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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16208571 No.16208571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw unironically diagnosed with terminal cancer

sorry for blogging and ill probably get banned but this board is the closest thing I have to firends or family. gonna miss you guys

>> No.16208578

see you in hell fren

>> No.16208582

I hope whatever you're holding moons very soon so you can enjoy your last days + leave something for your family.
Sorry bud

>> No.16208585

Don't fall for the Jewish chemo

>> No.16208593
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good luck on your afterlife isekai adventure anon!

>> No.16208601

Unironically this. Look into fasting and the benefits of autophagy, you can reverse your cancer.

>> No.16208608

Start fasting right now it may save your life.

Good luck fren. I hope you make it and if you don't i hope you've enjoyed you're last days

>> No.16208609

youll be fine but id recommend accepting jesus into your heart and getting laid a few times while you still can. God bless.

>> No.16208612

> terminal cancer
> chemo
terminal mean RIP OP nothing can save him now

>> No.16208615

Sorry fren, it's been nice to trade next to you.
What type of cancer? How long you have to live? And most importantly are you gonna give your stack family or blow it all in Vegas before you die? I'd prolly do the latter but my senpai sucks

>> No.16208618

We’ll miss you too senpai, don’t worry this isn’t the end.

Do fight it though never give up

>> No.16208622

I would try an intense water fast, stop feeding the cancer. then meditations on your wellness. good luck

>> No.16208624

If you don't make just ill see you on the eternalchan with your 47 virgin wiafus.

>> No.16208627

Don’t go into the light

>> No.16208630

>terminal cancer
>fasting may save your life

>> No.16208632

I know that feel bro.

>> No.16208633
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Also, dont feel so bad OP, we all have the same destination. Death is the ultimate equalizer and our whole life is just the blink of an eye in time and space. Godspeed.

>> No.16208641

>t. Steve Jobs

>> No.16208645
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this, cancer feeds on your food intake, starve it and kill it.

>> No.16208648

Take some fucking LSD and shrooms anon, expand your mind and make piece with death. If DARE was right and you go crazy, you'll be dead anyway.

>> No.16208656

steve jobs kept eating whatever he liked, no fasting

>> No.16208660
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goodbye fren, lol

>> No.16208662

so sorry fren. very sorry.

>> No.16208669

I did acid and I went crazy.

>> No.16208674

Fuck off druggie.

>> No.16208696

Positive thinking
Drink water
Find God

Take care fren

>> No.16208709

>What type of cancer?

colon. had digestion problems for a long time but nothing serious (bloating, malabsoprtion, bad stools, etc). Didn't think anything of it other than a nuisance or my diet was wrong. A few months ago I noticed I started feeling very weak at the gym and was losing weight pretty quickly for no reason. Started shitting blood not to long after and finally went to the doctor who told me the news and that it had metastasized already. Basically my fault for waiting so long. dont make the same mistake I did guys if you start noticing changes in your health

>> No.16208755

how much time do you have?

>> No.16208761

I am very sorry anon. I have got health problems with my colon as well, doc says it's IBS but I am not sure. I have lost weight as well, pebble stool, if I drink like fructose almost instantly i get pain in the left side of my stomach. But to tell you the truth, the more you realise how bad this world is, the less it matters. so I hope somehow that's a comfort to you.

>> No.16208764

Sorry to hear anon. We will etch your name on the /biz/ memorial when we all make it.