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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1622527 No.1622527 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, I need to change or else I'm probably going to stay how I am.

My goal is to try and become a workaholic. I've given up on finding a gf and will most certainly be alone for the remainder of my days, so it makes sense to just devote my life to making money.

How does one start off (save, bill paying, etc)?

>> No.1622529

Try r9k

>> No.1622536

>go to /b/ 2.0 for financial advice

>> No.1622561

Ive never seen a board more obssessed with r9k than /biz is

Current living situation / expenses?

>> No.1622564

I swear it is just the one guy. Shitposting every thread.

>> No.1622774
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We keep giving him advice, but he never listens.

He sees /biz/ as a procastination/pity parade enabler.

Or probably one of those NEET fuckers who take the NEET life way too seriously and is just fucking with us to validate his shitty life choices.

>> No.1623281

wagecucking is worse than NEETing

just try to make money online, everything else is a scam

>> No.1623619

Lol. Grats bro.

I suggest changing eating habbits and work out. Even if it is just going for a 5 mile walk.

Maybe get a workout buddy and go to the gym.

Lifes to short to work till u die. Ive tried it.

Just gotta find a comfy line to ride balanceing work and play and downtime.

Good luck.

>> No.1623623
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>mfw someone builds a bot that detects new threads and shitposts.

>mfw basement dweller puts more work into shitposting than his oarents did giving him a NEET life

>> No.1623697

I'm pretty sure he is talking about the r9k obsessed shitposter, not the OP

I'm pretty sure, given the nature of 4chan, there's just a lot of NEETs on here. I would imagine a lot of them actually do want to change, it can't be a satisfying lifestyle by your 30s/40s

>> No.1623812

Go to /wdg/ on /g/, learn basic web dev skills, get a job as a web developer, done.

It'll get you a foot in the door in tech, go from there.

>> No.1623818

first order of business is to take care of yourself. eat right, good nights sleep, get some sun and exercise. doing this will start to make you feel better and motivate you to start doing shit. while you're doing that, look for work. check online postings monster, indeed, craigslist. check your local area. get back into school or a trade. learn an in-demand skill. find a need and exploit it so that you can profit.

once you actually start doing these things you will find your life start to piece back together.

>> No.1623960

>Lifes to short to work till u die. Ive tried it.

You worked until you died and are now shitposting from beyond the grave?

>> No.1623992


>> No.1624345

I am anon's ghost, and I can confirm this.