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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16238661 No.16238661 [Reply] [Original]

It's been an honor shitposting with you boys the past 2 years.

>> No.16238675

So long, kind stranger

>> No.16238690

Ditto. Be well and stay positive!

>> No.16238700

What's the cause of the sudden departure?

>> No.16238707

It's time to break $3.

>> No.16238716

Come back soon, Anon. Where are you going?

>> No.16238724


>> No.16238736

it already broke 3$ before, and that was months ago
Be seeing you for the next 6 months...

>> No.16238744

I don't think you understand anon.

>> No.16238745

What the fuck, are you guys not going to identify the next chinlink for us who were not fortunate enough to accumulate thousands of chainlink?

>> No.16239052

i agree, anon. can you find some?

>> No.16239062

Look into xsn.

>> No.16239072

Goodbye OP

>> No.16239082


2 fucking years of nonstop link shilling and you guys didn't buy any,

>> No.16239089


Thread theme.

See you guys on the frontier

>> No.16239090


>> No.16239095

What OP means is that chainlink will go to $10 and he will no longer shit post and will post high quality content

>> No.16239094
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there is no next chainlink. that's the whole idea.

>> No.16239097

Where do people buy these microcoins anyway?
Theyre normally not available for me until theyve already become top 100.

>> No.16239111

Well I've barely been here for a few months.

I just mean the next coin to go from nothing to top ~25

>> No.16239119
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Remember the Nico-niis that squished out pathetic cocks along the way...


>> No.16239129

>Look into xsn.
Gonna accumulate 10'000 hoping for the best.
I am pleased to share a chainlink tread with a XSNer bro.
Link marines will call us pajeets but we gonna make it twice (with Link and XSN)

>> No.16239136

I told you boys yesterday that today was the day.

The funniest thing is that the news hasn't even hit yet.

Mother of GOD you guys have no idea how big this is going to be and I'm going to be cracking a bottle of champers for you kids.

You saw a good thing early, called it and put your money behind it and now you're all free for the rest of your lives.

I love you all.

>> No.16239160

Are you the guy from yesterday?
Is it still worth fomoing?

>> No.16239179

Was it worth fomoing into Apple in 2008?

>> No.16239191


>> No.16239199

>kind stranger
You have to go back you feeble minded soi boi fag

>> No.16239219

See you tomorrow

>> No.16239242

Great larp CUNT

>> No.16239383

Fuck off faggot! It's not my or anyone else's responsibility to spoon-feed you information. While you were busy pulling your pud, we read the white paper, followed the breadcrumbs and put down our hard earned cash. Some people on this board literally cut back on all expenses, subjecting themselves to conditions they normally would never live in just to get a few extra hundred link. As long as you have that shitty little attitude of expecting something for nothing, you're never going to make it. Instead of whining about not being in the know, DYOR if you want to find the next golden ticket.

>> No.16239410

Not sure if a larp or not, but I don't care. It's my birthday today and seeing the moon mission starting to take off is the best gift I could have ever asked for.

>> No.16239440

Based. Ive got a few masternodes myself. Remember that time when XSN stole links gets? That's when i knew xsn had the meme magic like link although not quite as powerful.

>> No.16239473

Fomoing right now would be utterly retarded. Link might break into top 10 by EOY, but there's also a chance that it will dump back bellow $3. This is alright for people who are just multiplying their gains from the last few years, but not so great for somebody who wants to stick all of his McD wages into a magical coin and eat only the cheapest ramen until said coin makes him rich.

>> No.16239490

Lurk everyday, browse every thread. Eventually you'll gain understanding between shit, bullshit and the truth. Real gems get posted here every now and then.
It's a game changer.