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File: 83 KB, 344x344, standing desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16197413 No.16197413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>much easier to do NoFap
>more inclined to do productive activities
>better blood flow
>move around more which actually aids focus.
>tend to keep workspace a lot cleaner.
>feel like a chad.

>> No.16197614
File: 143 KB, 600x600, coomfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much easier to do NoFap
no, its much harder to fap while sitting. i feel so much freeer and kinky when i stand

>> No.16197673

What's a good cheap NoSit desk?

>> No.16197793

You could just raise your computer on a box and then put your chair away. Try it for a few days. Better life guaranteed.

>> No.16197806

How to deal with the mouse though?

>> No.16197814

Stop being a chairbrain. Stand up, move around with your atrophied legs and look for a solution.

>> No.16197821

Give it some cheese so it's too full to eat through your box.

>> No.16197823

NoSit does wonders for your back and posture as well. Even if you don’t have back problems, one day you 100% will from sitting all day.

>> No.16197824
File: 27 KB, 499x499, 157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one
Standing right now, gonna try it for a few days

>> No.16197860

It literally cured my laziness and depression.

>> No.16197954

More boxes, use some books or whatever to get everything at the right height.

>> No.16198207

>NoSit does wonders for your back and posture as well. Even if you don’t have back problems, one day you 100% will from sitting all day.

You'll just replace back problems with feet/heel problems with that standing shit.

>> No.16198220

Only if you're fat

>> No.16198243

This is the unfortunate reality. Nonconscious physical activity leads to stress and pressure within the body. Standing for long periods is not a replacement for sitting for long periods, because if you do not get off the computer for long periods in general, you will end up replacing lower back/neck/shoulder issues for ankle, knee, hip issues.

Standing with good posture requires a relative amount of active effort. If you are droning on your computer job for 9 hours a day you will undoubtedly shift weight between your knees and your hips will become uneven.

Get off the computer

Thats the solution

>> No.16198248

Varicose is your future

>> No.16198284

>get off the computer that is the solution

That is the solution but not having the chair there makes me not vegetate in front of the computer as much.

>> No.16198299
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Ideally you need to rotate standing a sitting, as well as engage in physical effort every 45 minutes (short walk, standing squats, pushups, etc.)
>But you need an expensive adjustable desk to do that
Electric desk frame from Amazon for $240 with settable height buttons + Ikea tabletop surface for $70 = $1200 electric desk equivalent.

.t sit and stand master race

>> No.16198318

Buy a mat off amazon for $20. Problem solved.

>> No.16198323
File: 336 KB, 634x385, desk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gayest thread ever.

>> No.16198432

Just take the kneelchair pill

>> No.16198454

Then you will get matrophy. Sitting while drinking continuous Dr. Peppers is the safest bet

>> No.16198482

Did that for about 10 years. Now my knees are kill.

>> No.16198766

Play music and dance all day.

>> No.16199091

ill fucking kill you

>> No.16199111

This. Fucking chairbrains

>> No.16199489

Thanks anon this has given me the motivation to put my desk back up again.

>> No.16199562

After 4-6 hours standing still you feel pain in your knees and lower back. You fell likenyour knees are locked in. You simply need to swif standing and sitting. The one thing that nosit certainly helps is to not fall asleep and be more aware (I'm a skipper and I hated it first but after a while I understood that it's necessary).

>> No.16199691

>get plantar fasciitis
>less productive while standing

>> No.16199808

>After 4-6 hours standing still you feel pain in your knees and lower back.
No. I don't because I'm not a fat unhealthy boomer. I could stand all day.

>> No.16199847

I've had jobs before where I stood and moved around for the majority of the day. Now that I think of it I felt a lot better. Humans aren't meant to sit in chairs. Sitting is death. If you're gonna sit then squat.

>> No.16200643

idk why it has to be all or nothing
just stand until you get tired, then sit until you want to stand
90% of your sitting time should be without using back or arm rests. this is the next posture pill for you.

>> No.16201156
File: 36 KB, 480x360, AE0141A8-927B-4E99-83DC-D7EE416533E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditto. Throw in some squats bw the day and you’re well on your way to a healthy life style. Smiles.

>> No.16201590
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1473247986_IMG_681909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you retard, ever see people use typewriters standing up?

>> No.16201625
File: 40 KB, 409x409, 1541989236550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting and standing is a false dichotomy.
take the mattress pill.

>> No.16201643

Just use a gym ball.

>> No.16201647


I tried that, but it makes me tired as fuck

>> No.16201691

this is the anon who is right.

I rotate between a sitting and standing battlestation. Doing exclusively one or the other is retarded.

I also get off the computer for several hours a day, even though (as we all know) nothing useful can be done when not at a computer. Nonetheless, it's still necessary to get off and go do stupid shit like exercise and talk to people because our brains and bodies are garbage that were optimized for a garbage reality. Singularity plz...

>> No.16201708
File: 983 KB, 2136x1424, 1532550842095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real answer is swimming.