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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16206399 No.16206399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw born in the 1900s

>> No.16206406

Back to the nursing home gramps

>> No.16206425
File: 19 KB, 234x216, 1575634534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'99 here
will never be a zoomer

>> No.16206447


>> No.16206693
File: 44 KB, 540x361, ADD92EBE-61CE-461A-960B-4F450156ABC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80s here. Our generation was screwed over.

>> No.16206746

you guys had tons of opportunities to make it. If I was born in the 80s I'd have a fully paid couple fully paid off homes or a sexy stock portfolio that I would've bought during the 08 recession.

>> No.16206786
File: 249 KB, 500x997, men-1969-men-2019-you-are-not-a-man-unless-63260631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern men are faggots

>> No.16206918

Oh, and fuck Greta, if I want to ride a huge ass car and bike, I will do it. If new regulations mean I have to pay higher taxes for it, fine. But I will keep enjoying my life. I only have one, before I go to Valhallah... and what happens after me is not my fucking problem

>> No.16206934
File: 498 KB, 1387x640, 1569968468863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was born

>> No.16206952

>men in 2039

>> No.16206980


Can you imagine?

>> No.16207021

the only thing I can imagine worse than scooters as a method of transportation is lubing up naked in your house, entering a tube that flings you through the inner city tubelane right into your locker in your place of work

some say I'm quite good at imagining

>> No.16207041

tfw graduated high school in the 1900s

>> No.16207042

That sounds kind of fun though.

>> No.16207078



You know, my girlfriend as millennial son.... and I am not allowed to break his legs of course, but man, this new generation is really a pain to experience. A pain. They want to do nothing. Which, thanks to me, he can do. But then, he really wants to nothing.. like forever.. playstation and meeting friends to smoke... that's it. That is what he wants

>> No.16207086

Born in 84 here. I graduated in 2002. Then explored college and marijuana for a few years. Not sure where I would have found the money to invest in 2008. Hindsight is a cunt, anon. 35 now and making 100k a year as a wagie. Still haven't escaped.

>> No.16207096

>But then, he really wants to nothing.. like forever..
yeah lol
just imagine

>> No.16207106


Yeah, imagine? You think that is good?

>> No.16207131

that's half this board, neets living it up

>> No.16207137

yeah dude lol
imagine not wanting to work for the short short length of 50 years and marrying some slut with kids from other men lol

>> No.16207147

maybe if you were born in the first half of the 80s

>> No.16207149
File: 54 KB, 606x617, 1566509382780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This who would want to just enjoy themselves their entire life

>> No.16207252

You made shitty choices. the early 2000s were some of the greatest economic times. If you would've started your own business or even went into a trade, you' would've had it made in 08 if you were smart with money. My parents own a small construction money worth nearly 7 figures during the peak. But they are brainlets and dont know how to manage money. I'm 25 and have a portfolio worth 80k right now. As soon as I'm worth 150k I'm cashing out and praying for a collapse.

>> No.16207439


Aren't they all up for a pretty rude awakening though?

>> No.16207463

Born between 1995 and 2015

>> No.16207465


I don't even know why I degrade myself talking to you, but that is not at all what I am saying. Do not marry anyone ever. And if you have a girlfriend, whose son is a bum, you should notice.

>> No.16207479

Doesn't make the woman happy either you know? But I am not the dad so, I stay far away from it... if I was the dad I would never ever ever ket this all pass

>> No.16207481

Jesus christ. And imagine going into debt so you could make monthly payments for the tube lube on top of that.

>> No.16207502


Dear cute pepe guy... I adore your work and fotos...
But you are not helping any good cause here

>> No.16207519

kek, then a boomer just shoots you

>> No.16207528


He has not shot yet.. he is nice and peaceful

>> No.16207640

Do you know what happens at the end of Easy Rider?, once they "make it"

>> No.16207674

You are a zoomer, dummy
Pew research ascribes zoomers to be from 1997 to like 2012

>> No.16207676


Of course.
And what does that tell you?
Men even die for their freedom and belief

Do you see any of that in the new generations?

>> No.16207694

Let me put it this way... if generation millennium is now in charge, the US would be taken over in about 5 minutes.

>> No.16207754

ok boomer
It tells me the older generation never likes the new generation and will get rid of you for no reason just because your different doing things differently

>> No.16207772


You retard! NOONE WANTS TO GET RID OF OUR KIDS! We just hate that you are useless faggot bums

>> No.16207798

A man, even as a teen, should have been in at least two fights, have had a few bullshit summer jobs, have had his nose broken for the first time, and shut the fuck up . Simple

>> No.16207827

I bet you would shot those fags on the scooters too if you had the chance. Just like the old men shooting the dirty long-haired bikers at the end of easy rider. You became the "man" you hate, boomer

>> No.16207872


You would lose that bet. I just do not understand how modern men can be this female and stupid and lazy... that does not mean I want to kill them. Fuck.

>> No.16207890
File: 316 KB, 612x408, 1556883466204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was WW1 like?

>> No.16207908

100k a year is making it!

82 here making 40k a year.

>> No.16208000

Do you even understand, that here on /biz/ even a bit of will, of real interest, of self-initiative, could go places? Instead they go: 'i am neet, the world owes me because i was born, gibs me or go away*...
THAT is not good. to in the real world, not here, not anywhere

>> No.16208011

>female and stupid and lazy
kek how fucking stupid are you old man
those guys in 1969 look female with their long hair and lazy doing the weed all the time and I bet driving the motorcycles makes you stupid or drugs make you stupid. either way you dont see the irony.

>> No.16208029


The way you talk you are older than me. And you know damn well exactly what I am on about

>> No.16208055

You wont go to Valhalla by damaging the environment

>> No.16208057

ok brainlet, watch Easy Rider again for me with your gf's kid maybe you too can bond.

>> No.16208075

bikers are fags shoot em

>> No.16208101


HELL YEAH?! I will not in my lifetime have the air that I breathe taxed! But it is coming. Fuck you all to be honest. Fuck gay men and European faggots. Fuck the environment. I want to enjoy my LIFE and I will, no matter what Greta says.

>> No.16208120


I would be careful with that kind of expression

>> No.16208282

I mean, you technically could not lube up, but if one of the tube maintenance wagies misses a spot, you're gonna have a very bad time.

>> No.16208502

Oh boy. The lack of brains.

>> No.16208561

t. 96 zoomer

>> No.16208720

i dien't know satan is lurking here.

>> No.16208741


now you know