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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16219821 No.16219821 [Reply] [Original]

Is Singapore proof that capitalism is king?

>> No.16219853

Yes, fuck my socialists euro country. I have to pay 39% for capital gains.

>> No.16220370

Also proof that multiculturalism can work

>> No.16220382

>Take any country that is socialist
>make it capitalist
>Every measure of life quality goes up instantly

>> No.16220401

Imagine a whole city full of asian people. That shits crazy.

>> No.16220415

and yet im still poor and ugly, so marx was right

>> No.16220436
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and 1% or less of the population enjoys 99% of the wealth increase. hooray

>> No.16220444

of course it is fuck yourope

>> No.16220457

fundamentally untrue and benighted

>> No.16220470
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>Everyone is poor
>Capitalism lets some people be not poor

>> No.16220484

the point is there is obviously a better system out there, so no, capitalism is not "king". the best idea is a mixture of capitalism and socialism. there was a guy who tried it in the mid 20th century. you may have heard of him.

>> No.16220498

Singapore literally provides public housing to everyone, /biz/ is clueless as always.

>> No.16220499

Germany's economy was not sustainable and required constant war

>> No.16220505

back to /pol/ retard

>> No.16220510

And that wealth is from unrestricted capitalistic policies. Also, they have to pay for the 99 year leases.

>> No.16220516

hitler had nothing to do with capitalism. Dude was a hardline anti-capital commie, who just happened to hate le joos.

Reminder: /biz/ is not approved by neither natsoc nor commies. We are the jews - deal with it.

>> No.16220524

is national socialism the high iq choice for society?

>> No.16220544

this whole thread is /pol/, faggot

>> No.16220549

Singapore is a capitalist, multicultural society with one of the highest standards of living in the world. Literally the anthesis of that board.

>> No.16220555

why do /pol/tards think every board loves them? You're all freaks and rejects with no understanding of economics.

>> No.16220564

I'm not the one who posted a /pol/ thread on /biz/. Go attack the OP.

>> No.16220580

How is this a /pol/ thread?

>> No.16220607

ohh I see what the issue is. you're retarded. have a good day.

>> No.16220768

Lee Kuan Yew in his own words:

They say people can think for themselves? Do you honestly believe that the chap who can’t pass primary six knows the consequences of his choice when he answers a questions viscerally on language, culture and religion? ... we would starve, we would have race riots. We would disintegrate.

I started off believing all men were equal. I now know that's the most unlikely thing ever to have been, because millions of years have passed over evolution, people have scattered across the face of this earth, been isolated from each other, developed independently, had different intermixtures between races, peoples, climates, soils... I didn't start off with that knowledge. But by observation, reading, watching, arguing, asking, that is the conclusion I've come to.

If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one.

He also gives U.S. immigration practices a failing grade, declaring that “multiculturalism will destroy America”

>> No.16220806

>he doesn’t know what MMT is

>> No.16220810
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>> No.16220844

Corporatism isn’t a planned economy

>> No.16220878


>huge amount of wealth inequality
>no nationality/culture
>more foreigners than natives

yeah im not a lefty but fuck your chingchong oligarch sandbox

>> No.16221081

Singapore was pretty based when I was there. Only negative experience I had was some local asking for money and rambling about rich foreigners coming and that he has lots of kids or something.

>> No.16221490

US is going to take a few notes from China on how to control a populace. Multicultural societies can work with an authoritarian government

>> No.16221510
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Are responsible for*

>> No.16221692

>US is going to take a few notes from China on how to control a populace.
Bro, do you know anything at all about U.S. history?

>> No.16221735

I was watching some porn yesterday which was a white guy on vacation picking up and filming young asian women all the way to the bedroom. I, of course, feel happy that if my life ever becomes shit here, I can go out to SEA and just have infinite sex with the vagina population of asia, which is just a giant vagina at this point. But after I finished cooming I started thinkin about the men. How do the men feel? They know that their women are being bred by the white seed. And white men willing to compensate for dates and sex clearly increases the value of women in the same way student loans increased the value of college. How do this asian men compete? They live in a vagina country, but have no vagina of their own In thailand they already turn to homosexuality to please their white masters. But what if you want to be an honest to God heterosexual asian male? Are you supposed to just accept that your wife has been fucked by 500 white guys in her life and her pussy is now more stretched out than BLACKED actresses?

How do asian men even cope?

>> No.16221743

Bro, do you think social credit through big brother tech surveillance is something that has always been around?

>> No.16221757
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It's proof that if White countries outsource enough of their manufacturing, then Chongs can become wealthy slave owners also.

>> No.16221761


>> No.16221779
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>implying that the United States isn't exactly this

>> No.16221802


>> No.16221825

>t. Hasn’t been to Singapore
I don’t think anyone in this thread has

The place sucks. It’s a soulless shopping mall. The food is good, but otherwise it’s really boring, only about going to the same few bars and fucking hookers. It’s an excellent place to visit for 3 days and I’m glad it exists, but it is soulless. Give me Bangkok over Singapore any day of the week.

Also there are a bunch of things in place to protect locals from foreign investment/displacement. It’s not a free open capitalist system like everyone believes

>> No.16221826

>glorying the loser

>> No.16221850

You totally missed the point of what I just said idiot. The fact is, most of the wealthy people in China are fucking sweatshop owners, literally legal slave owners. Their entire fortunes are made up of the death and suffering of Chinese peasants. Singapore is literally a playground for all of these wealthy, soulless fucks. They parked billions of dollars there and made it their own little private country club. Singapore produces barely anything.

>> No.16221894

This is pure cope. Singapore did not have any factories and made their country have one of the highest standards of living in the world. The West got wealthy from manufacturing just like everywhere else. Do you think NYC or the Ruhr were always wealthy? Now the West is going to decline while East Asia will prevail

>> No.16221951

Trickle down economics is a myth anon. Everybody knows this

>> No.16221998

The only thing singapore proves is that geopolitics is king

>> No.16222015
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Dubai is the real capitalist paradise

>soulless gaudy city built in the middle of nowhere by slave labor

>> No.16222017
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Everybody is fucking stupid these days.

The reason Singapore is rich is not because of Superior Asian work ethic, good governance, etc.

It's because it's a city built around one of the worlds best deep water ports located in the busiest trade waterway in the world. I guarantee some fucking baboons from Africa would have a decent standard of living if they built a port there.

It's like saying San Francisco is wealthy because of its work ethic and good governance. Gavin Newsom and the half wit mayor of San Francisco couldn't run a bath without the ridiculous tax base and desireable real estate there.

Lee Kwon Yu is a smart guy, but even if some monkey fucker like Carrie Lam ran the place it would still be rich.

>> No.16222025

Imagine being such a seething commie fucking loser to believe this and sperg bullshit on an underwater nigerian basket weaving forum

>> No.16222070

>since I'm poor and ugly marx was right


>> No.16222075

Yeah, under an authoritarian capitalist state. baste

>> No.16222084

If I had to choose I pick natsoc Everytime though.

>> No.16222095

Maybe, but it's certainly not free markets.

>> No.16222106

Not quite, when singapore separated for malaysia a lot of people thought it was a dead end. At the time malaysia had a lot of promise too, but it eventually got bogged down by muslim politics.

>> No.16222114

Aren't drugs treated with a death penalty?

>> No.16222121

How is Israel this time of year, Rabbi?

>> No.16222125


Violates muh NAP breh.

>> No.16222148

gtfo, owning people is the ultimate capitalism

>> No.16222199

It's not though.

>> No.16222224

>Black men cuck Whites
>White men cuck Asians
>Asians cuck Blacks.


>> No.16222254

Why do /pol/turds love to hold losers in such high regard?

>> No.16222288

yes it is. owning productive assets privately and putting them to work for profit is peak capitalism

>> No.16222303

Damn, so it is happening huh? So was South Park right? That in the future we are all the same color because we all love the feeling of conquering other people's women? I mean, I won't lie. One of my best sexual experiences so far was fucking a native girl because while I pounded her economically challenged pussy, I felt like a conquistador genociding her family. It was amazing. Is this just male nature? Do we just really want to fuck other people's women?

>> No.16222345

Singapore, I hate that place.
Recently went their while travelling asia. Fucking hated. It's is the bastion of losers LOSERS the people on the hostel pub crawl where absolute LOSERS!! whites and locals alike, really made me see fascism as the bastion of weak losers like, literally the entire country was white corporate cucks who look like they've never run 50 metres in their lives and would literally die if they tried and onions boy asians who are sneaky.

The hostel pub crawl was a fucking scam basically a literal singaporean PooJeet knew the people in the bars and one of the games was literally "who will pay for this round of weak shots" basically the last person to put their shot glass down had to pay for the entire tables "shots" which we're weak af... fucking HATED singapore, then as we where leaving the hostel I was wearing sandals and they said oh you better go up stairs and change those you can't get into clubs with them on! I was like okay, went up stairs came back down with new shoes and the grimy fuckers where gone! probably because I was a chad aussie they all knew it, i called them out on their shit fucking "game" and was basically there to fuck their asian women but yeah 0/10 its a soulless modern city BUGMEN edition, cringe, yikes and loser-pilled

>> No.16222513

>I was wearing sandals and they said oh you better go up stairs and change those you can't get into clubs with them on! I was like okay, went up stairs came back down with new shoes and the grimy fuckers where gone!
Sounds like they just wanted an excuse to get rid of you. And judging by the whiney bitch post I don't fuckin blame them.

>> No.16222660

yeah because fascists are known for not caring about the health of their population

>> No.16222671


>> No.16223020

Argentina would like to have a word with you.

>> No.16223496
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Singapore is the epitomy of the rat race

This is your life in sinky por

-> get born -> primary -> PSLE -> O level -> A level or poly -> NS (2 year) -> local uni -> 3k job -> get married -> BTO flat for 500k-> ROD -> 100k for a 10 year car lease -> pay out ur ASS to raise kids-> country club, credit card, condo, -> oops u dead.

wow great life good job capitalism . sinky por is just a stinky por.

i fuckn hate that place. good food tho, but its so godamn boring

society of the spectacle. everyone s a godamn chinky bugman normie robot.

fuck stinky por. shit hole. i like other places, stinky por is only nice if ur rich.. even then itssooooo boring only if ur rich and 40 +.

pay 1 million for a stupid lamborghini aventador that only last like 10 year, and then u pay road tax, insurance, crazy gas tax, ERP charges.

holy shit. fuck stinky por.

>> No.16223539


Lamborghini Aventador S Coupe EuroSports Auto Italy

Lamborghini Aventador S Coupe
6.5 V12 (A)
(w/o COE)

that's 1.1 million USD for a stupid car that you can only legally drive 55 miles per hour (90km/h).

Sinky por is such a cucked ass country.

>in the US I bought a fucken pistol. 2A rights.
>buy a 335i in Cali go faster than a million dollar lambo in stinky por.

yea yea u can take the lambo to sepang but what a waste of bloody time.

yea yea u can go to huberts butchery and take ur yacht down to st johns, but after u do it 2-3 times it becomes REAL fucken boring;

at least u take ur yacht in Hong Kong u see some mountainous scenery like Shek O or Big wave bay.

damn i forgot u retarded biz lets don't know shiet.

haha. fuckers _ | _