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16220629 No.16220629 [Reply] [Original]

>made it in early '18 with ~3.4M
>get 3 std's in less than one year

>> No.16220682

its normal. anyone that has raw sex gets chlamydia and gonorrhea on occasion.

>> No.16220686


>> No.16220698

This Chad looks like he beats his girlfriend

>> No.16220741

If you let the STD run it's course, it will go away

>> No.16220757

STDs mean nothing to a true Chad

>> No.16220763
File: 576 KB, 784x424, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinder hookups are a meme, people aren't considering stds seriously

>> No.16220767

why? because you're not him?

>> No.16220772


>> No.16220993


>> No.16221085

I've had sex with dozens of hookers and never gotten STDs. Always use a condom.

>> No.16221251

Should have chosen the volcel life.

>> No.16221264

Unless it’s incurable, and even if it is, you’ll probably live a better life than me

>> No.16221279

I had to watch my cum leak out of a girl today so I had it rough chads

>> No.16221291

I even had to talk to her while I saw that. A true horror happened today

>> No.16221301

>Always use a condom.
imagine letting a piece of rubber cuck you

>> No.16221309

why do women act so oddly to having fingers put into their bumhole?

>> No.16221382

It’s the whiff of poo you’ll get. She’s insecure about that. Anal girls don’t care

>> No.16221401

The anal girls also either behaved oddly or didn't want it - despite the fact that I wanted to warm their butt up before fucking them there.

>> No.16221443

Sry fren hope u have better future luck

>> No.16221460

>woman, my dick is bigger than a finger
>ok then...

>> No.16221473

This is why I don't have raw sex anymore... Got chlamydia and gonorrhea too many times. Shit is annoying. The temptation is always there though

>> No.16221476

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.16221485

You more than likely are just autistic and suck at sex. Sorry fren but every girl loves a finger in their bum(if you do it right)

>> No.16221515

Based and true chad

>> No.16221529

no. Chads do NOT beat women. It is not the Chad way.

>> No.16221549

If a chad pays enough attention to a woman to beat them, he’s not a chad

>> No.16221862


>> No.16221870


>> No.16221882

>Tinder hookups are a meme
For an incel virgin

>> No.16221889

I never got any std and I fucked more than 80 girls raw.

Just stop dating cheap thots, loser.

>> No.16221891

You'll never make it

>> No.16221900


>> No.16222016

I've had sex with five women. Two were passable.

>> No.16222049

Do you count the russian women that fucked you brutally?

>> No.16223099

Better start saving for diapers.