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16194991 No.16194991 [Reply] [Original]

>be me after work last night: have mini binge, do chores, waste time online, read pseudy novel, skip gym
>woke up at 7 am; lie in bed for another hour and half
>browsed internet, drank coffee, read 25 pages of an old pseudy novel
>went to gym; wore contact lenses for a change
>heavy lifting went well but seeing non-blurry gymthots was decrushalising; I was on the gym bike and one of the gymthots was in a bra and bright neon tights (or whatever) on the stair machine in front of me; I was doing deadlifts on one platform and a girl on the next one was doing the ridiculous looking barbell humping exercise
>went in to central London for my usual walk while listening to CumTown; read a novel in a library; then it was dark outside and I thought I'd go for a walk but I was freezing so I've gone to have coffee
>unsure whether I'll go to McDonald's (where the Italian burger is now here), or binging at home, or finally go see Joker

I'm not over a third of the way the boring pseudy novel. It really isn't that good but it turned in to cuck erotica for 40 pages and somehow increased in quality.

I was walking through a crowded pedestrian crossing and accidentally made eye contact with a girl who was walking in the opposite direction and who was holding an umbrella. I immediately looked away but then looked back and her umbrella was shielding her from me. I thought that was a TV show tier example of my normally boring patheticness.

I'm reading another novel written years ago, which makes fun of American nazis in the 50s, and it's kind of startling how /pol/ my mentality has become. Leftists, non-whites, and LGBTQX have this country by the throat but most whites are stupid cattle anyway. Politics in the UK has jumped the shark and is just giveaways to a leeching public. It's just bribery (pensions, heating allowances, subsidised child care, arts councils, quangos, subsidised loans for Mickey mouse degrees, foreign "aid"). I'm over it.

>> No.16195007

nice blog

>> No.16195014

just fuck a girl from tinder bro

>> No.16195022
File: 28 KB, 700x483, AauNxrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is a known jidf demoralization poster who is active in other boards always spreading messages designed to trigger your negative thoughts.

>> No.16195024

just bought 30k

>> No.16195056
File: 185 KB, 1004x684, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my life, but I hate your life more.
So know, that someone, out there, is thinking about you.

>> No.16195275

Good call bro

This poster is awful and constantly spams his negativity and ignores all reasonable advice

Jannies do your job and ban this guy

>> No.16195306

Nigger untermensch

>> No.16195585

heres an idea we stop replying to these threads im interested to see how long he can blog to himself