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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16197211 No.16197211 [Reply] [Original]

>parents force me to work
>only qualified for minimum wage as a support worker (not extroverted enough for retail)

How the fuck do I escape? They won’t let me work less so I’m tired all the time to effectively study my A levels.

>> No.16197281

Learn to trade then dab on all your enemies simplest most effective awnser

>> No.16197351

>at least 2 filters
>deflated, saggy sweater dicks
>2 pounds of make up

>> No.16197364
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>> No.16197984

She looks like a clown with all that make up

>> No.16197993

How old are you?

>> No.16197998

Oh and where are you from?

>> No.16198002

French baguette detected

>> No.16198020

welcome to the UK

I'm a foreigner here, I recently went to a conference in Berlin and remembered that girls can actually be good-looking. Fuck, this country is so shit in some ways. Ugly, sarcastic, hedonistic chicks, a culture obsessed with tv, a healthcare system that is fucking broke...

Oh and 25% of families are single mothers. Like WTF, it's like they completely gave up when their empire collapsed.

>> No.16198031

check the law in your country. your parents are forced to support you financially.

look around for programs/ social welfare/ etc. Send a mail to a social security worker and describe your problem. They will give a much better advice than these tards.

-from someone who is studying medicine and gets 6k+ welfare per year cause my parents cant pay for my education.

>> No.16198040

No way she's 23

>> No.16198055

I'm a foreign immigrant in the UK but I have to say, even though their culture is shit, there's a lot of business opportunities around the UK.

There's farmer's markets everywhere and all the products around are shit. If you can make a really good product for a good price, make a website for it and advertise it at different farmer market locations for example, you can easily get rich. There is literally no real competition for organic foods or handmade goods. They are very popular but the prices are exorbitant and quality is bad.

>> No.16198065

Nigger tier advice. Hope you die a horrible death. Takes walfare but has time to browse 4chan.

>> No.16198067

learn some brain dead technical skill like sql and become an analyst retard

>> No.16198071

that's all very nice fren but I am a physicist with literally no idea how to farm

>> No.16198089

nah man. Im just going to enjoy the free money and education.
thanks for paying taxes btw

>> No.16198158

Me neither. I'm reading a ton of books on it. From what I understand you can get revenue of 200k/year out of an acre of land as long as you understand your plants well and use the space effectively.

I'm reading a lot of books and planted some vegetables in pots in different rooms around the house to experiment and see if it can be profitable.

On top of the fact that it's a decent amount of money, there is nobody bossing your around. And there is a lot of room for expanding the business if it's successful into pantries, trees, recipes, healthy drinks. Infinite possibilities.

>> No.16198204

Fucking ugly

>> No.16198267

That's crazy thinking you are going to make bank on a farm. Farm equipment is very expensive.

>> No.16198304

Shrimp farm pal

>> No.16198436

bro i make so much cash on stardew valley, what do you mean?

>> No.16198512

15 and I am from North Korea

>> No.16198518


>> No.16198701

Stop behaving like a victim. Your boss is your adversary. Negotiate and leave if you don't get what you want.

>> No.16198805

>black emoji =coalburner

Still more smv than 98%of guys.. Literally need it to be ww3 tomorrow

>> No.16199642

cut her some slack, she's 23. Her prime was 5 years ago