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File: 591 KB, 600x545, Lofoten_Norway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16233080 No.16233080 [Reply] [Original]

I'm moving to Scandinavia when I make it :)

>> No.16233089

going to become a millionaire immigrant marrying a the local?

>> No.16233091
File: 178 KB, 480x480, 1556710541144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. Finland to be specific

>> No.16233092
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1530142667070s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too fren, best place!

>> No.16233181

I don't know about marriage. I just want to buy one of these houses and a boat and fish with the locals.

>> No.16233204

scandinavia is rapidly becoming an arab/african shithole.

Combine that with the shit weather, and it will be the worst place to live on the planet.

>> No.16233210

u wouldnt last a week and i mean that

>> No.16233214

That's pretty nice, but I would kill myself after one week living there.

>> No.16233225

Sweden =/= all of Scandinavia.
Denmark, Norway and Iceland are still doing fine.

>> No.16233230

I live in Norway. The climate here is the biggest problem for me. Many of the people are also cucks, but living standard is high. Sweden is a sinking ship

>> No.16233235
File: 491 KB, 960x639, temple-in-the-snow-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Japan for me...

>> No.16233244

It's pretty cool how they live next to a giant tree trunk.

>> No.16233251

i went to the north carolina mountains and realized how fucking shitty it must be to live there. literally no one who browses the internet would survive anywhere other than a major city/suburb

>> No.16233261

R u native? I would think that your genes are suitable for the weather..

>> No.16233264

Fuck off we're full

>> No.16233266

oh shit

>> No.16233291

There is a strong tendency for foreigners to associate with each other.. this applies to every country i know off, you move to Norway and you will likely befriend the other foreigners that live in the town you move to.
It may be due to the language barrier, in order to establish any meaningful relationship with other people you need to be able to express yourself at a certain level and likewise they need to understand you at a certain level.

You can probably find exceptions to this, and you could be that exception. But odds are good that if you move to Scandinavia, the people you will hang out with or date, will be immigrants themselves.

>> No.16233303

The fuck? I live on a 3 acre block on the outskirts of a tiny backwater town of a few thousand and it rules. I can go chill in the forest whenever I like, I have a bunch of chickens and ducks, and my back deck has a view of green rolling hills for miles. The day I moved in here my stress levels plummeted to nothing after years of cortisol-pumping city life. If you need to live in a city you are an NPC

>> No.16233306


>> No.16233322

yes im native, but i dont like cold and darkess

>> No.16233330

If anything it would be the opposite, since people change behavior in accordance with the climate.
Most people in Scandinavia spends a lot of time indoors compared to people in Southern Europe or Southern US. I presume the same principle applies in the US, where people in Michigan or where ever there is cold, spend more time indoors than people in Florida.

>> No.16233333

They aren't doing fine. They take in rapeugees and believe in cultural marxism just like sweden.

>> No.16233364

Thats right. Denmark and norway are like 10-15 years behind sweden. Finland is still doing fine, I would say

>> No.16233373

What a waste of quints. Good point though about rapefugees.

>> No.16233375

Well, luckily there are still nice places to move in South or Central Europe.

>> No.16233379

enjoy your 2 hour commute to work tomorrow, suburbcuck
maybe if your boss lets your out early you can take your wife and her boyfriend out to that cool new bar! You know the one with the AMAZING food and like 50 local craft beers on tap??

>> No.16233395

I used to live in Finland. It's screwed. Tons of immigrant workers + typical refugees. They allow non-white uni students to stay in finland and get citizenship too. Finns also have little national pride and fully endorse marxism.

>> No.16233413

Same. Gonna buy a summer house out there.

>> No.16233419

You need at least a bachelors degree to live there

>> No.16233439

enjoy fucking your sister faggot

>> No.16233492

I'm fucking off to Uruguay. It has a stable government, stable currency, 90%+ of the population are of European descent, isn't full shit ex pats, and a whole ocean to prevent niggers and Muslims invading their borders.

>> No.16233493

I fucking love the NC mountains! I’d like to live around Boone or Blowing Rock and have at least 30 acres.

>> No.16233498

As soon as eastern europe becomes a decent place to live they will begin this process too. There is no place to escape to.

>> No.16233515
File: 51 KB, 413x243, D8D17E7D-4D35-4D75-9B61-406DD8A77C99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.16233531

That's reasonable as well. Probably more bang for your buck.

>> No.16233533


>> No.16233553


>> No.16233565

Finland isn't part of Scandinavia.

>> No.16233578


>> No.16233587

yo how do you get internet there?
how do you find a gf?
how do you get amazon packages?
is there police to stop niggers from crime?

>> No.16233608

>90%+ of the population are of European descent

>> No.16233631

>how do you get amazon packages?
Amazon is not really a thing in Europe, yet. There has been a lot of talk about Amazon are planning to start operating in Europe as they do in the US, but it is still not a thing.

>> No.16233645

this is true. still doesn't change the fact that all of the nordic countries are in a shit situation. we shouldn't pretend like norway/finland are "good".

>> No.16233660

What!? Not much Amazon in Europe? How do you buy stuff? Like...go outside to the store and stuff?

>> No.16233701

People use the internet alot, but instead of having one giant webshop they use many different webshops.

>> No.16233732

You can get a nice apartment in Montevideo or a nice beach house within a quarter mile to the beach in Uruguay. If you don't mind a shit load of tourists, Medellín, Colombia may be the most comfy place to live. It's 62-78° every day, cost of living is ridiculously cheap,(I'm talking less than $300K for a decked out penthouses in the nicest area) locals are genuinely nice, friendly people. There's lots of great bars, restaurants, ang full of gorgeous women who'll actually put an effort into looking good and want to have a family.

>> No.16233735
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 1557727470472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single scandinavian country is over 90% white. its nothing like america where whites are a minority. it will take another century of turbo cuck politics to turn scandinavia into america, and its not going to happen. they will wake up eventually, its why im not moving there. i dont want to be there when they start lynching foreigners in the streets

>> No.16233767
File: 127 KB, 586x580, 1561570717865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lonely shitposter daydreams about his vaporware funnymoney making him "rich enough" to one day be allowed to enter Scandinavia
>An illiterate nigger who had sex with a goat long before he ever raped his first human woman hopped out of a leaky dinghy yesterday and just walked in. Didn't even shave his beard before claiming government benefits for being a 13 year old refugee.

>> No.16233793

Checked but you have no idea what you're talking about. You're not from Scandinavia, that much I can tell. There's a lot less "cultural marxism" in Denmark than in most other wealthy western countries. You sound like you're just repeating some boomer shit you saw on fox news. Denmark is one of the most anti refugee countries in the EU. Even the largest left-wing party want less refugees.

>> No.16233836


>> No.16233849

You must like muslim cock in your ass

>> No.16233888

Yeah bruh, I've been LatAm-pilled before ;)

>> No.16233912

This is Norway, not burgerland. There's almost no crime. And of course there's internet lol.

>> No.16233945

Oh, and pretty much 0% non-whites outside the cities.

>> No.16233976

unironically barcade sounds pretty nice

>> No.16234106

I've been to Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Sweden was the worst, absolutely, but Denmark and Finland are still super cucked.

Hell, the "border" guards going into Denmark were African and Asian lmao.

And look, i'm not praising America here. America is the biggest, most degenerate non-white shithole there is. Does Scandinavia seem white compared to America? Yes, but that isn't saying much.

The Scandinavian population is also old as fuck and if you look at the numbers under age 30 it's like 40% foreigners.

>> No.16234107

Brazil is right next to it.

>> No.16234586

looks comfy

>> No.16235736

Velic dot io crypto exchange is the best exchange

>the more Vela you hold
>the more you earn daily

>> No.16236042


>> No.16236066

Barcades do tend to be fun

>> No.16237354

wont take many with the small populations they have either

>> No.16237375

It’s full, fuck off

>> No.16237404

Norwegian here. Let me just say that the Jews are working overtime making conditions just as bad here as in Sweden.

>> No.16237449
File: 401 KB, 2560x1500, forme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, I'm staying in my home country :)

Already own a plot of land nearby, you can count the number of immigrants on your fingers and they're all European boomers.

>> No.16237890

Jealous. I’m in Puerto Rico which is nice too but not for families

>> No.16237969

>Norway now 15% immigrant
>another 20 years and it is 40%

I wouldn't do it anon.

>> No.16237997

You got it all wrong, you move away from Scandinavia when you make it

>> No.16238026

i'm just going to continue living in my country, although its third world its still comfy. Will be a lot comfier when I have more money though.

>> No.16238033

>You got it all wrong, you move away from Scandinavia when you make it
Dont try to prevent natural selection anon

>> No.16238037

The billion dollar question is that will I finally have sex?

>> No.16238050

It has to be consensual of course and she has to be someone I'm attracted to and likewise. I will make sure she's not a gold digger because this will be my number one goal I will try to accomplish before enjoying my riches so no one has a clue that I've already made it.

>> No.16238051

>arab/african shithole.
>They take in rapeugees and believe in cultural marxism just like sweden.
>I used to live in Finland. It's screwed. Tons of immigrant workers + typical refugees

Shut the fuck up you stupid mutts. It has absolutely nothing to do with any arabs or other immigrants. All of Scandinavia are shitholes because imagine the following
>24% VAT on everything you buy
>34% capital gains taxes
>50+% income tax
>nice weather for only 3 months of the year, the rest is fucking shit
>people are not nice at all
>literally nothing is allowed
>alcohol can only bought from state owned monopoly and is expensive as fuck, yet still everybody is a drunken retard every weekend

>> No.16238064

Is it true?

>> No.16238114

>The billion dollar question is that will I finally have sex?
Somewhere deep inside you know an answer to this question

>> No.16238289

It certainly helps, especially if you are foreigner.

>> No.16238326
File: 49 KB, 1249x467, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denmark, Norway and Iceland are still doing fine.
No, they aren't. Especially not Norway. It's literally full of niggers and muslims now.

>> No.16238333

>There are places in LatAm that will be whiter than places in Europe

>> No.16238336

Based and Redpilled
Cucked and Bluepilled

>> No.16238348

>The day I moved in here my stress levels plummete
What if I dont feel stress in big cities?
Am I Gigachad?

>> No.16238369
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1564352825639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.16238394

>Instantly makes up shittones of bullshit which I didnt even think about
So its you on your picrel?

>> No.16238408

reminder that pewdiepie, a dropout, has a house in japan

>> No.16238409

So you're waiting to get rich before having sex, yet not going to use the money to get sex?

Sounds like you're making excuses not to get on with your life, anon. Educate yourself and get fit. Being poor is no excuse.

>> No.16238414

>Puerto Rico which is nice

Umm socialist hellhole with a population that is 80 percent mixed race mullattos and massive poverty and a homicide rate a dozen times that of the mainland US?

>> No.16238435

>seething soicuck exposed

>> No.16238447

aren't scandinavian women the biggest roasties in the world though?

>> No.16238459

Probably they are

>> No.16238475

>scandinavians don't talk at all outside, and strangers think it's weird if you invade their 15 meter personal space, you can hear a fly in malls with lots of people in denmark
>burgers need to manspread their voice wherever they go, literally the loudest people in the world, and they just start conversations with random people on the bus etc...
the difference between scandinavians and burgers is bigger than the difference between eskimos and aboriginals

>> No.16238522

I like Bars because they give me an excuse to get in my alcohol fix without feeling like a loser. I go to a bar, I order food (recently I'm trying Mexican food) , I order a whisky sour, Moscow mule, or an old fashioned, and browse biz.