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File: 10 KB, 665x126, rlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16213334 No.16213334 [Reply] [Original]

Is /biz/ going to keep pretending and copeing this is a scam and it's alright they lost potential 400% gains in a couple of months?

>> No.16213347

Bought at 26 cents and sold at 71 cents, I'm pretty happy with my trade desu
It got too hot for me, the liquidity is still really low and after trading in a +/-20% range for days I decided to exit with the pump

>> No.16213354

Its not 'a scam' but the team are definitely scammy

That and who gives a shit, I'm all in LINK

>> No.16213359
File: 223 KB, 528x424, 1570993391601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice gains. but i think u sold too early fren. sell the news event is in 33 days.

>> No.16213362

>he sold the next ETH tier gains at a 4x

>> No.16213366
File: 133 KB, 1003x1032, 1572767238902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC will outperform link on the next 30 days

>> No.16213367

Same here. Got in $0.35 and left just under $0.70 and added sats to my Link stack. Chart is looking too green for my liking.

>> No.16213371

>He doesn't know about the exchange listings

>> No.16213384

Again, couldn't give a shit, im not a trader and i cbf with tax avoidance or losing half my (risky) trade value to the government

LINK will outperform RLC over 3,6,12months and beyond

>> No.16213392

>LINK will outperform RLC over 3,6,12months and beyond

>> No.16213393

maybe over 6, but def not 12. and you do give a shit, otherwise you would not spam this thread with your shitstink coin

>> No.16213396
File: 12 KB, 1012x152, 242626262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat these words

>> No.16213444

Imagine selling bellow $500 M marketcap

>> No.16213486
File: 105 KB, 365x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek is doing the needful.

>> No.16213492
File: 432 KB, 680x748, 1573442804223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizraelis are generally stupid

>> No.16213542
File: 242 KB, 1200x800, 1573025895572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding LINK while Sergay dumps 700k on you and RLC keeps pumping at the same time

>> No.16213576

2B mc really

>> No.16213702

RLC has the best memes.

>> No.16214547


>> No.16214607

offchain computing, dataset renting, oracles

>> No.16214745

Link hasnt out performed RLc in 3 months, and it wont out perform RLC any time soon. Face facts asslick, you should have dumped when the link devs dumped on your chest. Anyone still holding that token has brain damage.

>> No.16214848

It's literally dumping. It's finally starting GAHAHAHA

>> No.16214907
File: 165 KB, 680x1066, 1572272782602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 200% in the last month and a half

This is an RLC thread, not a LiNk thread

>> No.16214985

It's dumping

>> No.16214989

Hi satsgang / cryptowolf / iexecmonopoly / cryptochico / rlc's actual marketing team and whatever other pajeet tier pump groups are trying to spam biz.
Yes, we see you. No, we still aren't interested in your ripped off shitcoin memes or pajeet tier shilling tactics.

>> No.16215071

imagine being the incel who keeps posting this instead ridig RLC pump until V4. people here are starting to get emotional about their coins which is fucking stupid

>> No.16215086

I wanted in this shit at .25 but no fucking burger exchanges have it, so fuck this coin

>> No.16215112

Link has outperformed RLC since it came out, why do you pick certain time frames that fit your narrative? why not compare from the start? small time frames only benefit traders

>> No.16215146

>not outperforming RLC currently
>is out performing RLC

The absolute state of biz poorfags

>> No.16215177
File: 144 KB, 461x687, Butters_9add3a_670616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread aimed only at long term holders or what? biz is about making some mother fucking money and fucking retards like you think that after buying shitcoin you have to get all religious about it. i swear linkies sound like cult members

>> No.16215220
File: 183 KB, 750x1334, A31C7C28-3792-4537-9C8A-6867098EABB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being triggered this easily

>> No.16215266

what this graph supposed to mean? if you bought bottom you'd be up 400% in couple of months.

>> No.16215314

You are basically the internets equivalent to the 45 year old boomer that talks about “ the good ol’ days” where he used to have money and fuck top quality pussy. Nobody cares what happened prior to LINKS devs taking a hot steaming shit on Retarded bag holders like yourself. Reality is RLC was up 200% last month, and is up 150% this month, while LINK is in the red.

Hold your shit coin to 0, but the rest of us are trying to make money.

>> No.16215318

same can be said of the people in this thread who get all fanatical zealot towards scumstink or any other coin. stop preaching while you yourself are the same fucking way peasant.
And of course biz is stupid people buy a coin and think you actually hold (hurrr durr hodl spelling) for life.... some of us actually buy and sell for profits but alot of people get all fanatical about it and sperg out. this whole board is nothing but mentally ill losers that cant handle people not trading how their autistic ass trades and thinks.

>> No.16215361

I've called cult holders retards and in the next post you call me a cult holder, fuck off shitstinker

>> No.16215431
File: 159 KB, 848x1280, 07D270A7-E56C-4736-A1D9-101148711F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image hurts the jeets!
Lol classic.

>> No.16215553

I dont have any scumstink you stupid faggot. And yes you're doing exactly the same thing. you're BOTH acting like fanatical zealot cult members. look at you lashing out cuz z0mg le scumstink man attacked me. so again I have zero scumstink never wanted scumstink wont buy scumstink nor will I buy the other cult coins on here bitshitv and rlc. deal the fuck with that reality cultist. now go sperg out some more and deny reality cuz it doesnt fit with your cult attack scum stink mentality

>> No.16215604

Then why are you here faggot?

>> No.16215632

>tfw live in Murcia and have nowhere to purchase digital oil

>> No.16215641

Whatever the fuck I want

>> No.16215644


>> No.16215650
File: 19 KB, 588x522, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh ggguyyss... It's dumping

>> No.16215816

zoom out retard. haant even reached the top of the last pump and dump cycle. this garbage is headed to 10 cents in the next 6 months

>> No.16215876

so everyone bought the bottom right?

>> No.16215971

I did, 0.17$ in January

>> No.16216871

uhhh it is not shitstinker

>> No.16217159

Hes a gravel coin holder that makes a “wtf was that?!” Thread when Gravel coin goes up .01. Cut him some slack.

>> No.16218337

/biz/ LINK team (fags) are acting as if it's a paki coin.

Canada here, fuck y'all


>> No.16218426

kyber? uniswap? absolute state of bizlets. fuckin 2019 and cant use a dex? lulululul.