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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16199621 No.16199621 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a car for 8,000 dollars 6 years ago that I'm selling now for 500 dollars. I also paid about 36,000 dollars in insurance and another 1200 in registration, smog and taxes. That's not including the gas and tickets and repairs either. Cars are the biggest boomer scam of all time.

>> No.16199643
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Never bought a car/made a license because of these reasons.

>> No.16199651

>I also paid about 36,000 dollars in insurance


>> No.16199656


>> No.16199657

Well what car is it? Please tell me you didn't get a mazda, chrysler or nissan car.

>> No.16199664

Then go buy bus passes then

>> No.16199665

It was a ford focus

>> No.16199674

you sound like dumb cunt.
I bought a truck in 2009 for 9300 and sold it in 2017 for 7500. I paid ~1500 a year for the freedom and independence a truck brings.

>> No.16199682

I heard those were okay, never as reliable as the japanese though. i've had my 2008 toyota corolla for 5 years, Bought it for 5K. Had to replace an alternator, timing belt, oil changes and some freon but other than that it has 300K miles running strong.

>> No.16199683

You are off by 10X. You will never make it with your bank maths, Anon.

>> No.16199698

State minimum chad checking in.

>> No.16199702
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>36,000 dollars in insurance

>> No.16199711


>> No.16199751

Maybe you should lay off the DUIs, faggot.
Or switch to GEICO.

>$250,000 liability coverage

>> No.16199780

As opposed to shitcoins with no real world value. yeah man, those boomers and their damn transportation.

>> No.16199800
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Maybe he should move to BC with socialized insurance
>$1500 / year
>$500k liability

>> No.16199852

>$500/month insurance
The most I've ever paid was $260/month and that was when I was under 25 in NYC.

>> No.16199858

So I guess your value is so low that you don't have to be in person anywhere? You didn't factor in the actual value of transporting yourself and goods to places.

If you want to make a profit off a car then buy some low production supercar and keep it in a garage maintained for 10 years.

>> No.16199866

Kys faggot. This board is bad enough without you fucking it up more with pathetic maths

>> No.16200275

>8,000 dollars 6 years ago that I'm selling now for 500 dollars.
So what the fuck did you do to the car? Something to do with your insanely high insurance premium?

>> No.16200316

>retard comes with his car to my dads car repair shop
>dad sees instantly the problem but plays it up to be worse than it is and retard sells the car for 200
>repairs it in an afternoon for 30 bucks
>gives me the car and I drive with it two years
>sell it for 3500 to some shmuck

>> No.16200456

Well get a license so you can at least rent cars and beat the fuck out of them like Sam hyde

>> No.16200775

You and your dad just seem like bad people. The person trusted your dad who’s apparently an expert then he just rips him off. Absolutely filthy

>> No.16200788

car repairmen are the scum of the earth

>> No.16200804

if i ever get mad enough at the world, mechanics are the first i'm coming after

>> No.16200984

Stfu my dad is based
he only fucks over people who deserve it.

>> No.16201020

You're the reason why people look down on blue collar work. Go fuck yourself

>> No.16201053

Nobody looks down on my dad. people love him and bring him food and all kinds of gifts and they tip him a good amount of money. He is so good actually that people from hundreds of miles away come to his shop to get their shitty car fixed.
If someone disrespects him he will fuck him over and make him pay.

>> No.16201096


>> No.16201102

Better call the wahmbulance

>> No.16201295
File: 972 KB, 1920x2560, 1568243040853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've literally never seen someone cope this hard.... and i've never used the word cope before cuz i hate shit that spammed all over.. But holy fucking shit anon, I love my dad too; But you sound like show-and-tell-bring-your-dad-to-work-day-he-is-in-the-hells-angles level of cope that i never thought we would ever possibly be hit in my lifespan

>Pic VERY related.
its where MY dad works- i bet you dont even live in a 2 story house

>> No.16201321

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree. You both are terrible persons.

>> No.16202085

>Cars are the biggest boomer scam of all time.
Sounds more like insurance is the scan goy