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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16239514 No.16239514 [Reply] [Original]

Just to recap

-Most cultural trends derive from 4chan. Look at the “Ok boomer” meme already disseminating down albeit way after it was popular on the chans
- 4chan memed a president into the whitehouse and is memeing the republican party into shitting itself currently by the America First movement-4chan is the last free speech place on the planet and the most powerful hive mind there is
-Pump and Dump coins come and go and yet LINK keeps the attention of the entire board for 2 plus years
-You have to be absolute fucking fool to not to understand the power of 4chan and not be invested heavy in LINK

Godspeed Marines

>> No.16239545
File: 1.30 MB, 3832x3960, 1555674650360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I practice buddism but I believe in KEK unironically.

I remember there was a grafetti of a frog when I went to on a school trip 3 years ago, I placed a monster energy drink next to it and that's how I converted to Kekolicism

>> No.16239564

Your a newfag riding of the coattails of the true elite. That's a buy signal though

>> No.16239582

>mfw I heard a 15-year old say "Ok boomer" to his dad at the supermarket last week

fuckin kek

>> No.16239586

This but unironically

>> No.16239599

you're* not a true elite with that shocking grandma.

>> No.16239609

grammar... damn it, grammar.

>> No.16239611

>newfag calling an OG a newfag...
You got no idea kid

>> No.16239635


Is t t th- that you Ari

>> No.16239683

Ive been making this argument since oct 2017 retard

>> No.16239730

will i make it with 3k link? i just got fired and thats all i could scrap up.

>> No.16239734
File: 7 KB, 270x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought new money shilling is a buy signal?

>> No.16239745
File: 77 KB, 1030x133, 75FDA114-C720-462E-B254-2B5BA63414FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is bigger than anyone can imagine. We are like neurons in a brain of a god. All religions have done this.

>> No.16239754

The 30 yr old boomer meme which kicked off the whole boomer thing was first posted on biz. Let that sink in.

>> No.16239758

This thread is a sell signal.

>> No.16239774

If 2016 plebbit newfags are starting to buy then its only a matter of time before the normalfag masses start buying.

>> No.16239789

Biz memes are up there with fit memes in their ability to spread to pol and reddit and beyond. I think it's because both boards attract autistic fanatics like nothing else

>> No.16239790

That's why I unironically chuckle when people say that ANYTHING posted here is a scam/shill/never gonna happen tier larp. Of course its cringy and kind of a bad image to listen to the wisdom here, but I feel a lot of long time lurkers here overtly deny the good ideas posted here, just because they want to be like everyone else and deny the occasional genius that spouts from places like this.

I would have probably thrown some money at link eventually, but as crazy as it sounds, having those pre-packaged stack sizes gave me something to strive for and achieve. All I did was decipher the bullshit from the legitimate and I'm up quite a bit on my initial. That can be real money, when I sell (which is always never). That real life tangible help was more than I ever got from anybody in my life. I never even so much as received parental advice from anyone and yet I have a bunch of what I can only assume to be similarly downtrodden (or even worse losers) than myself. Thank you, we are all going to make it. I didn't deserve this frens.

>> No.16239810

Former redditor here. Been here since fall 2017. You fags start everything so I came to the source.

Thanks for the 20k link stack.

>> No.16239820
