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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16191492 No.16191492 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I want to beat the shit out of him everytime I see his face?

>> No.16191496


>> No.16191509

No, I don’t feel jealous when I see Dan Bilzerian, Evan Spiegel and other billionaires

>> No.16191587

youre programmed to hate the player and not the game

>> No.16191600

you have asberger syndrome

>> No.16192010

Because you're a dumb fucking jew who can't handle a white guy being worth billions of dollars?

>> No.16192181

Probably cause he's some old boomer that still uses old tactics that only work because he's loaded with money. He's like your stereotypical old professor in college that still doesn't know how to use powerpoint and never adapted to the new age.

>> No.16192206


>> No.16192242
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>> No.16192628

Player is the game, you think the game make itself?

>> No.16192698

Ultimate boomer, even though he was born before the war.

>> No.16192721

Definite retard tier post.

My grandmother was born in the early 1930s. The difference in mentality being born and being a child in a nation at war is completely different than the boomers. All the people I know in the silent generation are super savy savers who stock their refrigerator with enough supplies to survive a year if their local grocery store closes but they still somehow have power in their hose.

>> No.16192734

>the silent generation are super savy savers who stock their refrigerator with enough supplies to survive a year if their local grocery store closes
Actually this does sound like Buffet

>> No.16192742
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because he pretends to be a cute little old man who lives a modest lifestyle and drinks coca cola, the "everyman's" billionaire, but he's actually signed on to the population reduction agenda


>> No.16192776 [DELETED] 

youre probably trolling but in case youre not, its called asperger syndrome and its named after hans asperger who discovered it in the 1940s.

children with asperger's are usually very smart with a high iq. i myself have asperger syndrome and a high iq. I always seemed smarter than most of my classmates was often referred to as a genius by teachers. But now in my mid 30s i feel pretty slow and stupid with no memory after having 5 traumatic brain injuries and experimenting with mdma and psychedelics from ages 18-20.

i didnt mean to type so much...

he started rich and got in the stock market extremely early. i dont know why you want to harm him.

>> No.16193059


Because he's a boomer supreme who's worth more than a small nation, and he still drinks Coke and eats McDonald's. Imagine being able to eat or drink literally anything you please, anytime you please, and you choose to continue consuming poison that doesn't even taste good.

There's something wrong with him.

>> No.16193092

Jealousy. If I were you, I'd become a billionaire like him and beat the shit out of his kids and rape his grandkids.

>> No.16193198

Did you even read the article you linked retard

>> No.16193384

with enough money and some IQs you too can live the same way

he failed allot in his life but people with money supported him until he got it right

>> No.16193406

because he pretends to be a folsky humble "aw shucks" all american geezer who drinks coke and lives in the same house his whole life, but in reality is a shrewd, cunning snake of a man who is ok with letting thousands of workers lose their livelihood and retirement savings if the ROI isn't good enough for him, just like every other billionaire

>> No.16193525

because he realizes he is running out of time on this planet and wants to be remembered as a good guy. ive learned a lot from him but every life must come to an end

>> No.16193544

>how to use powerpoint
Why do yo think he should know how to you powerpoint?

>> No.16193549

He's literally the generation we should be blaming, not so much the boomers. His generation preceded the boomers and were the 'older brothers' that should have helped guide the boomers in a better direction but simply led the way to degeneracy

>> No.16193559


>> No.16193622

He's a cheap jew

>> No.16193694
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Because he epitomizes boomer

>> No.16194359

He's a shrewd greedy man with a great PR team.

>> No.16194383

He's a evil boomer

Not only does he peddle diabetes (coca cola, DQ etc) he also has huge stakes in diabetes medicines

Truly a fucking scumbag