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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16205579 No.16205579 [Reply] [Original]

imagine not investing in the biggest future tech company

>> No.16205628

Didn't they bankrupted or smth?

>> No.16205636

Wework is a great concept and only low iq dont realize how important it will be

>> No.16205644

I worked for this company, what a shit show. I’m shocked this didn’t result in the .com market crash 2.0

>> No.16205650

Softbank bailed them out

>> No.16205657

It's not even on the stock market you fucking mong

>> No.16205661
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Adam Newman should be a patron saint of /biz/ -- he became a billionaire without doing anything of value

>> No.16205672

>he's not a billionaire venture capitalist
Psh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.16205682

>not having access to private stock sales


>> No.16205705

this. what a total pos wework was. and why tf did softbank bail them out? it was a failed model from inception, as start-ups have no business renting out high-cost locations for operations.

>> No.16205738

>already having made it is the only way to make it

>> No.16205739
File: 501 KB, 1242x2208, FDEF34A2-C425-49C6-BE94-8C0DE3978385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone make heads or tails of the press release?

They said :
>we want to focus on enterprise customers, not small business

I thought the entire business model was a place for small business to work.

>> No.16205742

Its going to be huge, it will allow companies to change what has been the largest fixed cost to a variable cost with a call to wework

>> No.16205759


>> No.16205763

Because they already invested so much money. Like buying xrp at $3 then it goes to $0.5 and you buy more!

>> No.16205770

It already is a variable cost for big business. They just lease more office space if they need it. That is variable.

>> No.16205772

Portfolio: This, Theranos, Enron, BSV

>> No.16205777

I'm all etsy.

>> No.16205795

add in PG&E stock and lamboland is 2 years away MAXIMUM

>> No.16205804


Yeah, they're saying anything that sounds good. They've cashed out already.

>> No.16205863

This is not a technology company. It shouldn’t be valued as one. It’s worthless.

>> No.16205876

>trademarks the word "we"
>sells it to wework for 6 million


>> No.16206452

t. Masayoshi Son

>> No.16206474
File: 45 KB, 493x536, 39C9F17B-0A20-43FD-9932-40895BEB7A91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking time

>> No.16206614

I have been to one of their buildings in nyc multiple times and seen multiple floors. It is peak degeneracy and capitalism. It is literally like a fucking clubhouse/club/breakroom/lounge setup. If you didn't know anything and saw it you would think it was some billionaires personal work space. But I only saw it early mornings mostly empty. Its basically communal living type arrangement for working but a cool vibe created by spending bank money. It's fucking neon signs, cliché metaphors, flower walls, trendy furniture and cool refreshments bar. It's a place where you can feel like a tourist. Vacation while you "work ". Cruiseship holiday vibe. Bullshit.

Anyone who is serious about freelancing and competing and saving the money they busy their ass for would dislike being there even if they wouldn't have to pay for it. It is literally designed for loser millenials to larp as anything other than struggling, meaningless and transient adults who gave their best years and options to the college meme and just want the party to keep raging.

It's a fucking disgrace. I was appalled by it when I first saw it and every time since. Small businesses with only decent profit prospects can't get capital. People get no mercy from banks for mistakes with mortgages and loans. But here the banks are willing to fund the most ludicrous money making schemes which clearly hinge on selling a destructive and unnecessary product in the most unsustainable and morbid fashion imaginable. Wework is a microcosm of many financial problems in business startup funding

>> No.16206669

The problem isn't the concept, it's the insane valuation. By any metrics it was (and still is) extremely overvalued compared to IWG.

>> No.16206728

You guys haven't seen it. The product is overboard and overpriced. Its the yearly iPhone nonsense but that type of lunacy all at once. No big company would spend good money on this rent a superoffice for expendable pencil pusher type employees. The only somewhat viable market is freelancers who want to larp as being important and successful.

>> No.16207531

Imagine investing in the pets.com of this generation.

>> No.16207559

kombucha taps stimulate creativity

>> No.16207847

it's a physical social network.

imagine what you do on a social network - talking to people, enjoying friendship - but it is all happening inside one of our buildings.

this is something unique in the history of mankind. a place where people can experience friendship in person.

>> No.16207930
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>> No.16208769
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Yea, it's almost like the game is rigged or something haha

>> No.16209522
File: 152 KB, 1200x801, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banco Santander (biggest bank in Latinamerica) is doing the same thing as WeWork but for free. Wouldn't be surprised if western banks start copying them and WeWork goes bust

>> No.16209681
File: 153 KB, 700x700, 1571851274343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh what. Before 2005 with the advent of social media people were experiencing face to face friendship for all of human history. What jewish bait is this?

>> No.16209761

Are you talking about Centrality? They just hit their 6x last October

>> No.16209768

Capital One has cafes too

>> No.16209942

I like your style ;)

>> No.16210155

Softbank didn't 'bail these wastrels out'
Softbank created this fucking shitshow
Softbank shovelled cash up this fraudsters ass with a digger, then, asked him if he'd like some more ?
Softbank, literally - "we created a monster"
can't blame the Joo, I'd have done more or less -exactly- the same tbqh, given an unhealthy belief in the perfume of my own farts and a backer so rich and far enough out the way, it really didn't matter a single fuck how or what you spend the cash on. There was always more on tap. SO much, much more
nicely summed Sir

>> No.16210183

It’s bad money chasing after bad investments. Once the bottom falls out we /depression/ mode. Keep stacking