I don't care what happens after that, let me just make it with this one thing and I'll be happy forever."

The crypto community used to by and large look towards the future. Now it's can't look forward than "the last moonshot." They have sinply lost hope, and is hoping for one last chance to make it before they can disappear forever.

>> No.16243964

>why do you faggots literally FUD everything
Because almost everything is a fucking scam?

>> No.16244093

a few reasons. first is that most crypto projects really are shit and need to be checked. second is to test the shills. if they know their shit, refute the fud, and make a convincing argument about their token, then maybe it actually is worth buying.

biz is cynical as fuck. when applied to project analysis, that cynicism can be a good at weeding out the scams from the gems.

>> No.16244166

it definitely was. FUD was always the immediate reaction to new projects unless it was presented as the lowcap pnd for the week.
there was more back and forth though on real projects. actual discussions about what makes sense and what doesn't. biz seems more tired now.

>> No.16244191


This. Every project that cucks out of responding to FUD is a guaranteed No-Go faggot investment for morons. There is no room in my portfolio for maybes or charity cases, only solid blue chip cryptos and the occasional moonshot.

>> No.16244211

cus its fun


>> No.16244222

It's only LINK gravel niggers who view everything that's not their project as scams. Fucking cancer of this board

>> No.16244231

This 100%

>> No.16244269

another reason is people fudding are trying to scare away potential investors so they can keep accumulating the token and not have the price go up or try to get others to sell to drive the price down a bit so they can get more for cheap. old ass trick that's been around since early 2017. convince them it's a shit token and buy the bags and sell the pumps later.

>> No.16244578

Jews love to shit on everything and they are very verbose so it stands out

>> No.16244691

Sums it up pretty perfectly, this board has turned to complete shit

>> No.16244712

Because Chainlink holders hate on absolutely everything that isn't LINK. Im serious. Its the linkers. And if you dare question Link then they shitpost you to death

>> No.16244741

We need a Link general where all link posting can be contained, it's completely out of control. It would be one thing if they stayed in their own dozen active threads but they actively go into the threads of other coins and shit on everything
Inb4 nolinker, I have link, I'm just tired of the community turning the board to absolute shit

>> No.16244836
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 708C64A1-CF5C-4D16-A81D-1267565657CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you pathetic reddit niglet. your homesexual cunty ass does not belong on this board. facts are not FUD. sorry that youe ETH bags have created a desperation in your tranny ass that is only satiated by the bearest nigger cock. do not come here to shill your pathetic-shitstorm-of-a-project-mETH-bags and expect to not get checked.

>> No.16244847

another leddit larper who thinks he knows board culture. FUCK OFF

>> No.16245133

because 99.999% of crypto is shitty scams
and the scene is full of retarded room temp iq fucknuggets who think they are "investors"

>> No.16245218

The reason the board is shit is because leddit faggots like you come here and then do nothing but bitch and moan about content while making none yourself. You also have the tendency to read posts and archives from 2017 or supposed oldfags who liked old /biz/ better and you just parrot what they say because the truth is you'd be happier on your faggot website yet you keep coming back because you're a masochist. Fuck. Off.

>> No.16245390
File: 936 KB, 1136x640, ED1A9134-07ED-40E0-97BA-5F0DFCADCD38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your current investments?

>> No.16245517

What a whore! What kind of a man in charge of this woman would let her expose her nude forearms so pornographically!?

>> No.16245588

sauce pls.

>> No.16245672

I FUD my own bags for no reason all the time. It's fucking hilarious

>> No.16246357

because you're obviously shilling your bags instead of discussing a crypto, git gud noob

>> No.16246422

I only come back for LINK. This board is shit otherwise.

>> No.16246563
File: 20 KB, 480x337, 5DDEABC2-7B27-4242-B7FC-0E391D13676F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the truth and actually goes much deeper than it seems at first glance.

Why is insulting each other “fun” to begin with? The answer is as men we are built to enjoy shit testing and probing each other for truth and status. Insulting someone and testing their reaction to your emotional, often baseless I suls is actually a psychologically OPTIMAL way of determining the strength of that individuals conviction over his claim, and therefore a superior way and far more efficient way of truth seeking than some sterile academic process of cold calculating thought, which is mostly just a cover nowadays for old men and women to avoid conflict with young males aggression and life force which run counter to their immediate interests

We’ve been deprived of this. The truth is that we all come here because we crave this masculine, shit testing environment we’ve been deprived of in the modern liberal/cuckolded world of “rational, logical” thought and discussion, which is what young men who have some ounce of testosterone and intellect left inside them naturally enjoy. We come here as an escape from the suffocation of the modern longhouse environment, to post as anons, and entirely congruently are more able to readily arrive at the truth where we are not punished for acting on our urges. That’s why this forum, when properly used, and while it remains anon and un-censored, will always be the best crowd source of crypto investing information

>> No.16246635

It's a good thing because gems will rise above the shit thru natural selection. Having high iq geeks fud and shill it makes finding 100x gems like vidt much faster and earlier as the shit will be sifted faster then plebbit for example.

>> No.16246716
File: 84 KB, 710x577, 1537956340165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost never say nice things to people here but this is actually really insightful anon.

>> No.16246965


Been trapped in this shithole of a site since Snacks and Freezer chan was a thing. This board has turned to shit because it lacks the excitment and idea of making it, now it shills and fudds in the idea that fucking over other anons will help them make it when in truth it's only because they're so frustrated and angry at themselves for not making it already and climbing out of this shit hole when the chance was there.
Yeah, the idea of dumping your bags on another anon was always there, but there was an optimism behind that WE are all gonna make it somehow if you aren't a complete idiot. Now anons are blatantly trying to fudd any and all projects regardless if it's decent or not because anything short of amazing isn't a clear moonshot and just a reminder they might never make it and the chance might never come back.

>> No.16247022
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I'm drunk and I'll be honest for once - I FUD everything I support. Every single time.

>> No.16247068
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Oh, to answer OP - it's because this board is absolutely inconsequential to the success of an established project; but to a low cap project - a few dumpers may be able to move the price quite a bit, so I'll FUD as hard as I can to keep the price low for accumulation. Right now I'm working a promising Russian coin.