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16202778 No.16202778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the end result of an escort addiction?

>> No.16202782

you stay poor, faggot

>> No.16202787


>> No.16202789


>> No.16202790
File: 75 KB, 796x600, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apocalypse by COOMING

>> No.16202791

hooker addiction

>> No.16202798

You never get pic related. Next!

>> No.16202828

You lose interest in women and find that you want to spend your time better. Having sex with dozens of women makes it painfully obvious that sex is mental. The woman and her exterior appearance has its effect but there are diminishing returns.

Truth be told those who would do anything for sex and think sex is always worth it no matter what and think sex is the main point of life ultimately just haven't had enough of it yet.

>> No.16202872

How many whores before I get over it? Should I hodl or buy?

>> No.16202886

>people just want something when they crave it and can't easily procure it

>> No.16202897

I'm at 60 with little sign of getting over it

>> No.16202947

Seriously I'd say a couple dozen tops. Having sex with beautiful women regardless of how or why is ultimately the same as eating some food. It doesn't matter how you gained access to it. Point is that the nominal base experience is now available to you and every time you go try it again your mind combines the past experiences to paint a mental projection of that desire and its strength. Just like how kids love pizza but if you give it to them non stop they won't look at it the same or feel the same.

Throughout history men in power have had easy access to sex and the end result has been that they see women for more than just external carnal delight. They ultimately reached that point where sex was now old to them and they understood the purpose of man and woman could not possibly be primarily physical gratification. Instead of eating and fucking all day men in power always made time to govern and in other words give a fuck about the rest of the crap going on around them even though they didn't have to.

Have sex, have enough of it to the point where you don't want it at any cost. To the point where you love yourself more then whatever you want to fuck. To the point where you would never prioritize external beauty only when looking for a wife. To the point where you see the world is about love and power. Brotherhood and motherhood.

Sex and base animal instincts and desires combined with the competitive circus we have turned dating and monogamy into have robbed humans of lives true purpose. Sex is great when it's not the only thing in your day but the cherry on top. But to realise this you need have alot of it first. Sad but true

>> No.16202957

eating a lot of delicious food doesn't make you not want to eat food.

>> No.16202966

It's directly related to how valuable of a soul you have
probably not a very valuable soul

>> No.16202985

Eating the same thing every single time you are hungry will change your desire relative to it. This is why people love something at first but hate it when it's too much. When it's too much the experience is complete and the external is no longer motivating you the same.

Having lots of sex ultimately will change the type And strength of motivation to pursue sex. Big tits and round butts are hypnotic to a hormone raging teen. But they aren't the same to someone who has had lots of sex and also has other meaningful things in his life.

Is the concept of diminishing returns and learning through combined experiences

>> No.16203009

explain super fat people then
you cant

>> No.16203017


>> No.16203022

They haven't reached that point yet anon. The universe works in mysterious yet absolute ways. Everyone gets exactly what they want and ultimately everyone gets exactly what they deserve. Be careful what you wish for. You reap what you sow. What goes around comes around. Etc etc

>> No.16203024

I wasnt talking to you

>> No.16203043

>This is why people love something at first but hate it when it's too much
Then they stop doing it for a while to return to it later on because of intense cravings. You don't free yourself from a good thing by indulging. You just raise the baseline for what "good" is.

If you overindulge in a food rich in a vitamin you'll get sick for a while, but the craving for it will return after you body uses enough of it.

>> No.16203050

You'd have to explain what the "soul" is a metaphor for here. The word means different things to different people.

>> No.16203098

you can't afford to pay for your STI medication

>> No.16203144

Spiritual suicide.

>> No.16203156

Well I'm talking to you, you gay retard

>> No.16203284
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You have a police escort addiction?
Boy that's weird
Do the cops get tired of you calling for protection?

>> No.16203285

Are you in kindergarten? Seriously? The first experience of anything is one of a kind. Food or sex or relationships or anything external in life is going to remain the same yet your internal experience will change.

Babies and animals can look at what you look at but the external doesn't motivate them the way it motivates you. You can feed an animal a luxurious item but it won't have the same experience or understanding of it as a human baby and it won't have the same as a human child and it won't have the same as a grown man. The animal doesn't know anything about the item other than how it feels to eat it or witness it. The baby also has no cognitive ability to experience it the same way a child who can be marketed to and taught and programmed would understand that item. Even more different is the relationship and experience a grown adult would have with that luxurious item compared to an animal with no human culture, a baby with no cognitive ability to operate on the same social wavelength nor a young child overcome with hormones and immaturity and social programming.

From the very beginning there will be diminishing returns until ultimately if you are lucky you reach the end and come to the realization that pleasure and satisfaction from food or sex is fleeting and not worthy of being central to human existence. We need food and seed to sustain us but what do we do once we are sustained? That is the metaphysical question men can not answer when they are still just trying to get their first taste of something. Desire and ego are linked. Losing desire and ego means no longer being programed externally to want and desire what the masses want out of ignorance. Seeing shit for what it is and ultimately leveling up is what it means to be human. If you relation with food or sex is the same in your old age as it was in your prime then you have failed at life

>> No.16203494

Holy cow, this is might be the best non /biz/ related post here. Based anon.

>> No.16203505

this is unironically true
>t. lived in pattaya and lost interest in meaningless sex after a couple of dozen hookers

>> No.16203523


>> No.16203539

>come to the realization that pleasure and satisfaction from food or sex is fleeting
Rephrasing the same argument in a more wordy manner doesn't change its substance you pseud. You never get tired of food or sex, perhaps temporarily at best - but that quickly reverses.

>> No.16203610

You need to put down the screen and go out and see for yourself. You are operating on given knowledge and official narratives. Instead of parroting back shit stored internally from the official narratives society pushes you should try to read between the lines otherwise what's the point of even sharing opinions based on experiences.

Life occurs in levels. You haven't reached the level where the shit in saying is prefectly visible to your naked eye. The external doesn't change but your understanding of it, your relation to it and judgement of it are fluid and allways changing.

Go ask some elderly people with a calm and peaceful demeanor about whether or not people get tired of shit as ubiquitous as food or sex. Unless you're talking to a sad fuck who didn't level up at all from the time his hormones were overcoming his body and his synapses were over firing you will receive answers that confirm what I am saying. Not everyone makes is financially, socially or psychologically. But some do.

Like I said the metaphysical questions can only be answered by those who have already answered the simple ones. Your view of food and sex as being something people could never stop celebrating and devoting their entire existence to only frames you and your lesser existence more clearly through your own words.

>> No.16203619

Believing that food and sex are innate drives is not an artificial narrative. The opposite is true.

Stop projecting like a typical pseud.

>> No.16203630

LOL I hope you get laid I truly do. But I hope you find something more valuable to do with your life then just cycle through the basics of eat fuck and shit. Then again maybe this is your lot. Good luck

>> No.16203648

>changing the topic yet gain in a vain attempt to retain his pseud appearances
Nowhere was it implied that I keep to that.

>> No.16203673

Your words illustrate how far you are on this journey of life. You aren't even halfway through.

>> No.16203687


>> No.16203800

Yeah, I'm past obscuring the meaning of my words behind needless pseud verbosity.

>> No.16203805

about a 100, then youve seen everything.

you still want them if you havent fucked one in a month, but its okay. its like eating pizza, it will always be delicious and its ok if you do it in moderation. but you dont base your life around pizza.

>> No.16203894
File: 1.50 MB, 600x507, 38E2E5EC-E45D-4570-94CD-E056782D5836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.boomer who got old and testosterone levels and therefore sex drive went down

>> No.16203988
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You learn how to make money from fuck prostitute.

>> No.16204008

Next time try not to fuck flatass flatfaced ugly subhuman asian scum and see what happens you fucking cheapskate faggot

>> No.16204017

Well summarized, Anon. I've felt similarly for awhile now.
t. 35 y.o. boomer who's fucked high dollar hooas

>> No.16204076

just skip fucking the dirty hookers and come to this conclusion cleanly. you're like the single moms who realize the narcissistic abusive boyfriends you cling to do not bring happiness.

>> No.16204088

>You lose interest in women
Like 2 weeks on /r9k/ did that for me thx

>> No.16204184

>They ultimately reached that point where sex was now old
Except they didn't and you're just projecting. Men in power always had multiple mistresses/escorts they fucked on the side. Of course nobody said sex should be/is the center of ones life. You pompous fag

>> No.16204467

You end up up Epstein's island with bill

>> No.16204502


It's amazing how true this is. I've literally wasted thousands dating women. I thought sex was the purpose of life and more women meant a happier life. Now I realize the most important thing in life is creating a loving family legacy and making sure your great grandchildren are not slaves to the kikes.

>> No.16204523

Stupid thread. In just as many cases overindulgence leads to addiction and ruin. There is not always a light at the end of the tunnel filled with asian hookers. Most of the time its just more asian hookers.

>> No.16204537


There's also a very good chance you'll accidentally break what little heart you didn't know you had. Some of those girls have legitimately fucking tragic stories and are good people beset by honestly painful-to-imagine mental problems.

Still good fucks though.

>> No.16204702

STDs, losing your money and misery (dopamine fried brain)

>> No.16204745

I agree with the majority of this but to say sex with a hooker and sex within a loving relationship are the same is pretty copey.

>> No.16204759

your dick falls off

>> No.16204760

>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.16204858
File: 56 KB, 720x627, Rip+glr_656bf1_6342401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude you are a fucking sage

>> No.16204887
File: 136 KB, 1024x682, BCE5D43C-9657-41AB-B20C-5B20842ACB30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in peace sweet prince

>> No.16204905

I'm 28.in my prime and spiritually much older. Keep hating yourself and sticking to the path of least resistance. Ignorance is bliss in your case

>> No.16204928

I wish I knew OP. Have burnt $3k on this in the last two months on this.

>> No.16204968


pic related is old, and, in Ukraine, easily replaced with hordes of younger hotter versions. Still love her though

>> No.16204973

Depression and poverty. Some good cooms along the way though.

>> No.16204993

Marital sex is not even sex. Its love and it is a big part of the glue that holds together your marriage. Marital sex is a different animal but ultimately in old age if you still just want to fuck your wife, AGAIN YOU HAVE FAILED AT LIFE. there are plenty of peaceful accomplished and smart people who get old and become less interested in external stimulation and engagement for the sake of pleasure.
Believe me, people who aren't degenerates and materialists their entire lives are different from what you think you will be when you are old. Our society in general ignores old people instead of taking inspiration and life lessons from them. Old people don't make the news but their insurance their pensions their nursing homes. That is the value and understanding basic morons have of old people. Sickness loneliness and obscurity.

They can't fathom that some have leveled up spiritually and do many healthy things like avoiding vices and making choices that can actually scale if other people were to join in. Not every person dies in a diaper with a nurse babbling incorehently. And I would bet the diaper wearers only want food and sex even in that sad state.
Do you understand what I mean. There are levels to life and most people live on the level closest to animals and use science to justify their base one dimentional lives based around sex or food or monkey see monkey do follow the twitter crowd and just think like them and don't think for yourself etc etc etc fucking etc

>> No.16205016

>spiritually much older
Kek of the day

>> No.16205017

good post. my grandfather was a priest and I talked to him like a week before he died. I have never seen a man more at peace with himself and God. my biggest aspiration in life is to go out as peacefully as he has. I wish he was still around so we could talk about spirituality I was a complete moron back then and only interested in material shit.

>> No.16205019

Beat me to it.

>> No.16205042

You've already made it far ahead of the people alive today. Most people are living like animals whether they admit or not

>> No.16205060

how does it feel?

>> No.16205067

aids then death

>> No.16205074

Cool I like that. Wish I had someone to talk about god. He gives you everything.

>> No.16205119

It's all mental to me at this point. A pussy is a pussy. I now judge women on their character first and personality second and health /safety. I grew up very shy but am very different now. Its not worth it for me to cheat on my wife. No motivation whatsoever. I got it out of my system before I got married. My focus is getting money and learning how to invest it long term. I only leave my house to pray go to work or go to gym or run errands. Very content very comfy. Idk what level I'm at but it's far beyond where I was as a kid.

>> No.16205134

Praise God

>> No.16205141

Severe jungle dick followed by slight aids and then complete dead

>> No.16205243

I'm only in my 30s but feel like unironically this world has nothing to offer me anymore in a material way. Ive done all the sex, drugs, travelling, chasing money all the meme shit. I literally hit a point in my life where I had done everything I always dreamed about and it did not make me happy, on the contrary it brought me nothing but misery. on my lowest point I literally thought about kms because if all this stuff that was supposed to bring me fulfillment only made me miserable, then what am I supposed to do? anons might laugh but I had a literal come to jesus moment and now all I want is to get my shit straight with God and maybe find a good wife and start a family. I think in a more healthy society this kind of stuff should be taught in schools and churches but I really had to figure it out the hard way. it is no wonder everything is such a mess out there we have lost our connection to God and everybody is just running around chasing short lived pleasures

>> No.16205256

I want to know this too. I’ve been with pornstars, ridiculously huge breasted women, huge asses. You always want more

>> No.16205258

rich pimps (yes your "escorts" usually have pimps

>> No.16205364


happiness comes from within Anon chan, not outwards back in. That will always be fleeting

>> No.16205392
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>> No.16205490
File: 107 KB, 900x281, 1490979218100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said, this anon speaks the truth

>> No.16205529

whats this beauty's name?

>> No.16205574

I've fucked 500,000,999,000 escorts. Killed 13,000. I have lived for a trillion years. I have everything. God has given me eternity.

>> No.16205612


>> No.16205620

every std imaginable, and an early and painful death as a result of it

>> No.16205631

They’re cleaner than thots at the local bar, and always use protection. You numbskull

>> No.16205651


lmao you know nothing about life

>> No.16205660

Overpaying for sex.
I would’ve said getting a disease too but nowadays is safer to go to escort than having sex with an average thot

>> No.16205669


I have never seen so much cope on /biz/ in a day, you are even worse than bagholders, you may be called incel coin bagholders

>> No.16205745


Never will I not want to eat pizza. Maybe not everyday, but I fucking love pizza.

Now am I also a fat fuck from only eating pizza? No. I workout, eat healthy etc.

Your whole post is flawed and shows your ego. You are trying to make something other than fucking and eating important to make yourself feel superior. Who says fucking and eating aren’t the most superior activities known to man?

The point is, we are all energy and you can use your energy to do whatever you desire. If you are fulfilled by eating and fucking then you have succeeded. If you are fulfilled by creating electric powered cars and shooting rockets into space then you have succeeded. Do what makes you happy

>> No.16205816
File: 165 KB, 793x1026, E3BE8434-AE71-4C32-814B-03B5DB944169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can't accept the fact that life is only about money and sex. Something breaks inside them when they have these things and can't understand why there isn't anything else in life.

>Pic related is a whore someone rented here

>> No.16205894

From my perspective it is arrogant and kind of limiting to always act like your current state of mind is the only valid one or at least the superior one. Of course it is the valid one for you, because it is your current state of mind. But you must accept that you've changed your mind, your opinions and perspectives have changed, what was once most important became less, you changed over time.

So young me wanted to fuck all the bitches. Because young me was a fucking genius. Older me found the majority of casual sexual encounters kind of gross and the hoops I'd jump through to obtain them diminishing. But I'm never going to say people in the same state of mind as younger me are idiots and I'm now a genius. I'm also not going to say that I'll never feel differently to how I feel now.

Sex when I was younger was a base urge which motivated and influenced me heavily. Most of what I did was in some way related to status and the pursuit of sex. After a while sex no longer had the same impact, sex with connection was harder to obtain and thus that became the goal. Later still and I'm even less concerned about sex. Maybe I got old. Maybe I got low test. Travel gets me horny, like I want to fuck 6 times a day when I travel. New exotic bitches all around me, new men to emasculate I guess.

I feel better with myself now. Previously I wasn't sure how much of my life and motivation was derived by negative thoughts. Did I want to fuck? Or was I afraid of being seen as a guy who didn't fuck? Did I want to go out? Or was I afraid of looking like a loser? I'm a lot more confident and focused now.

>> No.16205912

Human emotions change with the wind. You can't set a goal on a moving target.

>> No.16205920

>Pic related is a daughter to someone

>> No.16205953

But my dad is ded.


>> No.16205991

Orgasms mostly.

>Instead of eating and fucking all day men in power always made time to govern
I don't quite agree with this, I'd say they had time to govern and focus on other things because they didn't need to spend time and effort chasing pussy like most men have to do. But I agree with the rest, you will eventually just get bored and have other interests/goals.

>> No.16206068

That makes it hotter

>> No.16206080

How young we talking

>> No.16206159
File: 16 KB, 249x249, 1FBEF114-1548-424B-944E-52C5CF2F1B8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagjen actually paying a whore so you can COOM. Now wonder all you idiots are broke as shit flaunting your $20,000 worth of LINK
clean this board the fuck up jannies, fucking 5th r9k thread up on the catalog

>> No.16206229

hey guys do clubs work on sundays?

>> No.16206266

dude you are operating at peak virgin lmfao

>> No.16206282

how do you guys get over the fishy smell? Almost every single one i've been with had it.

>> No.16206297
File: 10 KB, 255x198, 46017902-1689-4D1E-9AF1-E5F5CD0E82D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STDs. You think it'd never happen to you right?

>> No.16206299


>> No.16206305

dead hookers

>> No.16206364

this. based and sexpilled

>> No.16206397

sugar on everything and lack of self control

>> No.16206409


>> No.16206420

you dont believe its true until it happens to you
i dont miss being horny on the slightest

>> No.16206431

wyy do you use png instead of jpeg? wtf is wronk with you?

>> No.16206612

I miss being horny. thats why I supplement with testosterone.

works incredibly well for fucking

>> No.16206629

but I'm a retired crypto NEET

>> No.16206642

experiences of people across time aren't entirely unique. if you dig around, you'll be able to have a proper perspective on things