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File: 123 KB, 999x534, isfQLBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16184828 No.16184828 [Reply] [Original]

Throw every single $ you can muster into BAT.
You have a shot at life changing opportunity, don't waste it.

>> No.16185147

BAT only has value if it turns into a ''internet'' currency.
Paying at your local 7-11 with BAT would be a nice start

>> No.16185440

~$100b that's how valuable Brave will be in the next 5 years. Take loans, sell stuff you don't need and throw it all into BAT.

>> No.16185571

I downloaded the browser yesterday and have been using it ever since. Not a single ad yet.

>> No.16185629

Guys, there is now an OS that rewards users with crypto. Additionally chrome, safari, opera or firefox etc. (Or a browser extension like coil or Hedera) could easily launch their own coins or adopt a crypto like Libra. Finally, platforms like instagram could launch their own tokens. Brave is a step in the right direction but could easily be pushed out of the space by establishment players.

>> No.16185739

They could, but haven't, or haven't as successfully.
Most companies often cited in this argument run diametric business models to BAT / Brave. It would be a considerable pivot to make, something large established companies struggle to do and rarely succeed at.

Additionally, we can't reasonably assume because X company is a market leader in their field, that they could become market leaders in another. The Brave team is a pretty formidable lineup with a good track record and a product that is growing solidly (i think above their own predictions even). It' not hard to see some quality work done by these guys. Current trajectory is fairly good.

>> No.16185826

And it has its foot in the door, who knows where it goes from here, I don't know what innovations they make in the upcoming years, but you have to assume they will advance a lot further than simple push notifications

I'm no expert obviously, but if you HAD to invest in something based only on fundamentals then surely BAT would be in your top 3

>> No.16185912

If you had to invest based in fundamentals it would be chainlink, universa, xrp

>> No.16185938

Most people aren't going to download another browser, they might install an extension though.

>> No.16186021

brave wallets are literally leaking, funds disappearing for no reason. i didnt have much, but who trusts anything with a self-decreasing wallet. dont give a shit about bat anymore

>> No.16186030

god thats weak fud....honestly who even fuds against bat? its not like there are any pajeet competitors.

>> No.16186114
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue buying BAT until this JUST'd token hits $1.

>> No.16186302

Many reports of this from retards who don't know how to read. You earn bar from ads, you also earn it from GRANTS. those grants have experiations on them, usually a month or two. If not used in that time to tip it disappears.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the attention to detail from users of the pajeet coin

>> No.16186631

>people too dumb to figure out how free money works are getting into BAT
bullish af

>> No.16186645

i just dont want to give away the money i earned

>> No.16186765

Does BAT have any sponsorships for game developers?

>> No.16186824

Building something like decentraland for bat would be an awesome idea.

the other thing I think would work well is like a fiverr / mechanical turk for bat......i'd totally pay a pajeet 2 bat to do simple data cleanup / graphic design basics