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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16193713 No.16193713 [Reply] [Original]

Should I fomo into bsv? Is it going to replace btc in the future?

>> No.16193720

check CSW's last gig and decide accordingly, I think biz is 60/40 in favour of opinion that he won

>> No.16193733

>a memecoin with "announcements" and "partnerships"
>run by egomaniacs and faggots

>> No.16193754

It will be the only coin left long term. I personally don't think we will see much lower prices than now. You could dca over a few months to smooth out the risk

>> No.16193759


I have 25k sitting at the bank doing nothing rn. It feels like I am wasting every second that 25k doing nothing. I'm going to diversify it into 50% bsv, 20% eth, 20% xrp and 10% btc. What do you think?

>> No.16193769

Pajeet GTFO

>> No.16193779

50% bsv 50% xrp for absolute mental deficiency

>> No.16193796

I think it is stupid to diversify among coins. Bitcoin, bsv that is, is the only coin that works as promised. It is the only coin that will survive. If you want to diversify, then you go 50% bsv and put the rest in something other than crypto

>> No.16193805


>> No.16193834

Think what can work in next 5-10 years. Only ETH and BSV stay. But BSV has patents...

>> No.16193914


Good idea anon. They will all fluctuate and nothing is guaranteed to win out here.

Bsv is your biggest stack is bsv. Of all the coins its got the best chance of a scalable p2p e cash solution, and the development going on is crazy. Craig is a big pro and con at the same time because many in the industry dont want to work with him, and its really hard to explain some of the fud around several plagiarism claims. Otherwise he clearly has been talking the most sense about bitcoin and still a decent shout he is satoshi. Not that it matters if he isnt - (see unwriter et al).

I think bsv has a 10% chance of really making it globally and I expect at least 5 x opportunity worst case.

Xrp should have one or two more pumps if the rumours are correct about swift.

I think xrp has a 1% chance of actially making it and expect at least a 5 x opportunity worst case.

Btc - sure might as well have a bag. I mean they could always simply raise the blocksize couldnt they

Probably a 0.001% chance of actually making it, but might have already peaked

Eth - fair enough, lots of securities tokens being build on eth compatible private networks with instutions. If hell freezes over they might solve some of the problems and scale.

Prob a 0.00001% chance of making it, but will prob pump again at some point.

>> No.16193973

Are there as many bsv shills on plebbit? I'm genuinely considering fucking off from here

>> No.16193997

The most projection I’ve ever seen on /biz/. And that’s saying something.

>> No.16194002

Just stay on the highly curated and moderated boards r/btc and r/bitcoin. It's a great safe space for people who refuse to face the fact that Craig is Satoshi and BitCoin wil win

>> No.16194008


>> No.16194029

How is the Facebook partnership doing?

>> No.16194037

no, they can't be 'anonymous' and shill shite all day with 3 pajeets (thanks jannies), thus, they get rek and called for the scam street shitters they are. r/bsv is good, they love that sub

>> No.16194040

>Facebook partnership

>> No.16194262

/r/bsv is controlled by blockstream trannies.

/r/bitcoincashsv is the actual BSV sub. Don't fucking shit it up with bullshit or I will ram a fist up your ass.

>> No.16194285

you couldn't even get your own sub, could you
christ, even reddit fucking hates you wankers
fuck off to r/shitcoinscams
and fucking stay there, spamming cunts

>> No.16194310

Being generally liked by Reddit, a mindcontrol echochamber infested with armies of the most degenerate and bluepilled NPC leftists is not actually something desirable.

But I know that you love reddit Greg, it's the natural habitat of your people.

>> No.16194314

>Should I invest in Bitcoin, /biz?

>> No.16194321

brown ids ;)

>> No.16194344


>> No.16194348

>/r/bitcoincashsv is the actual BSV sub. Don't fucking shit it up with bullshit
yes, be a shame that. wouldn't it
was maybe more meaning, you (bsvjeets) have a natural talent for combining the unlikeliest of people. You are hated here, you are hated there, your hated every-fucking-where - well played. Maybe, a moral to all this, somewhere. One about not being arseholes 24/7, or something

>> No.16194391 [DELETED] 

>You are hated here
By who? A few seething Blockstream trannies?
Core cucks are not relevant to Bitcoin and is a dying breed

>> No.16194419

Only hated by kikes and their kike puppets like you.

If there were less kikes we wouldn't have a problem, would we

>> No.16194423

Gavin Andresen is the real Satoshi. Craig, Roger, Szabo, Vitalik and all the prominent members in crypto work for him. He's the mastermind behind it all. Gavin Andresen is an incarnated alien of unkown origin. He's battling an intergelatic multi-dimensional battle for the fate of the planet. The Fiat monetary system was put in place by reptiles as we all know by now. Other species have decided to jump into the battle. BSV is just a distraction to get all the people who don't believe in the core principles of BTC (open source, permisionless) invested in it and then wipe them clean, getting them out of the market.

>> No.16194431
File: 801 KB, 1117x1600, Asuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fomo now honey

>> No.16194447

>missing the joke

>> No.16194473

BSV is most definitely the future.
as anons suggested you should also get a bit of XRP and Tether (so you can easily buy more of the former 2 in case they dip significantly!)

>> No.16194487

yes, I'm sure you're loved by the silent majority really boys. the world simply cannot get enough pajeet-tier shill trash shoved up their forums. Luckily, we got you cunts to take up the slack tho

>> No.16194641

Go cry on leddit, maybe they will listen to your sob stories about 'de ebil bsvers'

>> No.16194704

what part of, you are spamming cunts who post endless fucking shite, and this annoys people, do you fail to understand ?
case in point: >>16194230 - utter fucking garbage
got fuck all to do with 'ebil bsvers', more the endless spamming of some of the most unimaginative shite ever seen on these forums, which was not a high bar to begin with. tldr, you bore, continuously, now fuck off

>> No.16194734

Do you unironically not understand how to use filters? I can show you if you ask nicely

>> No.16194776

I've got at present normally 10-15 bsv trash in hidden, half of which would have got round most or all filters. As above, it is also just spamming fucking trash no cunts wants. And while its pissing in an ocean of piss, its still way fucking overboard. enough now, and I'm hardly the only cunt saying it.

>> No.16194948

Dont pretend to speak for everyone you unhinged tranny. No one cares about your mentally ill rants. Filter or gtfo. Retard.

>> No.16195060

am I claiming to speak 'for everyone'
NO - then stfu you fucking cocksocket
>>16194230 - you boys REALLY have some obsession with trannies going on tho . Maybe you been here too long already

>> No.16195258

>Blockstream trannies infest every single bsv thread with their fud
>gets called out for it
>AAAAAAAAA why are you so obsessed with us
Do you see where you went wrong?

>> No.16195342

if you woke up one day, and found a herd of pajeets shitting in your garden, being advised to fence ever-increasing parts of it off so the pajeets can shit further undisturbed, thats NOT going to happen, as I'm sure you'd agree. Theres a bsv general - sure if you more or less stuck to that, you'd more or less get left in peace. But given even the OP of that complains about bsv shills shitting up the place, thats unlikely. You been asked nicely now to stop with the absolute fucking trash posting. Because when you don't stop fucking up the entire board with absolute shite, you are going to get fucked up back. With interest. Good day

>> No.16195344

Gregory read my lips:


>> No.16195359

why do you write so much and boring?
No one's gonna read that shit