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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16240288 No.16240288 [Reply] [Original]

What's the ultimate purpose of financial gains?

>> No.16240300

Buying a scat slut

>> No.16240305

Make love to me mommy

>> No.16240308

Two chicks at the same time

>> No.16240320

To devalue the necessity for finances and remove any potential barriers.

The more financial gains you have the less that finances and financial expenditures barriers exist around you.

You may have no intention of doing anything with it, but by having it, you have removed the barriers to make any options possible for you.

>> No.16240331

Her tits are great but those glasses are retarded as fuck

>> No.16240339

Only two?

That's beta thinking, be an alpha and do at minimum seven.

>> No.16240352

blowing a sticky load all over this dumb bitch's tits and you knew that already, hence why you chose the pic

>> No.16240383

to have a solid financial base with which to wage war against the nations of earth with. pleb, thinking money is for sluts is low iq

>> No.16240398

For me it's basically having to ever work again. This would perhaps mean I would do something very light and only for few hours per week to keep me having some kind of routine or maybe I'd like the NEET waywho knows. Neet way just would need cash to live comfy, like 3k€ after taxes per month for now

>> No.16240409
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To hear other people tell you you're so smart.

>> No.16240424

you only have one dick

>> No.16240429


>> No.16240486

Financial gains is good.
But financial freedom AND freedom of time is the ultimate goal. All I really want is to wake up every morning and not feel like my time is being raped for money.

>> No.16240494

honestly this and it doesn't even require that much money. if you're willing to live in a flyover and don't mind renting, 250k will actually settle you for life.

>> No.16240584

make enough money to live off passive income when I want

>> No.16240596

In America this isn’t the case though

>> No.16240618
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For me, it's so that I can be an indie game developer/artist/musician without having to starve.

>> No.16240633

more than one is kinda annoying desu

>> No.16240643

I guess to get to a point where you don't have to worry about taxes and wages anymore.
Really this is the stuff that drives people's stress way up; there is always a pressure to pay for more stuff so you have to stay productive and work for ((them)) at the cost of your wellbeing.

I'll give a shitty example but you'll get the idea I hope: everything is turning into subscriptions, software, movies, games, to some extent food, hygiene products, hell even cars if you think about it... at the end of the day the idea is to have you keep paying a steady amount every month. Look at amazon prime; it used to be free shipping for most things without prime; now you need prime unless you are above a certain amount. To companies this makes sense it is a steady flow of mostly passive income...

And this is what YOU want to "make it" establish a stream of passive (or semi-passive) income so you don't have to worry about your balance.

>> No.16240650

To not be fucking broke

>> No.16240651

the glasses are this size for one obvious reason... spillage!
she is clearly deeply invested in cum-based cosmetics.

>> No.16240807
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A machine that drip feeds me drugs and nutrients to keep me perpetually pleased and comfy.

>> No.16240833

>to get to a point where you don't have to worry about taxes and wages anymore
pretty much
to find peace from the eternal rustling

>> No.16240839
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Seriously, what is it with women and dumb looking glasses? Does it impress other women to make your face look retarded? I never see men with glasses meant to impart the look of down syndrome. Baffling.

>> No.16240898

I don't even know anymore. I'm expecting there will be some proletariat uprising in the next 40 years and all the poor millennials who have no savings and are reaching retirment age are going to turn against the more well off millennials because the boomers will all be dead. I'm in my early 30s and have been living very frugally and investing smartly. My net worth is just over $1 million. I'm afraid the government is going to find some way to rob me of it to appease the poor millennial and zoomer horde. If I continue to build wealth and the divide between the upper and middle/lower classes continues to widen, I may have to start looking at ways to hide my assets offshore or something.

>> No.16240903

I like that. I want one.

>> No.16241013

To fugg cute young women

>> No.16241289

Write a novel and not worry but expeditures

>> No.16241307

It will all make sense once you have sex

>> No.16241325

Fake tits.

>> No.16241342

There’s no such thing as peace

>> No.16241374

am i the only one who thinks glasses are fucking hot. wish i could cum on these

>> No.16241530

theyre actually real. she has a video of her running and they are bouncing all over the place.

>> No.16241555


>> No.16241584


>> No.16241595

obtain financial freedom and live your life how you want... cocaine and midget hookers while midgets carry you on your thrown

>> No.16241606

i would fuck these bitches brains out

>> No.16241607

same fren

>> No.16241608

>What's the ultimate purpose of having the ability to do whatever the fuck you want
Why do people reply to these threads without putting sage in options

>> No.16241639
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Damn straight

>> No.16241646

It really depends. 300k and working like 2 days a week would go a long way. But it all depends on housing costs. You aren't going on vacation, but if you just want to stay home and play on the internet then it can be done cheap.

>> No.16241895


>> No.16241929

pssst, buddy, i'll let you in on a secret.

there's this really cool internet currency called bitcoin, unlike gold or dollars or runescape coins or anything really because absolutely nobody can take it from you unless they happen to have the brain of a quantum computer. you should check it out.

>> No.16242137

learn unity

>> No.16242253


>> No.16242268

Foursomes with high rank escorts every day for the rest of my life

>> No.16242270


>> No.16242273

pssst. Bitcoin is not a stable way to store currency.

>> No.16242319

pssst. its more stable then if your being forced to give it to shitskins and zoomers at gunpoint, which is what you were worried about. do you really think off shore equity and dollars and realestate is going to matter if those companies are being taxed at exponential rates while the dollar is being inflated away to pay for social welfare programs? know when to rotate is all i'm saying

>> No.16242353


>> No.16242470
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To live in a nice white area

>> No.16242476

Even one is kinda annoying if you have to please her too..

>> No.16242519
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Definitely not so you can get some bimbo that looks like that

Try something like pic related

>> No.16242563

Stop this shit. I am on /biz to make money by eavesdropping. Every time you post a picture like this I end of deviating from my plan and end up at ph.com

>> No.16242641

Oh snaps, OP asked a question.

Freedom is the answer

>> No.16242656

looks hot!

>> No.16242811

to improve quality of life. Why is this a question?

>> No.16242813

Being able to live carelessly by collecting my passive income of Howdoo

>> No.16242818

To crush boomers

>> No.16242850
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Sniffing 10/10 brappers

>> No.16243533

to not have to work for someone else

>> No.16243733

Tfw no fire sorceress gf

>> No.16243761

getting pegged

>> No.16243840

What’s her name. I will fap to her titties

>> No.16243851
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>> No.16243869

Lindsey Pelas

>> No.16243908

no wagie, duh, why else

>> No.16243922

stability, protection, security of life

>> No.16244121

Yes, but at least with two, you can have one girl hold the other girls head down while she’s giving head.

>> No.16244201

6/10 britbong with a load of makeup at the age of 16? Is this really what we are looking at with you nulinkers

>> No.16244223

Fuckin A dude

>> No.16244245

How much would it cost to pay multiple women to pleasure and love me as if I was a god and not make an grossed out faces when I force them to tongue punch my fart box.

>> No.16244252


Has nobody ever told you son? The game of Monopoly is real. Who dies richest wins.

>> No.16244260

Well what do you expect when the poster is underage?

>> No.16244273


>> No.16244274
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To fund a cure for aging

>> No.16244303

Whenever I see photos of Lindsey Pelas I become suicidal.

Someone is fucking her stupid every day and it isn't me.

I could win the lottery and it wouldn't be me.

I could become president of the USA and it wouldn't be me.

I could be the first man on Mars and it wouldn't be me.

Life is pointless.

>> No.16244317

This. I want a woman fucking and/or sucking every appendage and extremity they can wrap their lips around.

>> No.16244331

dude just fund me
I can find the cure to aging faster than those sens faggots
If you are gonna following this field closely in the future, youre gonna hear about my name. Will publicly drop hints about being a link marine but never directly admit. If you know, you know.

>> No.16244445

Whas this taken at Hogwarts?

>> No.16244457

What sort of wisdom do 100 year old people hold? What sort of wisdom would a 150 year old hold you think? What sort of wisdom could be obtained at 200 years?

>> No.16244504
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>> No.16244505


Also, my fee includes them never saying a single word (or their smart contract is voided and they get $0, agreed upon beforehand, IOT sensores/microphones throughout house)

>> No.16244703

dont know but I'll let you know when I get there

>> No.16244755


>> No.16244773


In the end, yes.

>> No.16244982

Not having to work for someone else

>> No.16245048

I'm going to redistribute all over your face, anon

>> No.16245061

Freedom of time
Ability to travel anywhere
Ability to have best health care

>> No.16245586
File: 21 KB, 386x356, A5EB2A97-757A-4DB3-AEA1-E900F891456C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno but a 1000 year old person will be able to visit other planets and possibly other solar systems, even meeting other civilizations.

>> No.16245605


I have all that. Yet, guess what, you don't do it after a while. You don't travel anywhere, your freedom is handicapped by your girl, and health, well , I hope I stay healthy, though I smoke.

>> No.16245640

to visit the next star and get back takes less than 10 years with technology allowed by our current scientific understanding.

>> No.16245791

it's to be able to COOM inside your own house house and gf in peace, it really IS about COOMing

>> No.16245806

to brag about them on 4channel

>> No.16245929

Study pure politics and philosophy without starving. Also to oppose ethnic catalans later on.

>> No.16245936
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Easy life.

>> No.16245943

Imagine living through all of history
From the ancient egyptian KANGZ and babylonians, to greeks and romans, to medieval times until now
You'd be the smartest guy alive by far

>> No.16245945


No. You never do that. Be a gentleman. You never ever tell other people how much you have. Unless you are American I guess? But please, that it private, and should stay private

>> No.16246116

what about your parents?

>> No.16246131


What about yours? Hope they are fine?

>> No.16246139

upgrade your eyes to shoot out laser death beams. at least that's what most normal people want.

>> No.16246148


I kill with a word.

>> No.16246168



>> No.16246208

you'd have to unlearn, prune a lot of obsolete junk. i suppose knowledge expands in parallel faster than you can learn. dunno.

what's your theory on the cause of aging?

>> No.16246229

To bury my face in between those beautiful luscious tits

>> No.16246255

To live a comfortable life dipshit

>> No.16246349

This. Where is the whitest, lowest crime city in America that isn't tiny and still has some amenities like a chick fil a.

>> No.16246370


I don't know. But I have lived in LA for years, before going back to Europe... trust me when I say this: GOD BLESS THE USA! BEST ever.

>> No.16246385


this is how I plan vacations - sort by niggers. Went to Gulf Shores AL (I fully expected AL to be 99% nig, evenly dispersed throughout), based on the website (closest place worth visiting with fewest niggers) this summer and it was so fucking clean, cheap and everyone smiling and polite...came home to New Orleans and wanted to kms

>> No.16246415


You are a woman

>> No.16246416

>Yet, guess what, you don't do it after a while
Did you travel before having this freedom?
Why can't your girl come with you?
One of my heros Jim Rogers went around the world with his wife?

>> No.16246421

fuck off nigger, you'll all be swinging from trees soon enough

>> No.16246446

To purchase food, water, luxuries, and relevant necessities to reproduce, indefinitely and securely with as little effort as possible.

>> No.16246575


Yes I did.
My girl just doesn't want to. She is hardcore... no flights, no arabis countries, no nothing... she will never ever go anywhere that is not pithing a train train reachable.
And since I love her, and want to make her happy, that means, I am stuck too

>> No.16246604

>And since I love her, and want to make her happy, that means, I am stuck too
what method will you use to KYS?

>> No.16246641


I will convince her to travel... it just takes time. I really like her,. She is actually an honest good woman. Very rare

>> No.16246661

>I will convince her to travel... it just takes time. I really like her,. She is actually an honest good woman. Very rare
When you choke her with your cock does she smile afterwards?

>> No.16246709

Real talk?
Being independant and buying a bunker to survive until the singularity or rapture, whichever comes first

Fun talk?
to have infinite feetsies I can cum on, infinite weed and cocaine to get high off, and to do any project I want

>> No.16246712


This is really not what belongs here, but yes, I am more than happy with her performance in bed too

>> No.16246893

theory of aging is pretty well established
last I read sens is mostly focusing on senolytics to combat inflammaging and thats only 1 out of 8 or so of the major drivers of aging. I would not be so overly optimistic with sens. that aubry dude is overrated as fuck.

>> No.16247465

Time, this is the only true answer, money gives you time to pursue the things you love, for some that may be fucking girls like pic realted, for others other hobbies

>> No.16247472

money for 4k gaymen pc

>> No.16247660
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>> No.16247723

Freedom from wage slavery

>> No.16247736

to play on creative mode instead of survival mode

>> No.16247797

chekt and fpbp-pilled

I need a scat slut to violate daily or else my life's work was all for naught

>> No.16247878

Doing less of what I need to do and more of what I want to do.

>> No.16247898

>scat slut
Like a girl singing "I'm the Scatman" while you bang her?

>> No.16247909


>> No.16248009


have you ever played world of warcraft?

>> No.16248030
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Banging femboys (no homo)

>> No.16248031

U know it bb

>> No.16248033

get a girl with a body like that but Asian.

>> No.16248044


>> No.16248046


>> No.16248061

by fighting the jews of course

>> No.16248238

imagine not selling at $4 to buy more at $1.7

lmao @ all non-swinglinkers

>> No.16248455
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>> No.16248466
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>> No.16248568
