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16191446 No.16191446 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've recently been presented with what seems like an incredible opportunity. It only requires minimal work, and the reward is amazing. With that said, it is risky. I would definitely appriciate some advice from everyone, especially if you have ever been involved in something like this before. Anyway, without further delay, heres the basic scenario:

An new cutting edge company has the following job opening: They need people who will go to a specified location every morning at 4:30 AM. The location will be the same every day. You then pick up an enormous pot of hot oats. It weighs about 30 lbs, but it has a lid on it that is snapped shut so that it won't spill. There are two handles on the side of the pot that do not get hot at all. However the rest of the pot is extremely hot due to the scalding hot oats inside of it. You must hold it away from your body to prevent from being burned badly. This can be difficult due to the weight of the pot, but as long as you are careful, you will never get hurt.

Your job is to move the pot 1 mile in distance. There is a painted white line that you must follow, and you must stay within 2 ft of that line at all times. The line is completely straight- no tricky turns or anything like that. The tricky part is that speed is an issue. You are not timed, but there will be multiple supervisors watching over you. Should you not give maximum effort each and every day, then you will be fired. You do not need to be in great shape; You just need to give maximum effort. And coincidentally, you probably will get in better shape from doing this each day. A few other rules: You must be on time each day, you may not be intoxicated in any way when you show up, you may not wear socks.

>> No.16191447

Now, I can hear you all asking now: And they're really going to pay $1 million for this service? Not exactly....they pay $47,619 per year. But wait! Don't click that back button just yet! I meant it when I said $1 million....they will give you $1 million up front, and then you are locked into a 21 year contract doing this. The only way you can break the contract is if you have a doctor's note saying that you are so sick/ill/injured that doing this job may result in death. Otherwise, you must perform, no matter what your condition. Should you break the contract, you must repay the $1 million no matter how far into the 21 year you are. So obviously there is some risk here.

So what happens after 21 years? After 21 years, you are eligible for the role of supervisor. However, it is not easy to get this position at all. They will only accept a limited number of supervisors, and it will be determined using a pyramid type scheme: For every person that you bring into the program, you will get 10 points. And then if that person, in turn, brings a person into the program, you get 9 points. And so on down, until you get 1 point at the 10th stage. Supervisor positions will be handed out solely based upon points accumulated during your 21 year career. And this is where the big money is at! $1 million will be nothing to you once you have attained this status. If you are not selected to be a supervisor, then you may continue to do the regular job, only this time you are not obligated to sign any contract, and you may take 2 unpaid vacation days per year.

The following is a list of cities where these jobs are opening. Note that there are no requirements as far as living in the city to be selected, but obviously the commute will be an issue for some, so you may even want to move to a new house to make your new job more enjoyable.

New City, NY, USA
Yuma, AZ, USA

That is all for now, but more will be added soon, including non-U.S. cities.

>> No.16191456

Now, as I said, I'm looking for some advice on this situation. At first glance it seems like a no-brainer- A million bucks for only a few minutes of work per day! But I wonder how difficult it would be to not miss a day at all if your name isn't Cal Ripken. What does everyone think are the pros and cons of this scenario?

Now let me be clear on one thing: This is legit. While I am unsure on whether or not it is a great opportunity, I know several very trust-worthy people who have backed this. This is not some scam to get you to deliever oats. Everything I have said is true and there are no hidden catches.

Right now I think I'm going to go for it. I play poker full time now, so I have no problems with just staying up until 4:30 every day playing. Either that or just go out and get drunk and then show up drunk to this "job." It would suck to not be able to take vacations, but I guess some sacrifices must be made. Anyway, I'm going to think it over a bit and get some more input from people. But I'll probably do it, so I'd like to start building my supervisor points now, so if you're interested then I'd love to have you sign up under me.

I have a meeting to get more information set up soon, and after that I'll have to interview if I want the job. I'll listen to some advice here and then make my decision. TIA for any help.

>> No.16191467
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Tldr Op is fegit

>> No.16191531
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So you actually are considering this 1 mile with a hot pot of oats...for a 21 year contract are you brain dead this is the most stupidest contract I have ever heard of.

>straight white line.
so this line is going to be arbitrarily placed on a map and you have to follow through?

>> No.16191561

I would take the contract and I already have some pathology that will make me free of this job.
But if you intend to work this for 21 years, nobody said that you cannot use some heat-protected suit. So I would take this suit, take pot and run a mile as fast as I can.

>> No.16191794

You are kidding right?
Take a million, invest wisely into crypto. Take out $1.5million, return to work and give them back $1 million.

I mean....isn't that logical?