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File: 446 KB, 960x540, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16208256 No.16208256 [Reply] [Original]

Were millennials always in a bad situation economically (job market, ect), or was it in the aftermath of the 2008 recession?

>> No.16208272

20 year olds are zoomers not millennials idiot

I'm 25 and couldn't be more successful if I tried

>> No.16208312

Ok but answer the question

>> No.16208337

boomers have quietly been selling off the country since around the time you were born . so you were probably always fucked

>> No.16208404

The 2008 recession was symptomatic, and part of a general overall decline and period of stagnation. It did embolden the key actors in this system, because they now believe themselves to be totally invincible.

This doesn't necessarily make it so. Avoid debt, own land, acquire a durable, quality, reliable set of basic tools and appliances.

I finished college in 2010, turning 21, endured the recession delivering flyers, filling gas, retraining and reskilling. Now LE STEM pro pulling 120K, own my property including some arable land, no debts.

Maybe a Boomer or GenXer could've gotten here with less effort, but it's all about playing your circumstances, applying your efforts where they can bear fruit, navigating a harsher, more complicated set of economic circumstances, and avoiding simple pitfalls.

>> No.16208455

I was 16 and on a shitload of drugs in 2008 so I did not give a fuck about the economy one bit. My brother is a 37 year old boomer who geaduated college in 2004 and has told me about it though. Up until 2008 it was insanely easy to get a tech startup job straight out of college with any bullshit degree, all of his friends did. Then 2008 came and they were all unemployed.

>> No.16208477

I, for one, would like to see a better less redundant Consoomer wojak edit.

>> No.16208483

This. It isn't to say that millennials aren't fucking retarded, but so much shit has gone down the toilet because boomers gutted the economy and now want to skim wealth off the top of the new generation. Greedy fucks

>> No.16208824
File: 10 KB, 1040x464, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking a $30 star wars frying pan is the reason millennials cant afford 20k tuition

>> No.16208865

This meme has potential but honestly I don’t know anyone like this. It’s need to be more normie focused.

>> No.16209019

Why do you faggots all pretend as though 2008 was great depression tier shit? Is it just a cope becuase you've never been a part of a great event in your life?

Is see this all the time. People acting like 9/11 is the equivalent of pearl harbor or whatever stupid fucking mild event that was a slight inconvenience was like some event that changed the world

>> No.16209032

nice larp, everyone here knows no successful person frequents this shit board. Most here are broke and hoping crypto will make them millionaires from their 200 dollar bags

>> No.16209045

Boomers were shit but they mostly benefited from a high population. The lower birth rates would have fucked next generations regardless of a boomer selling his home to a jew banker

>> No.16209074

you're one of the lucky ones. The recession was really felt around that time, but you used the time to get educated.
I FINISHED my STEM education then. Right when unemployment (the real one) was at its highest. Couldn't find anything.
Now the gap in my CV holds me back. I managed to survive by continuing education into a phd, soon I'll be finishing that and getting back on track (already got a 40k offer).

But fuck the whole system man. I just hope to get down this job before the next recession hits, and it will be a lot worse. Bankers and their relation with central banks are the worst outflow of boomer excess and I can't wait for crypto to destroy them or at least significantly change them.

I still remember working as a waiter with three other guys my age who were all recently graduated electrical engineers (one from spain one from Greece). Fuck it all.

>> No.16209164

boomers never taught them how to exist

>> No.16209195

same for me and there is data to support that people that graduated that time are held back forever.

what they don't tell you is that if you don't get a job right out of school your whole education is fucking pointless. I eventaully got a middle class wagecuck job but couldn't get into the management program because I wasn't hired right out of school, meanwhile it was a never ending treadmill of retarded niggers who'd get hired into the program for a few months and then fall upwards to a better job at a different company

>> No.16210285

2008 was a Godsend to me. I had just the right timing to profit from it.

T. 37 yo Boomer

>> No.16210340

Gotta keep up with your NPC peers or you might be labelled bad words like "loser" and "incel"