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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16194406 No.16194406 [Reply] [Original]

I don't deserve this

Thank you anons

>> No.16194646

Follow Christ, anon. None of us deserve it, yet here we are.

>> No.16194736
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>> No.16194746

Thank you Jesus

>> No.16194754

of course you deserve this, degenerate

>> No.16194765

>Christian Pewdiepie folder

>> No.16194775

I am God

>> No.16194785
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/biz/ is the best board on this forsaken website

we will all make it

>> No.16194789
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> Of 4chan

>> No.16194828

you best use some of that dank profit to help those in need

>> No.16194919

You do deserves this.
You did the research and took the risk. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.16194938

u fuckin poof

>> No.16194977

Or he's an autistic retard who bought funny internet moneyz because he liked the pictures of frogs that were associated with it on a paraguayan firebreathing forum.

>> No.16194985

we all deserve it, years of being outcasted by society, the pendulum swings back in your direction fren

>> No.16195004

now, cash out properly and go away from crypto for a few weeks. enjoy your gains, dont lose everything you have gained like a degenerate gambler. DO YOU HEAR ME???

>> No.16195069

I might actually do that. Had a rather rough teen years and got all edgy (no god would allow that kind of edgy shit). But I don't know, I've been working on myself, married my gf, raised our daughter, and recently good things have started happening to me. Began to think there might be some kind of meaning, something bigger. I don't know. I have started reading the bible, good stuff, I'll see where this gets me.

Thank you fren, but really think I don't. But then again maybe nobody does. Maybe it's just what we make of it that counts

I will take care of my family. Keep daydreaming of teh day I'll buy them all this stuff they always wanted. Haven't told them about link. This will be a real surprise to them, I can't wait to see their face.

Eh, you guys did the research, I just piggy-backed, but thanks fren