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16181547 No.16181547 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of just throwing buzz words around I would recommend you start actually reading and learning about Bitcoin. Start with these to which touches on your favorite buzz-words. When you are done with those two, there are hundreds of more great articles penned by Satoshi himself on that site. Protip: Put away your emotions and don't see this as a fight where you are protecting your honor. Just accept this has nothing to do with you personally. Bitcoin just is what it is, and you have the chance to learn from one of the greatest mind of our time. It's like living at the same time as Tesla and it's frickin' exhilarating if you manage to switch from defend mode to learning mode


>> No.16181558

when will you take your own advice and actually educate yourself? start with the archives here the sv fags have been btfo too many times yet they never seem to learn.

>> No.16181572
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They want us divided

They want us using small blocks

They want digital gold

They want fee markets

They want various honeypots, scandals and forks

They don't want immutable data

They don't want sub-cent microtransactions

They don't want us to scale past them

But it's happening

And we're winning

If you don't like it?


>> No.16181578
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Relying on subsidies is retarded

>> No.16181583

Also get in the general


>> No.16181841



Remember this?

> “I am about to demonstrate a signing of a message with the public key that is associated with the first transaction ever done on bitcoin”

I don’t understand why is he saying recently “I will sign after proving in court” or “I refuse to sign as satoshi” lol. lol. Wasn't that bbc fake stunt supposed to be real? hahaha

> “I don’t want money! I don’t want fame! I don’t wan adoration”

> “I will never do an interview ever again!”


seems legit right goys?

Here the guy from bbc with his impressions, he was face to face with that clown: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zxMU4C6bGKw

> there will be no split
bch splits

> i will destroy bch
bch not destroyed

> btc will be $0 eoy 2018
btc $4000 eoy 2018

> i am satoshi
can’t sign a simple fucking message

> says I will sign after proving in court or “i refuse to sign” but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

> submits a list of addresses of some fake tulip trust bullshit to court...
one of the addresses he claimed was signed by the real owner with a message saying the address is not belonging to this craig clown

> unlawfully registers a copyright on btc white paper and code in a stunt to cause a dump on btc
btc doesnt flintch

> next day copyright office confirms they didnt confirm this clown is satoshit and reaffirms that anyone can register anything with them
ultra fail

> gets sued over 1 Million bitcoins that never existed from some made up fake tulip trust shit using a dead guys name in the process

> loses the lawsuit and now has billions of dollars to pay to the dead guy brother of bitcoins that never existed

> some brainlets compare this piece of trash with trump, but trump is a winner
this clown is a loser

This fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.

>> No.16181852

the fee argument is a good example. sv cucks like to tout it because they never do the math. the math says sv is fucked. miners get a thousand times more from fees on btc than sv at same block size. full blocks guarantee bitcoins survival.

>> No.16181926

the other important thing that is fucked about sv is miners are heavily incentivized to prune. ie never store more than a few full blocks. that means nobody will pay to store data on sv so that they can either never retrieve it or have to pay for a provider to retrieve it. the business model is unsound. the incentives are wrong.

it's also a perversion of the protocol to use it as an immutable garbage heap of stale data instead of ordering financial transactions.

what do sv cucks have left? oh yeah turing completeness via wolfram 101 machine cellular automaton where if you can write infinitely long script you can theoretically calculate any problem... oh that's practical let's compile a 156 terabyte long chunk of shitty impossible to review code instead of a 3 line loop in a truly turing complete script like solidity! fantastic innovation this will surely change the world! oh and it can only run one tx at a time it's an open ended contract not a proper smart contract that lives on the blockchain no sir.

sv is more fucked than a whorehouse on saturday night.

>> No.16181957

I wonder how much blockstream pays you. Probably not a lot because your copy pasta formatting is garbage.

>> No.16182041

>ie never store more than a few full blocks.

That's a feature not a bug. Why should YouTube have to keep Reddit and Spotify's on chain data?

>> No.16182061
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yes we should all learn ONE new thing everyday (more would be too much). Here is todays new word to increase your vocabulary - especially apt for bsv'ers, enjoy !
>t. pedagogue

>> No.16182075

>That's a feature
not if you advertise your shit as immutable not to mention keeping full chain of signatures as opposed to segwit right? it's fucked with capitals FUCKED