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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16189110 No.16189110 [Reply] [Original]

So how much do you consider “Fuck you money” to be?

I think that’s 20 million plus in my country (Japan)

>> No.16189139

200 million dollars.
If you just have 20 mil, people can still rip you apart, unless you stay in your backwoods hometown.

>> No.16189155

Realistically 250MM+ for 'oops, I crashed my ferrari into your house and squished your newborn while intoxicated on xanax and running from the cops but i only have to do 50 hours of community service as punishment' levels of "fuck you money." At least in the USA.

>> No.16189167

20million yen or 20 million dollars? If dollars then ya I agree

>> No.16189191
File: 292 KB, 1536x2048, 1571426892034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you 1k LINK if you can find me a girl like this

>> No.16189229
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I got my book smarts from my economics classes,

and my street smarts, from 4chan

>> No.16189246
File: 62 KB, 660x525, 1DDB96DF-C0AE-4482-B8E9-C6202E26A87D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Fu” ID

>> No.16189258

Kek confirms by ID

>> No.16189316

My bad niggy I meant dollars (USD)

>> No.16189328

Forgot to add you in the reply.

I can find you girls like that in 2 minutes even if you are ugly as shit.

>> No.16189349

For me probably 1 million but I could ball out pretty hard with 250k.

>> No.16189353

What do you mean by > people can rip you apart?

>> No.16189359

i could live comfy with 500k euros by just living from the dividends and interest

>> No.16189398

Are you serious??
Please explain

>> No.16189678

Separate you from your money, social status, family. It can even happen to the extremely wealthy. Reality is there is no such thing as "fuck you money", just varying sizes of fish.

>> No.16189830

True but if you let that happen to you then your kind of to blame you need to put security around yourself. It’s like hanging out with a heroin addict and then being mad he stole from you.

>> No.16189896

Fuck you money is walking away from your job money.
France, 5 million.

>> No.16189934

rentfree house, i can study again anytime so i will have to pay only 90 euros for healthcare, all capital gains are only taxed with 25%. live in a rural area.

so basically i could live comfy with 5% gains per year

>> No.16189952

>walking away from your job
Nah, that's what we call "making it".

>> No.16189956

Lump sum or passive income per year?

>> No.16189963

literally paid a tenth of that for hotter girls in australia and japan

>> No.16190716

How are you going to get 5%?
Also isn’t that like living minimum wage in most places? Sounds pretty shit.

>> No.16190772

I'm an OzFag in Sydney - and I'd agree. 20M USD is about right. About 100M for 'flop your cock out and cum on the face of the world' money though

>> No.16190990

What’s considered middle class in Australia? Just curious and don’t give me your weird Australian dollars tell me in USD

>> No.16191006

There is no such thing as fuck you money. It's a lie peddled to keep you motivated enough to stay on the hamster wheel.

>> No.16191040

Ok broke ass bum go take a shower or something. We are about that bread here!

>> No.16191052

Absolutely not true. If you own your property outright and don’t need to work for someone else, and that’s forever, that is fuck you money

>> No.16191053

you sound like a nigger

>> No.16191113

Lol is rapper culture popular in Japan now?

>> No.16191429

It’s a joke

Yeah the cute thing is going out of style this happens before in the 80s too when everyone wanted to be a real American here it’s just fads you know?

>> No.16191487

2M FRM (ferrum) and i'm good for 2020.

>> No.16191606

Quit shilling and just answer the question

>> No.16191613

Hi my little Japanman. How it's there? I'm from Finland.
How old are you?

Can you tell if Japan is good country. I'm thinking about moving there because Finland has too much Mohammeds.

>> No.16191704

make it money is 20 mill
rich is between 2 and 20 mill
middle is between 500k and 2 mill
shit tier is less than 500k
poor is < 100k