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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16181073 No.16181073 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight, on Unsolved /biz/ Mysteries,

In November 2018, a renegade con artist named Craig Wright, proclaiming himself to be the sole creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, launched his own crypto coin, calling it BSV. Soon after, a shadowy group of Indian cyber-mercenaries engaged in a blitzkrieg campaign of terror through Mongolian Sock Puppetry imageboards throughout the net, proclaiming Wright to be the real Satoshi. Through their ruthless use of forced memes, poor English, and lack of toilet paper, they have left a wake of destruction behind them, wiping out what once were places for autistic NEETs to feel safe in, forcing them out and leaving them with nowhere to turn. Just who is behind this coordinated campaign of cyber terror, and why does the shilling only happen at the same time every day?

Join me, perhaps you may be able to help solve a mystery.

>> No.16181101
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Cope harder blocklet faggot
BSV will return Bitcoin to Genesis

>> No.16181149

The bsv shilling all started at once
He paid some pajeets or that one bsv dev who looks like a biz shitposter anyway

>> No.16181161
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>> No.16181191
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Deluded as usual, enjoy your toxic life

>> No.16181202
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>> No.16181214

I really like this

>> No.16181604
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>> No.16181612
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Greasy-haired trailer trash. Just goes to show you can scrub a cunt up good but you can’t good a scrubbed up cunt

>> No.16181978

Meanwhile the bcash shilling has stopped completely. Clearly those faggots got a new job shilling bcash sv.

>> No.16182149

Faketoshi is banned from Twitter
Faketoshi is banned from Plebbits
Now, he's here with Pajeets Army with non stop shilling.

Jannie should ban All BSV Pajeets and threads.

>> No.16182420

Should, but won't.

>> No.16182484

Same Indian call center likely, it was Craig's operation from the start and they just transferred over to the BSF shitcoin.

>> No.16182489
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Buy link

>> No.16182558
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Funny how Blockstream shill "forget" that Adam admitted they use a "large team" of full time employees to astroturf online to fit Gregs fake narrative. Kind of unbelievable how nonchalantly he stated this as fact.

https://www.giac.org/certified-professional/craig-wright/107335 CSW is based internet police officer, literally our guy.
https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74se80/wikipedia_admins_gregory_maxwell_of_blockstream/ rothbardian anarchists are unironically supporting this human swine, total garbage sold out psycho admitted by wikipedia admins!

>> No.16182576


>> No.16182583

This posts reeks of fecal matter and curry

>> No.16182595
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Fuck off, this is not my mothertongue.
Im scandinavian and more pure than any of you amerimutts.

>> No.16182604

Your English is shit and so are you, you street shitting sub-human, get a real job

>> No.16182606

>based Groog
>inventor of astroturfing
see, bsvs actual problem, as with most things - your shills (and shilling) is so blatant, incompetent and originality-free, it just annoys the shit out of everyone. Instead of getting your ideas across, its now an automatic association - bsv = annoying lying spamming fucking pajeets. Which is fair enough because, thats exactly what you are
>Im scandinavian
you mean, your current IP is ?

>> No.16182660
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My grammar is sufficient enought for shit talks with anarchist scum.
You are nothing but toxic ad homos trying to kill original Bitcoin, shame!

>> No.16182695

If I was Craig I would fire you, holy shit you suck at shilling, even for an Indian

>> No.16182742

you admitted changing IPs on another thread >>16181828
YET here, in the same time frame, you still got the same IP ? Care to explain ? Any grammar you like..

>> No.16182793
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I dont work for anyone unlike you weak little bitch!
Possibility to be independent is one beautiful aspects of Bitcoin.
BSV can provenly scale while retaining solution to byzantine generals problem, unlike Blockstreams kike shit (BTC+LN) that cant even scale!

Again, im more white than any of amerimutts out there, so stop these fucktard insults.
Its proven fact that your leader Adam Back admitted they hired large team of full time shills, probably Pajeets, so show some respect even for your own brothers!

>> No.16182835

I have not posted in that thread.

>> No.16182851

yes, Today On /biz/ is JUST especially busy with IP changing 'Scandinavian' bsv shils. My mistake, please, do carry on