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File: 73 KB, 653x437, psilocybe-cubensis-treasure-coast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16194342 No.16194342 [Reply] [Original]

Whats /biz/´s take on starting to grow Psilocybe Cubensis, i guess its a big investment in time and money with all the equipment needed, then there is some risk involved but it seems like a comfy hobby tbqh

>> No.16194373
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Can they be fertilized with shrimp? I have a lot of dead shrimp for reasons I don’t really want to go into

>> No.16194396

dude, n*gger truck driver from my freight side-hussle rolled over my shroom farm...pulling it out to put shrimp in now...

>> No.16194404

>a pressure cooker
Literally the easiest drug to make at home

>> No.16194418

They're amazing. Can really better your personality... Kinda points out the things that you are doing wrong but you are not aware of them.

>> No.16194425

Friend grew them. He took a large dose and it made him have a mental breakdown and he has never been the same. He can no longer function on his own, lost his job and had to move back in with his parents who were shocked and saddened by what has become of him.

>> No.16194437

If you decide to grow psychoactive mushrooms make certain that you're doing it in a state in which it is legal for you to do so. Also make sure you don't give anyone a reason to search your property.

>big time investment

Not even remotely.

>> No.16194448

you sound like the person whos too scared to hit a joint

>> No.16194453

I’ll hit ya mum ya daft cunt

>> No.16194460


>> No.16194468

please go back to where ever youre from, couldnt even understand what you said

>> No.16194479

I grew around 12 ounces for about $350 and still have enough supplies left over to grow 10x that. I just wish I knew how to go about selling some. I grew it for personal use but wasn't expecting as much as I got.

>> No.16194495

If you live in a western state it's probably worth it to experiment growing at scale, since they'll probably be fully legal there within a decade. If you have grow experience you can get a leg up on the competition when the commercial shroom rush starts in earnest.

>> No.16194635

Pressure cooker? Explain

>> No.16194643

Things that didn’t happen for $2000 Alex


>> No.16194809

dont you need like big plastic containers and tents with air ventilation of sorts?


>> No.16194858
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i would much rather pick them off the fields, I used to buy weed from a hippie couple years ago that would pick them locally and they were the best shrooms I ever had. but Ive been looking all over the last 2 years and cant find these little bastards.these hippies swore that you should only take shrooms that grow in your local area as theyre evolved for your own metabolism or some shit, might sound like esoteric nonsense but these were really the best shrooms I ever had.

>> No.16194893
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>> No.16194941


>> No.16195148

Can support this claim.
Shrooms fucked me up for a whole year. Was a complete zombie. Te first month I would get these "wake ups" where I would be doing something and then feel like I just appeared in the world or woke up.

>> No.16195185

Nice bread.

>> No.16195538

How does your local plant align with your metabolism that’s the most retarded bullshit I ever heard. They are native to the area so they’ve been there forever probably in great condition after evolving to survive and thrive. This is the most likely scenario.

>> No.16195569

farmer's market.
sell them as shitake or some oriental foreign shit

>> No.16195595


do this

>> No.16195608

t. atheist.
Don't have to be a cunt about it dipshit.

>> No.16195621

based northerner

>> No.16195659

Is that what happened to xander?

>> No.16195676

>how do animals evolve to better metabolize the foods in their surroundings?
The absolute state

>> No.16195730

Legalize all drugs. Kill all the baby boomers

>> No.16195824

I've done a few big doses and only had that once when in the exact same situation as i had taken them. Just suddenly felt a bit weirded out as if i was beginning a trip but it disappeared quickly. Otherwise not a single effect post trip at all.

>> No.16195960

nigga I get these while sober

>> No.16195994


>> No.16196180

The set up isn't really expensive. Maybe nice heat lamps can add up but most teks are cheap af, Spores aren't expensive either. So long as your sterile technique is decent you won't have many wasted batches.
Your return on investment is going to depend highly on where you're located, boomers seem to either be incredibly hard to get a hold of or you're surrounded by sources.
The biggest pain in the ass may be finding space if you're trying to grow for profit, but if you have a dank closet or basement you're in business.

>> No.16196314

I was sober you dimwit.

>> No.16196456


>> No.16196767

tell, we must know the reasons behind your mass of shrimp carcass

>> No.16196849

That's called realizing the world is a fucking lie.

>> No.16196871


>> No.16196965

"In the grand scheme of cosmos it doesn't matter that Jamal is pleasuring my girlfriend."

>> No.16197020

Leave it to the faggot to turn anything into a cuck thread

>> No.16198159

stam. build

>> No.16198203

What are you on about, cumbrain

>> No.16198206

he means while never having taken shrooms

that's why I won't do it, I already am like half a schizo, pretty sure shrooms will send me over the edge

>> No.16198222

kek, I may be half a schizo but at least I don't have a name for my imaginary bull

>> No.16198238

Shrooms are very situational for me. I have had some of the best and some of the worst trips on them vs LSD

>> No.16198251

if you are predisposed to psychosis it can activate a break earlier. It was going to happen regardless.

>> No.16198264

4 aco DMT (psilocin) is much superior to real shrooms that contain actual poisons that make you nauseous and can cause bad trips, also much faster to synthesize then to wait for mushrooms to grow. recently the only pellet provider when out of business so theres a spot in the market for ppl trying to sell easily consumable psychedelics.

>> No.16198298

coomer has entered the thread

>> No.16198330

A family member of mine did them too often and ended up killing himself. It is something you want to take serriously.

>> No.16198345

>4 aco DMT
how do I make this in my basement?

>> No.16198360

I bought spores myself to start this hobby. Does anyone have a a good tek to make a fruiting chamber? I don't have a power drill that is my only issue

>> No.16198381


>> No.16198388
File: 120 KB, 1024x959, 1516265487586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz was so fun before 2017

>> No.16198392

become chemist

>> No.16198394

He probably mixed pcp with ketamine. Never mix upper with downer

>> No.16198414

Thanks fren, good to know

>> No.16198415

The root bark is super fucking expensive, DMT is likely one of the most expensive drugs

>> No.16198426
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 20191109_165413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do 4-5 dub tubs using two 6qt sterilite shoebox tubs like pic related I have 4 going in my room right now and have gotten ~12 oz dry so far. It's a great way to start and get comfortable growing and helps to keep contamination from destroying your whole grow. I haven't had any problems with contams yet but if it were to happen these allow you to quickly remove the contaminated trays before it spreads to the rest.

>> No.16198444

PFtek tutorials and substrate guides

>> No.16198450

do you have any tips for identifying them/environments to look in?

>> No.16198460

$50 worth of chemicals from the hardware store and order the rootbark powder legally online, extract the DMT yourself

>> No.16198469

thanks, thats quite the haul. hope i can get that much

>> No.16198494

4acoDMT is not nnDMT

>> No.16198506

I'm positive I got lucky, although i took really good care to keep everything clean. It was still a strait multispore to grain grow so really good yeild considering. If you really want to get into the hobby buy like 25 borosilicate glass petri dishes and get into genetic strain isolation. Once you get good single strains isolated you can have huge yeilds.

>> No.16198743

Azurescants or bust pal

>> No.16198950

Absolutely degenerate

>> No.16198957

Exploratory or healing hallucinogen use isn't degenerate. Abusing it can be.

>> No.16198975

Junkie cope

>> No.16199017

>Exploratory or healing

it literally just fries your brain lol

>> No.16199129
File: 351 KB, 2048x1536, cactus1a-023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druggie here, I know SO MUCH SHIT that can be bought or resold to make bank if you really wanted to. Mescaline cactuses are one thing. They can grow a foot a year, and sell the cuttings for $50 each.

>> No.16199157

They take years to grow to maturity, so unless you live in southern Arizona or New Mexico and can harvest natural growing peyote it would not be worth it.

>> No.16199183

Btw how would I go about selling a bunch of extra shrooms I have? I have no friends or acquaintances from that world anymore since I got clean from heroin a few years ago so I dont have any local contacts.

>> No.16199203

if I recall correctly there isnt much in terms of equipment. Back when I was like 15 I remember looking into buying spore and all you needed was a tank and some shit. it's not like they need light or anything

>> No.16199219

based neet

>> No.16199242

Actually mushrooms do need light. They aren't dependent and will grow in the dark but all stages from mycelial colonization to fruiting benefit greatly from light. Light is also a major pinning trigger that signals which direction to grow (up).

>> No.16199559

peyote is far from the only mescaline containing cactus, san pedro contains almost equal concentrations in its photosynthetic flesh, they grow much faster and can be cultivated at home. not to mention they tend to produce better trips as they contain a host of other chemicals which reduce nausea and improve the experience.

>> No.16199572

they requre light for the same reason people do, to produce vitamin D, which is produced by exposure to UV B radation, you can buy grow lights which emmit this type o light and then can be grown indoors away from windows

>> No.16199580


>> No.16199644

There is no real market.

People try then ones and they get spooked and if they try then again it takes months...or years.

>> No.16199669

Mescaline has always spooked me out. Doesn't the trip last two fucking days?

>> No.16199692

4 aco DMT is not DMT. They are different drugs

>> No.16199724

man i just want some coca tea

>> No.16199745


>> No.16199776

Most truly based post on 4channel.org right now.

>> No.16200082

no, not at all. 12-16 hours, not all that longer than lsd, and the trip is also a lot lighter and easier to walk thorugh. its by far the most gentle psychedelic of the classic 3

>> No.16200088

I never said the light had to be from the sun.

>> No.16200101

the probability that 4aco is not just a prodrug is very low, in the body acetly groups tend to be replaced with oxygen especially in cyclic molecules such as the aromatic ring present in psysolcin

>> No.16200122

>>16200088 wasn't saying you were wrong i was just adding more context so no anons would get the light usage by fungis confused with photosynthetic mechanism of plans since most people see "needs light" and thinks it means to produce energy.

>> No.16200138

It doesn't even need to be a uv producing light like most grow lights. Literally any light will do, although lights with a more natural color temperature are generally better.

>> No.16200187

standard light will induce pinning and be used as a target to grow towards, but uv b producing lights will yeild more potent larger mushrooms, as well as likley increasing the concentration of other psychoactive produced

>> No.16200290

dude fuck that, i've tripped on 4-AcO-DMT 5-6 times and even at high doses the visuals and sense of oneness don't compare to regular shrooms. I don't care if psilocin and psilacetin (4-AcO-DMT) are one atom off or even both prodrugs, i felt a difference between them especially at higher doses

>> No.16200313

Dont forget that mushrooms contain more than just psylocibin, if you had pure entranced psylocibin in the exact same dosage as 4aco i highly doubt you would be able to tell the diffrence,

>> No.16200326

you definitely shouldn't post stoned my dude

>> No.16200395
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Are the CEVs i.e. internal hallucinations better on 4-aco-dmt or LSD?

Is the 4-aco worth trying even though I think I've solved all my personal problems?

>> No.16200408

they are very diffrent, 4aco is similar to dmt where lsd is more detailed dreal mike cevs

>> No.16200417

I meant to write "figured out" all my personal problems, etc

>> No.16200534

biz barely moved before 2017, but it was less infested with all this crypto bullshit

>> No.16200564

Psychedelics are definitely not for everybody. Even weed. If you're already mentally unstable and take shrooms your mental instability could be amplified ten-fold which could fuck you up for months afterwards, or even forever if it was severe enough. It's extremely dangerous to pretend that psychedelics are this magical, flawless cure-all that can be prescribed to anybody. You faggots need to stop.

>> No.16200814

He was a very intelligent guy but shy. Shrooms destroyed him mentally. I really don’t care if strangers on the internet don’t believe me, they can fuck their brains up all they want but those who listen or those I care about I want to let them know what can happen.

>> No.16200979

I grew them once - I was really poor at the time and the gear needed, plus the spores (which I purchased from a company advertising in High Times) was very cheap. They took a little while to grow, but I had enough of a harvest to get me and all my friends stoned every weekend for an entire summer. Good times!

>> No.16201000
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You are fucking retarded if this is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read my comment, but you're probably not, you're probably just some huge seething jewish rat somewhere.

>> No.16201004

likely this :(

>> No.16201009

What were the adverse effects? Did he become a pedophile or something?

>> No.16201030

You didn't mention much, guy. Did he take small amounts first then one heroic dose that did him in? Or what?

>> No.16201033

its easier than growing weed, however the most important step is sterilize the fuck out of everything when you start otherwise you wont know you fucked up for like a month. have fun

>> No.16201038

sounds like your friend is a fucking pussy who cant respect psychedelics

>> No.16201042
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You make think I'm 'jokin when I say this, but I'm not.

When I took 105ug I started seeing nosebergs and shekelnoses everywhere... that damn pattern recognition enhancement... XD Truly, uncovering the veil behind normal reality......

>> No.16201058

>i would much rather pick them off the fields
so me being a slav, growing up, my grandparents took me mushroom hunting and when we got home, the mushrooms were soaked in salt water for a few hours and a shit ton of bugs and critters come out. do you have to do the same with wild shrooms?

>> No.16201072

also whats your opinion about buying spores from clearnet like hawkseye

>> No.16201081

this, mescaline on its own is completely different from a cactus extraction. there's tons of related compounds in trace quantities that affect the trip. think of how different strains of weed have different effects vs straight thc oil is pretty much the same high always

>> No.16201084

It's fine. The only way anyone would know is if you told them.

>> No.16201086
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Though their spores are a little more expensive than other sites, I'm pretty sure they have some good standards though because I never saw spores from there that had any contamination.

>> No.16201091

that doesn't mean anything for how it binds to the receptor. 4acodmt and 4podmt(psilocybin) are prodrugs for 4hodmt(psilocin), however what you describe about metabolism would affect the trip in terms of how fast that conversion takes place

>> No.16201103

You probably wouldn't experience this problem with psychoactive mushrooms, when they grow, they grow extremely fast, so if you find some in the wild, the chances that bugs had enough time to burrow into the fungi are slim, also the psychoactive properties are a natural defense against bugs, so again , it's unlikely that you would find a lot of them.

>> No.16201119

No he became completely irrational and delusional. Can’t interact with people because he makes up things in his head that are not true about people he interacts with and believes them. They usually make no logical sense.

>> No.16201127

Just a few doses over a month or so. He did a large dose one time but I don’t know which dose did what it if it was doing them repeatedly. It destroyed multiple lives.

>> No.16201660
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It's the derealization/depersonalisation, which is directly caused by shrooms, that fucks with people not "underlying mental illness".

>> No.16201749

how did he do it?

>> No.16201770
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That's what happens when peasants try to expand their minds. Stay in your lane, proles.

>> No.16201785

where do I find peyote cacti, southern AZ bros?

>> No.16202054


Why do you care what bizraelis think of your drug use

Biz approved drugs are adderall

>> No.16202086


>> No.16202138

Literally where the Fuck would you get the spores to cultivate these? It's 100% legal for me to grow in my state for personal use, bit if I were to order online, they would have to cross borders, which makes it federal domain, which it is illegal under.

>> No.16202146

You use it to sterilize the substrate. You don't even need it. It just lowers your contam risk a lot.

Not really. A plastic container is what, 5 dollars? You dont really need a tent or anything like that either. As long as you properly clean your environment, you can use a closet or a big drawer. You might want to buy a lamp though.

>> No.16202148

Spores are legal everywhere you dense fuck. Ofcourse you only ordered them to examine them with your microscope and the idea to actually cultivate them never crossed your mind

>> No.16202160

I'm pretty sure psilocybin spores spefically are regulated by the DEA, and if so is probably justified through some commerce clause bullshit. Show me proof otherwise.

>> No.16202171

Its definitely legal in europe, i dont give a fuck about goymerica

>> No.16202181

Well I wasn't fucking talking about Europe, so why are you butting in all hostile like? Douche.

>> No.16202231

>direct sunlight