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16229287 No.16229287 [Reply] [Original]

what's it feel like after you die?

>> No.16229289

cold....so very cold....

>> No.16229290

surreal to a certain degree

>> No.16229298

if you accepted God into your life then it feels heavenly in heaven

>> No.16229302
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you've finally made it

>> No.16229303

exactly like before you were born

>> No.16229306

Bags of salty milk

>> No.16229307

you just respawn as a insect or animal

>> No.16229323

Well since your brain isn't working... Less than nothing. Complete non-existence. Just like before you were born.

>> No.16229375

Hell and heaven are here. Live in the moment and stop worrying about death or you'll become more insane than Bernie Sanders

>> No.16229385

Like business and/or finance

>> No.16229565

You'll be transported outside of your body in a etheric form that can see energy but also has all the senses from the 3rd dimension. You will be able to see and touch your body as well as telepathically listen to anyone you choose by connecting with their consciousness. It will be like waking up but you'll be floating and you won't have a physical body, You will still be aware as long as you will a body into existence. Your consciousness will be transported about 5 meter from wherever your body is due to earths magnetic field. You'll spend some time exploring the earth eventually until you decide to will yourself into space where you will meet certain planetary rulers which are more powerful than you. You'll also meet malicious beings that tell you to go into the light with them, Don't do it as it is a trap. They are feeding off the energy of people and enslaving everyone who believed in semetic religion on earth. Their are many malicious entities that pretend to be god like the jewish god jehova and you don't want to fall for their tricks. When you die think of THOTH in your mind as an ibis headed god and you will be transported to his realm where anyone is welcome and you can learn more about the knowledge of the universe.

>> No.16229578

smoke some 5-MeO-DMT and find out

>> No.16229608

Sorry I mispoke, Jehova is not a god in any sense of the word, Just a sad angry being.
Shut it kike.

>> No.16229695
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Why did I do this

>> No.16229734

It "feels" like pure information coupled with lots of a humbling, terrifying sense of unconditional love.

You know, like when DMT floods your brain when you're born, anon.

>> No.16229736

You almost had it right anon except the thoth part. Read the Wes Penre papers

>> No.16229756

Here is how to live forever:

>> No.16229771


>> No.16229824
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>Says thoth is bad
>He goes on to diss ENKI which is fighting against the kike jehova
>doesn't say a word about jehova or the kike god, Just another brainwashed jew

Opinion discarded.

>> No.16229851

Lmao kikes hate christianity.

>> No.16229868

>Kikes hate christianity
>They fund all the mega churches and mosques in the world
>He still buys into a lie that has kept humanity subverted for thousands of years
>Literally believes in a jewish prophet but no he's totally anti jew

>> No.16229874

Extremely good or extremely bad and horrific,
depending on whether you were kind, loving, and helpful to people in this life.

T. NDE researcher for many years

>> No.16229875

Who here goes to mega church though?

>> No.16229910

I'm not going to lie, there definitely is some subversion in the bible to keep the natural enemy of the jew docile.
Any real Christian sees right through it.

>> No.16229919

Besides the point, They fund the biggest mega churches and christian radio stations. All the pastors involved in all radio stations are jews. If you believe in semetic religion that is enough reasoning to call you a jew. Anti jews don't believe in semetic religions.

>> No.16229923

>business and finance

>> No.16229939

But it's not though! A semetic religion impies only semites are allowed, but that is not the case.
The modern day semites aren't even semites..

>> No.16229944

lmao you guys are gullible and will eat up anything. It's amazing how one line saying "jews are evil" coming from a jew can keep you subverted for thousands of years.

>> No.16229966

like when the musics over

>> No.16229975

Oh yes the old fallacy that the jews of yesterday are not the same ones of today.
>Literally every jew in existence hates gentiles but no these jews are a different breed who love white people.

>> No.16229980
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> t.
Well if you're so damn enlightened then instead of being condescending, then spread knowledge.
You're no better than the kikes with your little girl attitude.

>> No.16229993

ive had 2 surgeries where i was under general anesthesia. its nothing like being asleep. i was pretty much dead for the duratin of my surgery and it was comfy.

>> No.16229997

I never said that, you're assuming im defending the jews...

>> No.16230026

I don't have to, My philosophy is to simply hate jews and semetic religion. Jews don't deserve the knowledge I have because they are already traitors to the white race. If a jew wants to learn about the aryan gods and nordic values that I believe in, Their are resources and websites to do so without the infiltration of jews like on 4chan. And that's not what I look like, I'm from finland and I have blonde hair and green eyes.

>> No.16230040
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Hahahahaha have fun getting replaced by sand niggers!!!

>> No.16230052

>I never said that jews old jews are different from modern jews
>"The modern day semites aren't even semites.."
>Yes goys allow jews into your life, They are different jews and they totally do not hate gentiles!

You are defending the jews by admission of believing in a religion funded by jews and led by a jew prophet.

>> No.16230060

> I don't have to
Because you don't know anything useful.

>> No.16230067

He's not a Jew. All of those entities are avatars of God and "fight" against each other. The mechanism of disinformation is so big I recommend you read his papers

>> No.16230072 [DELETED] 
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If you're not shooting up immigrants then you are doing the same thing by letting them into your country. How's that logic working for you?

>> No.16230097

Jews don't deserve anything, Especially the explanation of nordic beliefes because if they even have a slight understanding of them they will try to subvert and change them. It's why semetic people, jews and religions are not welcome in finland.

>> No.16230110

How come your Gods let niggers run rampant in Europe and let them rape your woman and children?

>> No.16230115

That will not change anything as it will give jews like yourself more ammo against aryans and imprisonment, It is out of my control. The only thing I can do is have white children and protest against it.

>> No.16230129

Do you even have any?

>> No.16230135

I hope there will be nothing, I am so fucking done with living and this fucking world

>> No.16230136

The same logic as jehova and the kike jesus allowing race mixing in modern day society. You are a kike and you will always be a jew, Remember that.

>> No.16230149
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> Jews like yourself...
Nigger I ain't a jew!
If I am i your eyes then you're a filthy shit skin sympathizer, I bet you would let a Muslim get away with raping your girl.

>> No.16230156

salty coins and milk

>> No.16230185
File: 216 KB, 1058x652, Control-World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still believes kikes aren't playing both sides making him think they hate christianity while at the same time tying it in with their torah rituals for energy
>Believes in a kike prophet and religion funded by jews but no he isn't a jew

I don't care what you think I am, You are the one worshipping a jewish god and the son of that jewish god jehova. This will be my final post, Goodbye jew.

>> No.16230198

Have fun with your afro asian transexual grandkids!!!

>> No.16230209


>> No.16230346

Obviously, to each their own when it comes to this kind of thing but i look at death being inherently apart of nature. and nature by it's own nature is cyclic. you see it in time. in the seasons. all things we apply attributes to came from that cyclic nature itself. the whole world is derived from irony, opposites and coincidence. from the ground view looking up, where we stand as individuals, time appears linear with a beginning and an end. this gets kind of confusing but if we look inward, on a more micro scale, such as our day to day lives, we see how rapid these little cycles(day in and day out, routines, habits, etc) make up the macro scale, where the beginning and end must be only phases of the cycle. A better question is, are we living many days or one really long day? Because the catch about cycles... is that no part, however equal or unequal can exist without the other. they're one of the same. so life must meet death and vice-versa because without the other, the former doesn't exist. so death must conclude life AND death must prelude life. the void between is irrelevant and most likely does not exist because nature BY it's own nature absolutely abhors a vacuum.

From there... I think a few possibilities open up: you might relive your memories over again, and that seems likely because again how cyclic this whole charade is. Or there's wiggle room within the cycle, which free will suggests, and you remain who you are only your choices reset. so perhaps, its like a reroll where there are certain decisions/moments/benchmarks throughout your life that you decide upon again(didn't ask her out in this life because of a bad feeling, ask her out in the next one). OR... you become someone else entirely because all souls are equal and interchangeable in the realm of the cycle, which could be suggested by our ability to imagine what it might be like to be someone else. OR... finally, whatever we are descends/ascends further into a new realm where cycles are broken.

>> No.16230370

Tao k'o tao fei ch'ang tao.

>> No.16230517

what did it feel like when you were born